Definition of Creativity

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Definition of Creativity -

definition of creativity

Eureka Education. After pickers (Kaufman et al, 08: the interaction between talent or intelligence. 1) is, creativity, environment and process, so that a person or a group to be able to produce new and useful. Creativity can also be interpreted as a series of individual attitudes and skills that are oriented ideas and original (Fisher in Anita Isa and Jamil Ahmad, 2012) to produce. Creativity starts with creative thinking to generate ideas to solve problems, to improve, to increase productivity, to improve the effectiveness and the value (in Maimunah Anita Isa and Jamil Ahmad, 2012). Edward de Bono defines creativity as an attempt at a different angle to think, to find a new alternative for a phenomenon.

creativity are creating new patterns and combines information from previous experiences (Hurlock, 1999: 4). Creativity makes someone a composition that can produce the product, or an idea of ​​what is basically a new and previously unknown author. Creativity can imaginative activity and the synthesis of thought that perangkuman not only in the form.

There are so many definitions of creativity, but tidakada any acceptable definition of universal Sevara. After Rhodes (in Isaksen and quoted by Munandar Utami, 2012: 20), as a rule formulated dalamnistilah personal creativity ( person ), processes and products. Creativity can also be viewed on the personal circumstances and environment that ( press ) to the individual creative behavior promotes. Rhodes mentions the four types defined creativity as " Four P creativity: Person, Process and Product Press )".

a.Definisi person
creativity is a unique meeting point between three psychological characteristics: intelligence, cognitive styles and personality or motivation. These three attributes help to understand what lies behind the creative people.

intelligence includes verbal skills, think smooth ( Velocity ), knowledge, planning, problem formulation, the formulation of strategies, mental representation, decision-making skills and balance and the integration of general intellectual. Cognitive or intellectual style of someone who Convention looseness of fastening creative show creates its own rules to do things his own way, as the problem is not structured, enjoys writing and design. This cognitive style leads to creative thinking originality . Dimensions of personality or motivational include flexibility, tolerance for ambiguity, the urge for success and recognition, persistence in the face of obstacles, and moderate risk development.

Add Munandar Utami (2012: 35) reported that a creative child curious usually had broad interests, and love indulgence and creative activities. In addition to creative child also quite independent and self-confidence. They are more willing to take risks, it means to do something for them, is very useful and important is to shake off criticism and ridicule from others. Creative children are not afraid to make mistakes and to express opinions, even if it can not be approved by the other person.

b.Definisi process
, the definition of the creative process is the famous definition of Torrance. After Torrance in Utami Munandar (2012: 21):

" ... the process of 1) Sensor Problems, problems, information gaps, missing elements, asked a question; 2) production of conjectures and hypotheses on reviews to formulate these defects; 3) the evaluation and testing verified these conjectures and hypotheses; 4) where appropriate, revise and re-tested them; finally and communication the results . " The definition of creativity is basically the steps in the scientific method is similar to the search for the problem to deliver results, covering the entire creative process and scientific.

c.Definisi Article
The concept of creative products emphasize originality (Munandar Utami, 2012: 21). According to Barron in Munandar Utami (2012: 21), creativity is the ability to produce something new or create. But not all of the product must be new, creative products can also form new combinations as Häfele reveals that creativity is the ability to create new combinations that have social significance. From these definitions emphasized Häfele that a creative product must not only new, but also useful.

Basemer and Treffinger (Munandar Utami, 2012: 41-42) suggests that creative products can be divided into three categories, namely: 1) novelty (novelty) ; 2) resolution (resolution); and 3) Detail (drafting) and synthesis. Novelty is the extent to which the product is re-involved in the quantity and spacious new processes, new techniques, new materials, new concepts in terms of the court or field, the impact from the product of the creative product in the future.

Original means that the product under the man-made with the same experience and training products provide rare and also a surprise. Solving (resolution) in terms of the degree of the extent to which the product conforms to the requirements of a problem. Elaboration and synthesis refers to the degree or extent to which products that combine elements that are identical or similar in a sophisticated and coherent whole are not (last logical).

d.Definisi Press
Factor press or encouragement can create either internal drive in the form of a wish or, participates creative and encouragement. Environmental external social and psychological

Kusumaningrum, Sih. for science process skills to improve in 2015 Development of scientific instruments based learning approach to learning model PPA and Creativity Student Class X. Theses . In postgraduate UNY
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