education and understanding Education
Eureka Education . Education is the currency that is valid in all places and at all times. This saying is it an idea of how important the role of education for all. An educated would be welcome to live in the community as something on a formed are able to survive under the barbarians who are not educated.
Etymologically formation comes from the Greek "Pedagogie "derived from the word" again "is Pais" and ". Lexical means that education is advice or assistance that adults had been given to children, so that he will grow up. Own maturity will be determined by the extent of their own culture. A child in the world is born, has no culture at all. Parents, especially mothers, is that most people first took to the survival of the child. In this context, parental education be interpreted as granting a legacy of life for the child.
in practice While some experts argue about education, education, a business with learning is connected as a form of business by someone in order to survive with the environment, performed. Mudyaharjo (01) interpret the more specific level, which is a form of teaching, which was held as a formal institution in the school.
John Dewey, Edgar dalle and M. J. made separately claims that education tida hany adilakukan in the classrooms in the form of formal Longeveled. Education includes all forms of corporate learning experiences for children at every opportunity. The parents also participated perbahan attitude and a process bearing in child survival efforts to acquire. In cultural studies, as emphasized at the beginning, the company has been a part of the education of the child. Culture that influenced emerged from pole-community interaction within a certain range, as meaningful culture are obtained.
Educational close relationship with the process learn and get learning experience . Method mebuat someone who does not know at first, knowing and initially less to master capable.
Charles E. Silberman argued Education and teaching is another matter. Teaching is on the efforts rely intellectual learners to improve. While education is an attempt to develop aspects of personality and human capabilities as a whole, that is, the cognitive, affective and psychomotor. In IIndonesiasendiri developed Aspect consists of four aspects, namely, spiritual, affective, cognitive and psychomotor reflects Curriculum 2013 Education has a broader meaning of the teaching, but teaching is a very precise tool in training. So teaching is a part of education.
training may be divided into constructs and operational. The theory of education is the knowledge about the importance of education and how to implement them, while operational training is training in concrete implementation. Theory and practice should not be separated. So who is involved in the training, should be familiar with these two things.
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