Model Curriculum Development
Eureka Education . In the implementation of the curriculum, a state has a model of the development of each in general. Some experts have suggested different types of models for curriculum development. The model itself in the theory related, which discusses the general curriculum and its operationalization. Through its model of development of this curriculum, it can be used in pengembanagn curriculum or as a reference as a reference in a country, the understanding of the application of the curriculum. Here we will discuss some models of curriculum development, inter alia:
1 . Tyler curriculum development Model (1970)
Tyler explains that there are four things that must be considered when developing the curriculum, among other things, to achieve the educational goals related; Learning to achieve goals; Organizing learning experiences; and associated with the development of the evaluation. The curriculum model developed is based on the central pattern. To achieve the objectives of the curriculum of Tyler deals with the purpose of education is meant is to be simultaneously achieved is also of this state embracing educational theories together.
Generally Tyler describe some models of the curriculum, including: Discipline Oriented This curriculum is used when the target is the academic skills of learners. The curriculum is oriented so that the learners master the scientific disciplines. To announce the success of the training or curriculum by studying the students to the discipline of science. In addition, the children led the center Tyler standing models, with regard to curriculum focus on the learner. This model is known to be more humane than Diciplin Oriented because orientation to understand not only students of science, but based on the development of personality and skills of learners. Different Centered Society, which orient the development of society in a better direction. So that education is not removed in this case from the dynamics of society. Education organized based on the needs of the community. What is gained by education, as far as possible uses for the development of society. In addition, members of the community are involved in monitoring the training.
Later, when talking about a learning experience that Tyler mean is that to orient curricula to develop learning ability of students to understand the subject matter that he can get. Thus, with the experience he has, he will be able to develop in a sustainable way. The point is for the organization of the learning experience together. Teachers should think and plan learning experiences what it is to be given to the learners. Organized learning experience that will help learners to understand the subject matter learned.
Simply put, the learning experience is itself divided into three forms, namely mental experiences learning to the development of knowledge of learners in the context; physical learning experiences for the development of knowledge and skills of learners in the context; and social learning within the context of activities to learn the social dynamics given, so that what is learned when he was in school, can not be separated from the daily dynamics. This learning experience, appearing expectations knowledge of learners to have, also to tackle the problems it is experiencing everyday. So it stands to reason that the teachers provide an adequate learning experience to help the students to the subject.
Further Tyler warned about the rating. Evaluation plays an important role in the passage of a program. In this case, Tyler warned that necessary in curriculum development, assess the curriculum, which was maintained. will be obtained about the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum So by the evaluation that have been executed. Through this evaluation, the government will be able to determine appropriate curricula that are designed to improve the curricula in accordance with the results of the evaluation. It is understood that the review of the curriculum alone is not only related to the assessment of student learning outcomes, but also affect the evaluation of all aspects of implementation of the curriculum.
2.Model curriculum development Taba
Hilda Taba to develop a curriculum, on the lower level based (Grassroots). Since Taba believe that the curriculum would be more effective and efficient when Oleg teachers and not made by politicians. Taba curriculum development model is not only taking into account the needs of learners only, but also that the school consider as an organizational learning experience. Moreover, things have to be considered in the development of the curriculum to Taba is the goal to be achieved, because it used to be related to the process and the form of assessment.
Taba explains the five steps in the development of appropriate curriculum, namely: a) diagnose the learner's needs and determine the learning process carried out, b) test so that they will receive information material in advance, be whether such a material can be understood by learners or not, c) the learning process should be modified so that they can adapt to the needs of learners, d) Make sure that the level of curriculum development have been met, e) socialization and training teachers to ensure the curriculum in the classroom, to implement.
3.Model Zais Curriculum Development (1976)
Robert S. Zais propose eight models curriculum. Some of the model curriculum of Zai are developed.
a: however, at this writing, only two examples of the model curriculum of Zai, including developed described. Curriculum Administration
Curriculum management in general is top-down known as the curriculum because the curriculum authority (government) is derived, are then applied to the whole school or formal education institutions in all located territory. Top-down curriculum is usually used by the State, which assumes a centralized or centralized training. Thus, the entire administrative training provided by the state is available, while schools that exist only run in the fields of management has been given by the state. Thus, the curriculum is implemented at national level and ignore the skills and needs of the region or at school.
In general, countries that still use the curriculum of this model of state, expected kept the uniform national education. However, it is also noted that the land which is to use this curriculum model, the country that is still a teaching system that is low, because the school and the teachers do not develop in a position as operational learning. In addition, less disbelief on the expertise of local governments to control the operationalization of the curriculum.
management curriculum usually formulated by some experts at the national level and with a staff of experts. By professionals then the curriculum on a scale of schools in each region is distributed by training at regular intervals, so that the curriculum can be understood Solid.
b.Kurikulum base (base)
as opposed to the administrative curriculum, the curriculum of the bottom-up or a curriculum curriculum base, which runs from bottom to top. So it goes without saying that the curriculum was developed independently by the district or school. The curriculum is especially in countries that have adopted the national education system is decentralized, or submit a curriculum development in the area.
Generally, decentralization is, if in general the growth of the region can inhibit applied by unrest in the district or school level introduced into the curriculum, because they are not the skills and needs of the region equivalent. But with desentrlasasi curriculum can be implemented only if the local or school component has the ability in the development of learning. Thus, the components in the school need to understand the concept of curriculum, learning theory and basics of other training operations, so that the curriculum can be implemented optimally.
Some countries the education system with a curriculum desentralistrik basis of implementation, basically not centralized vary from concerns about the education system. Some States show that the decentralization of education need to be implemented for socio-cultural situation that occurred in the country, requires the development of the curriculum in the scale area. One example is Spain, decentralization organized in an attempt to resolve the civil war. indicated
4.Model curriculum development Beauchamp (1986)
Beauchamp there are five things, namely taken into account in curriculum development must be: a) determine the area, need to know first area in this case that the curriculum, whether national designations of certain areas or even a particular school, b) implement the parties who serve in the design of the curriculum will be, both conceptually and in their activities. So that the parties understood in this case refers to the policy-makers not only, but rather involves the practitioner or the parties that deal directly in the field (the school). Thus, the curriculum that is developed can be understood as a whole, c) to determine the organization and procedures that are followed. In this case, the content of the curriculum has to be developed, which are developed in the way of the goals, objectives, d) implementation of the curriculum, and in this case must pengimplementasikan phase to understand the technical curriculum in reaction to the concept and its operationalization of all teachers to consider the issues. Typically before performing the organized training or the dissemination and implementation of the new curriculum are developed will. However, it has the effectiveness and efficiency, e) implementation curriculum evaluation to be considered received by the teachers as the executor of the curriculum in the classroom by providing information; Review the design of the curriculum; Review to learn on the basis of existing syllabus in student performance; and the overall assessment of the curriculum.
Oliva 5.Model Curriculum Development (1988)
Oliva provide an understanding that the curriculum should be simple, comprehensive and systematic. In this case, Oliva suggests several components that must be considered in the development of curricula, namely: a) Determine used philosophy; b) to analyze the needs of the community, according to the field of curriculum, which is used; c) To the general purpose of the curriculum formulate Yanga are developed; formulate d) specific objectives, as a derivative of a common goal; e) Determine how the implementation of the curriculum; f) Reduce are examined the curriculum in the form of a more operational objectives in subjects; g) To formulate specific learning goals; h) determine the learning strategies used; i) determining appropriate valuation techniques are used; j) implement a learning strategy; k) Evaluate learning and l) evaluation of the curriculum.
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