Understand learning According to experts

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Understand According to experts learn

Eureka Education. learning is a necessity that can not be avoided by all. Each study is a generate knowledge new or additional knowledge, previously there. Pengetehuan is used by humans as a toolmaker with the largest number in the world, to improve the standard and quality of life.

In Indonesian Dictionary, means the result that something has been done so far as has been achieved has. After Abdurrahman (1999: 37) Learning Outcomes:

"Learning is influenced by intelligence and mastery of children through learning and teaching Receive the child's ability by learning activities.".

Learning is a process, of both humans and animals can be seen. In a simple learning a process of living things is won their behavior based on the experiences change. It is also expressed by Gage (1984), stating that learning is a process in which an organism changes its behavior as a result of experience. Learn Experience in the life of a person to do something, or take an action premised is, is a result of the learning process.

While Henry E. Garrett believes that learning is a process that lasts for a long time through practice and experience that leads to change and the way in responding to a certain stimulus change. Then Lester D. Crow suggests learning is an attempt to acquire the habits, knowledge and attitudes. Learning is successful when a person is able to repeat the material they have learned, then "memorization" learning called. Then, when they have learned, it is able to come and to be expressed in their own language, it is called "over learning"

are in line with the wording of the above there is also another interpretation of the study, stating that learning is a process of change in behavior is individual behavior through interaction with the environment. Learning can also be interpreted as a process performed by individuals to learn new behavioral changes as a whole, as a result of individual experience itself with the environment in interaction. Learning is defined as a process of change in attitude and behavior after the interaction with learning resources. Learning resources can books, neighborhood, teachers and others. While this Gredler (1986) claimed that the process of changing attitudes and behaviors that are substantially in an artificial environment (experimental) and very little dependent on the natural situation (reality ) Has. Therefore, a supportive learning environment to be created so that this learning process can be carried out optimally.

learning can be defined as the process someone to gain the skills, abilities and attitudes. Oemar Hamalik (01) explains in his book that "Learning a modification or behavior through experience reinforce (learning as changing or reinforcing behavior is defined by experienced)." According to this understanding, learning is a process, an activity and not a result or goal. Learning, not only remember, but broader than that, the experience. The results of the study not to change a command of the drill, but the behavior. This understanding is very different in another sense of learning that learning is gaining knowledge; Learning exercises are habit forming machines and so on.

What learning as a process, Muhibbin (03) suggests that learning an activity of the process, and is a member of the accomplishment of any type and level of training is fundamental. This means that the success or failure to achieve the goal of education in the learning process of students learn depends to a large extent, both when he was in school and in the home environment or his own family

The idea that learning changes in a includes organisms, means learning takes time and a place. Learning to close the case if there were indications that human behavior as a result of the learning process is changing. The main objective of the study is the verbal behavior of the man, the human capacity, information about science is to be detected, it is replaced in the study.

on these descriptions Based, then learning in general can be understood as a stage for change throughout the individual behavior relatively sedentary as a result of experience and interaction with the environment, changes in cognitive (knowledge) caused, psychomotor (skills) and affective (behavior).

Results of the study shows to learn something, the ability of the learner. This is consistent with the opinion of Purwanto (2011), stating that the learning process is a unique and complex process. This uniqueness disebakan for learning outcomes occur only in people who learn not to others. The people have the potential kejiawaan behavior that can be formed and changed behavior, the area includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor. cause learning behavior changes in the three areas of the test results is a change in behavior in the field of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

Furthermore, according to Gagne and Driscoll in Djamaah (00: 126) argues learning outcomes is the skills of students due to the act of learning and can be observed by the appearance of the pupil (leartner of power). Meanwhile, according to Dick and Reiser in Djamaah (00: 126) says that the learning outcomes are the skills of students as a result of learning activities. They differ learning outcomes top four types :. Knowledge, intellectual skills, motor skills and Settings

The definition of learning outcomes by Sagala (06: 23) , the results of study is phenomena observed as a result of learning. Slip skill-intellectual skills that enable a person with the environment through the use of symbols or ideas, strategies cognitive processes of control and grouped by function. "
Benjamin Bloom in dividing learning outcomes in three areas, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
  1. Sphere cognitive terms learning outcomes mental consisting of enem aspects, knowledge or memory, comprehension, application, analysis . synthesis and evaluation
  2. affective domain in terms of attitudes and values ​​attitudes and values ​​-. which in his attitude expressed values ​​every day Therefore assessment of affective aspect is performed by conducting a review of behavior that income. included, participation, organization, and value properties.
  3. Sphere psychomotor regarding learning outcomes skills and abilities act. There are six aspects of the psychomotor domain of reflexes, basic motor skills , perception, accuracy, movement and the complex skills of expression and interpretation movement (A.Suriyati, 08).
Purwanto. 2011 Evaluation Study . Yogyakarta: Student Library.
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