Thematic Integrative learning in primary school

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Thematic Integrative learning in primary school -

Discipline Integrative Learning in Elementary Schools

Eureka Education . integrated thematic learning (installed) on the curriculum of 2013, Applied Learning through a variety of subjects, which underscores the same subject in the primary school. Thematic learning usually applied in SD because of the characteristics of learners who still holistically on things (products) have, they do not sort out meampu concepts from different disciplines. It shows the way children think that deductive ie common part-by-part. Therefore thematic learning suitably integrated into the characteristics of learners in primary school learning

The concept of Integrated Learning Fogarty expressed (09: 95)., The use of the integrated model as inductive process embedded in these disciplines to distinguish the basic skills attitudes, concepts and skills. In addition, to discuss the unit of study, our thoughts are closed overlap in the ideas. The more we share, the more similarities. It was through thematic learning students can learn different things at the same time, so it established more efficient time that Eisner in Johnson (2010: 47). Adds this opinion in the social sciences, as follows.

"An integrated approach to social studies created the curriculum, where everything is connected to everything. Students learn deeper an area of ​​study from a variety of perspectives approach. Also an integrated curriculum sets a variety of forms of representations of ideas and Tus honors students multiple forms of intelligence, and the variety of cognitive strength "

that is, an integrated approach to the creation of curriculum social studies in which everything is connected to everything. Students learn more in the region approached from many perspectives to learn. Integrated curriculum also sets different representations of ideas and thus different forms of students of intelligence and various cognitive abilities respect. The definition is actually combined through a variety of disciplines that have the same topic of discussion not only in the field of social sciences, but also in all areas of science. This is consistent with Ellis (2010: 263).

"topics provide a means for the different contributing disciplines to be different, reviews of their unique properties from yet at the same time presents Carrying Similar a conceptual purpose. The liberating aspect of carefully selected, content Enriching issue is that it is connected supports, integrated experience in the discipline "is

that is, the subject, the means for the different disciplines provides post be different, to show their unique characteristics, but at the same time a similar conceptual purpose of performing. liberate carefully selected aspects of content enriched issue is that it supports connected together experience in disciplines.

Pembelajaran Model Tematik Integrated

Based some of the above-mentioned document, integrative thematic learning is learning which of several disciplines, the need to integrate the same topic so holistic and not to separate between the compartments.

Even textbooks

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Even textbooks -

Even textbooks

Eureka Education . One factor supporting the teaching and learning pemlajaran, devices such as text books. The existence of textbooks to be very important to support the learning process, both for teachers and for students. Textbooks or textbooks are used in a flexible, the learning performed by the students in the school or independent study at home.

etymologically, the textbook is the language of the receiving of the English language, the textbook . Direct translation of the word textbook is TESK books or textbooks. tesk In the unit level of education or in school, books tesk book also often a lesson, the level of education or curriculum unit SBC arranged entire sedimikian book tesk how to cover a particular topic. Penggambungan topics with science subjects in primary school, but the curriculum 2013, curriculum-based thematic integrative, books SD is a merger of all topics of a topic.

Permendikbud No. 2 08 Article 1 In accordance with the textbook a mandatory reference for use in units of primary and secondary education or higher education, which includes learning materials to increase the faith, piety, character and personality, mastery of science and technology, increased sensitivity and aesthetic ability, kinesthetic skills and improve health, based on the national educational standards. It is strengthened by Permendikbud No. 65 of 2013 that used the efficiency and effectiveness of this number textbooks adapted to the needs of learners to improve

Saleem & Thomas (2011: . 18) states that "the textbooks are powerful tools of teaching and learning, the teacher implemented the material in the textbook and the interaction of the students with the book, the teacher and students construction of knowledge with respect to the TeXbook content". That is, the textbook is a very useful tool in the learning process, such as teachers build the content of textbooks and student interaction with books, teacher and student groups knowledge to implement for the content of the book. Along with that Cunningsworth in Roseni (2014: 417) states that
" Textbooks are an effective resource for self-directed learning, an effective resource for the materials of the teachers, a source to present ideas and activities, a reference source for students, a curriculum prescribed for less experienced teachers learning objectives and support reflects still trusting ".

[1945011zugewinnenhabendassLehrbuch] is effective to learn directly itself a resource, effectively the source of content by the teacher, to present a source of ideas and activities, a reference source for students, a curriculum, the help the learning goal and teachers, less experienced, who still do not believe textbooks reflects itself. Therefore, in a number of very powerful tools in the learning process.

According to Fernandes (1984: 35), "t extbooks are built and up to date textbooks are crucial for the quality of service to improve "that is, the textbook is the most important resource for teaching and learning the most important resources of teaching and learning. Good. Well built and up to date textbooks is very important to improve the quality of performance. This is made clear by Tarin and Tarin (09: 13-14), the textbook is a textbook in a particular area of ​​study, which is a standard work, compiled by experts in the field of science for the purpose and educational purposes, which is provided with means is understood by the user -sarana teaching in schools and universities to support harmonious and slightly somewhat instructional programs.

Based on the above terms can be achieved, concludes that a book of standardized textbooks to certain levels of education used to be used in the class, a variety of learning activities, contains in order to achieve the learning objectives. Textbooks are used to facilitate the learning process, is to enrich more than a wawasaan and experience of the teachers and students generally. (.iklangoogle Adsbygoogle = window || [])

School uniforms: Permendikbud point 45 2014

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School uniforms: Permendikbud point 45 2014 -

school uniform: Permendikbud No. 45 2014

school uniform: Permendikbud No. 45 2014

Eureka Education . Schools are a place for formal education. Formal education is divided into several levels, namely primary and secondary education. Creating the efforts to create a pleasant atmosphere in the learning process, has been cast in some regulations. One of these rules is the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45 of 2014, which deals with school uniforms for pupils of primary and secondary education. These regulations set the date June 9, 2014 in Jakarta.

seragam sekolah, SD, SMP, SMA

provision of school uniforms has several objectives, among others:
  1. convey and to promote a sense of nationalism and unity, but also to strengthen the fraternity to promote the spirit of unity and unity among learners;
  2. , to increase the sense of equality, regardless of socioeconomic inequality parents / guardians of students;
  3. to increase discipline and responsibility of the learner and regulatory compliance; and
  4. a reference for schools to prepare the order and discipline of learners especially school uniforms on.

Permendikbud No. 45 of 2014 regulates the procurement of uniforms. School uniforms raised privately by the parents or guardians of students. Procurement of school uniforms should not be associated with the implementation of the admission of new students or class.

Kinds of Uniforms School

school uniforms a national consist of uniforms, uniforms typical school uniforms Scouting, school uniforms and Muslim.

1. The uniforms of the national

national uniform is the clothing of students in schools supported together and applied have the type, model and color nationally. Monday supported national uniforms, Tuesdays, and on another day, in the implementation of the flag ceremony. At the time of the ceremony, the use of cap uniformly equipped and bind corresponding uniform colors each grade and are having a logo does Wuri Handayani fitted at the front of the hat.

2. uniforms Scouting

Apparel Scouting uniform is a uniform model, and conduct its own attributes and charged scouting activities. These uniforms are separately controlled by each school in its use.

3. The typical school uniforms

typical school uniforms are worn the uniforms, the characteristics of the school to show. The clothing worn by students on a particular day. This distinctive uniforms can improve learners' pride of the school. Students wearing the typical uniform of this school in accordance with the rules of the school.

4. The uniforms of Muslim

Muslim distinctive uniforms are uniforms worn by Muslim students. This outfit set according to the type, model and color in the teaching and learning process for all types of school uniforms.

school uniforms for pupils differentiated model and son of learners daughter. Each school level also has its own rules for national uniforms. On the SD or SD / SDLB, is national uniform of a white shirt and trousers / skirts red hearts. National In the SMP / SMPLB uniform consists of a white shirt, pants / dark blue skirt. On the high school level / SMALB / profession / SMKLB national uniform consists of a white shirt, trousers / skirts in gray.

Uniform National SD / SDLB

1. Uniform Students Putra

  • short-sleeved white shirt a pocket on the left side and in the pants;
  • red hearts shorts, long pants 5 cm above the knee is provided for the waist belt belt buckle, in a pocket on the left and right; or pants red hearts usual model / straight, long pants to the ankle, the waist belt is provided buckles for belts, pocket in the left and right side.
seragam SD, seragam, sekolah SD, Permendikbud  No.45 Tahun 2014

2. Uniform Students daughter

  • wear short-sleeved white shirt a pocket on the left side and in a rock;
  • short skirt red hearts, folded in the same direction, without pocket, waist belt buckles for belts, skirt length is provided 5 cm below the knee; or a long skirt red heart to his ankles, folded in the same direction, no pockets, waist belt buckle is provided for belts.

Uniform National Junior / SMPLB

1. Uniform Students Putra

  • short-sleeved white shirt a pocket on the left bear;
  • shorts, long pants 5 cm above the knee, the hip is provided for tie belt buckle dark blue, in a pocket on the left and the right and the right rear pocket vest; or pants in dark blue, the usual model / straight, long pants to the ankle circumference minimal foot 44 cm, waist is for belts, provided pocket in the left and right sides and a pocket vest right rear belt buckles.
seragam SMP, seragam, sekolah SMP, Permendikbud  No.45 Tahun 2014

2. Uniform Students daughter

  • short-sleeved white shirt wear a pocket on the left side;
  • navy blue skirt with the left and right parts of the face pleated direction ritsliting in the middle of the back pocket in the side sills, supplied belt waist buckle on a belt, skirt length 5 cm below the knee; or a long skirt to the ankle, dark blue color with a folded toward the left and right parts of the face, ritsluiting in the middle of the back, pocket on the side part of the rock, delivered at the waist belt for a belt buckle.

Uniform National High School / SMALB / profession / SMKLB

1. Uniform Students Putra

  • white shirt, short sleeves carry a bag on the left side;
  • pants gray usual model / straight, long pants to the ankle circumference minimal foot 44 cm, waist belt buckles for belts, pocket in the left and right sides and a pocket vest is back next provided on the right.
seragam SMA, seragam, sekolah SMA, Permendikbud  No.45 Tahun 2014

2. Uniform student daughter

  • wearing white shirt, short sleeves, a pocket on the left side;
  • gray skirt with pleats towards the center of the face, in the middle of the back, pocket ritsluiting in the side sills, delivered waist buckle straps on a belt, skirt length 5 cm below the knee; or a gray skirt length to the ankle, with pleated toward the center of the face, in the middle of the back, a pocket on the side of the rock ritsliting is the hip belt buckles made for belt available.

, the use of school uniforms for all levels with a bandwidth of 3 cm black, white socks are fitted at least 10 cm above the ankle and black shoes.
uniforms typical Muslim for every level is almost the same uniform daughter learners, but differ only in the rock. Skirts for Muslim typical uniform length learners to ankle.


attribute is used to supplement the national uniform clothing that identifies each school. Attributes consist of a badge organize student, badge red and white, nameplates learners badge school name and the name of the district / city.

  1. badge SD or advice (for middle and high school) sewn into a shirt pocket;
  2. red white Badge dijahitk on top of his shirt pocket;
  3. Badge learning names sewn on the T-shirt on the right side of the chest;
  4. Badge school name and the name of the district / city sewn on the sleeves of the right.
Badge, sekolah SD, SMP, SMA, Permendikbud  No.45 Tahun 2014

Item Shape Association Multiple Choice -

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Item Shape Association Multiple Choice - -

Product Form Association of Multiple Choice

Product Form Association of Multiple Choice

Eureka Education - This form is relatively new third Bentu causation. In this form, each participant test to search through alternative correct answer, perhaps all the alternative answers are correct, perhaps true only partially and may not be correct.

alternative form commonly used is as follows:.
a Expressions (1) (2) and (3) properly
b , Expressions (1) (2) and (3) properly
c. Expressions (1) and (3) properly
d. Expressions (2) and (4) properly
e. Expressions (4) properly

the form of the above, a fundamental weakness, because the concept of an association within the meaning of multiple-choice is not met. Testi be able to get it, simply to determine whether the instruction number 1 is wrong. If one of the automatic stay c and d. If the statement number 2 an automatic case for selection d. If the statement is then true, then the number dropped 2 automatic choice for an alternative, if ever fall to the alternative b. By because it would be better if the model of choice as follows:
a If all the answers are correct
b.. If two statements are true
c. If three statements are true
d. If the statement is true
e. If it is not a true statement

Item Bentuk Asosiasi Pilihan Ganda

There are things in the production of the elements form an association dual to consider aspect konsrtuksi
a. the subject matter must be clearly
b be formulated. The formulation of the problem and formulating answers to simple
c formulated. The article does not lead to the correct answer, for example, one with the word. Three
or similar things
d. The entire disclosure of the alternative answers homogeneously either in the form of sound words
use the term to be
e , Images, graphics, tables or discourse actually work
f. Item is not dependent on other elements

References .:
Vali, Bambang. 2012. principles of assessment and evaluation of learning . , Yogyakarta. UNY Press

CV (metacognitive in Learning)

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CV (metacognitive in Learning) -

CV (metacognitive in Learning)

Resume (Part 1)
The role of metacognitive knowledge in the areas of learning, teaching and assessment
Raul R. Pintrich

Eureka Education - metacognitive knowledge includes knowledge of cognition ingeneral, as well as awareness and knowledge of the own knowledge. One of the hallmarks of psychological and educational theory and learning research since the original Taxonomy was published, is the emphasis on supporting the students' knowledge of and responsible for the opinions of their own perception and thought.

metacognitive knowledge includes knowledge of general strategies that can be used for various tasks, to the knowledge of the conditions used under this roomates strategies to the knowledge of the extent in which the strategies are effective, and self-knowledge. For example, the learner may know a textbook and strategies on different strategies to monitor for reading and checking reviews their understanding as they read. Also activate Learners relevant knowledge about reviews their own strengths and weaknesses, to complete the task with respect and their motivation for the task. Recognize learner assume they already know a lot about the subject of a chapter in a textbook (which may perceive as a strength), and that they are interested in this topic (which reviews their motivation can enchance). This knowledge could lead them to change their approach reviews or rate. Finally, students can for the solution of a problem enable relevant in a particular context situational or conditional knowledge (for example, in this classroom ;. In this type of test, in this real situation, etc). You can know for example, that multiple-choice tests require only recognition of the right answers, not necessarily the recall of information, as required in the essay test. could affect this type of metacognitive knowledge as they prepare for the exam later.

Three types of metacognitive knowledge
Add Flavell (1979) classic article on metacognition he suggests, indicate that metacognition includes knowledge of strategy, object and person variables. We represent these conditions in our categories by including students knowledge about general strategies for learning and thinking (Strategic Information) and their knowledge of cognitive tasks and when and why reviews these different strategies to use (knowledge about cognitive tasks, including appropriate contextual and conditional Knowledge). Finally, we included the knowledge of the self (the person variable) with respect to both cognitive and motivational power components (self-knowledge).

a.Strategic knowledge
Strategic knowledge is knowledge of general strategies for learning, reasoning and problem solving. Reviews These strategies are applicable to all or most academic disciplines or subject domains as opposed to more specific strategies from the disciplines or domains. Consequently reviews these strategies on a large number of different tasks or domains are used, rather than that they are very useful for a particular type of object in a particular subject area.

Strategic knowledge includes knowledge of the various strategies can be used to memorize, to extract meaning from text students material and what to comprehend , they hear in the classroom or what they read in books and other course materias. While there are a large number of different learning strategies are, they can be grouped into three general categories: sample preparation and organizazional.

In addition to the general reviews these learning strategies, students can have knowledge of various metacognitive strategies that will help you with the planning of use, monitoring and control reviews their learning and thinking , Reviews These strategies include ways individuals plan their knowledge reviews (eg set sub-goals) monitor their knowledge reviews (eg asking questions as they read a piece of text; check reviews its answer to a math problem) and Regulate reviews their cognition ( eg re-read something that they do not understand, they go back and "fix" their error in a mathematical problem of calculation).

to develop on cognitive tasks
When students reviews their knowledge of different learning and thinking strategies and their use, this knowledge reflects the "what" and "how" of the various strategies. However, this knowledge for expertise in learning is not enough. Students also need to have some knowledge about the development of "when" and "why" of these strategies will be used appropriately. Since not all strategies are suitable for all situations, the student must develop some knowledge of the different conditions and tasks where the different strategies are used most appropriately. So, an important aspect of the strategies of learning is knowing when and why to use it appropriately.

Another important aspect of the conditional knowledge affect local situational and general social, conventional and cultural norms for the use of different strategies. For example, a teacher can promote the use of strategies for reading. A student who knows Teacher strategic preference, is better able to adapt to the requirements of this teaher classroom. Similarly, different cultures may have to think standards for the use of different strategies and ways of problems. know Again Reviews these standards help students to meet the requirements of the culture to adapt in terms of solving the problem.

c. Self-knowledge
Flavel (1979) suggested that the self-awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, a student knows that he or she is doing better generally to multiple-choice tests than on essay tests has some metacognitive self-knowledge about his or her test-taking ability. This knowledge can be useful for the students, since he or she. For two different types of test studies One of the hallmarks of experts is that they know when they do not know something and have to find some general strategies trust for the relevant information. This self-confidence of the breadth and depth of one's own knowledge base of a is an important aspect of self-knowledge. Individuals need to be aware of the different types of strategies that they are likely to rely on in different situations. The awareness that one could use overrelies to a particular strategy when others may be more adaptive strategies for the task on the possibility of a change of strategy.

In addition to general self-knowledge, also have beliefs about individuals Reviews motivation. These are judgments of rating their ability to an object (self eficacy) perform reviews to do their goals for a task (learning or just get a good score), and the interest and value the task for them (high interest rates and high value compared to low interest rates and low value).

Add: An Overview Revision taxonomy of Krathwohl

For Papers: Accompanied The role of personality formation and support of Koran

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For Papers: Accompanied The role of personality formation and support of Koran -

to understand example Papers: Understanding the role of personality development and support Accompanied by Qur ' a

For Papers: The Role of the Individual Education understanding and support Accompanied By Qur'an


Eureka Education . Character education is indispensable for every individual, for character education Trying each to help seven shackles of conscience (God Spot) to recognize each person. Seventh shackles (God Spot) is: prejudice, the principle of life, experience, interests subjective, comparative viewpoint, which is not objectively and fanaticism. (Ary Gina Agustian, 2010: 103).

Furthermore, in the national workshop on 14 January 2010 there was a national agreement that talks about the development of culture and national character formation. The contents of the agreement have 4: 1). Culture and national character education is an integral part of national education as a whole. 2). Education Culture and national character must be fully developed as a civilizing process, therefore, education and culture should be included institutionally intact. 3). Culture and national character education is a shared responsibility between government, communities, schools, parents, and therefore the implementation of the culture and character of the nation was the four main elements include. 4). In an effort to revive the educational and cultural character of the nation needs a national movement to inspire the spirit of togetherness in the local implementation.

from the shackles of the heart (God Spot) To get rid of that every single six principles must have based on the pillars of faith, namely: 1). Building principles Star (Star-principle). 2). After principle Angel (Angel principle). 3). With management principles (leader principle), 4) the importance .Menyadari Principles of Learning (learning principle). 5). Principle Mewmpunyai future (vision principle). 6). Principles have regularity (well organized principle) (Ary Gina Agustian, 2010: 103-104). In this paper, the discussion and application in daily life associated with the first principle focus is to build Principles Star (Star-principle).

In this paper discussed and focused on how each student has (fixed principle) a sense of security, has a confidence (confident), wisdom (wisdom) and integrity itself. Third Base was the content or the essence of the principle of the star (star-principle). This paper will try as character formation can also in educational institutions Colleges of Teacher Training and Education HAMZANWADI (STKIP HAMZANWADI), where the author
teaches applied.


A. basis and purpose of life
The principle of a star (star-principle) is one of the basic principles of the shackles (God spot) for the removal of existing rice each person or individual. If each individual can the principles of a star to perform (Star-principle) this well it will be easy to implement the principles of the other. This is because the principle of the star (Star-principle) the belief in the existence of God as the only purpose of life. (Ary Gina Agustian, 2010: 104). The goal of life is available for God in the Al Fatekhah to say "yes yes kanasta'in kanakbudu wa" (please only worship only to Allah for help) (Al-Qur'an).
Surrendering God only appears in the Koran that "qul inq sholati yahya wa nusuki color die lilahi robil'alamin" (that our prayers, our worship, our life and we mayi are for Allah) it .Sealain reads perinsip Stern (Stern principle) can run well every individual should believe in this case as Muslims their command in verse "inna akramakum indallahi atqoqum" (as well as both the man before God only those who fear him. (Al- Qur'an).

seen basic concepts very clear and very firm, written in the Koran that each individual's activities with a full sense of security in a position to directly or indirectly, carry, have strong faith, has to be a good wisdom and might be able to build the integrity of creating. the presence of a strong base on each individual in the belief that God terhadab someone will make life more tenang.Setiap automatically individuals do not want to always get compliments from others because everything is left to God alone.

in the Javanese philosophy that every person can live quite well, there are basic guidelines that all does not work across the border. Each individual in fact should the Lord's commandment always relate. In Javanese philosophy to take a p [emimpinentwederachtEigenschaftenbesaßdieallesmitkeiklasanGeduldundEhrlichkeitgetanDieNaturachtenAdala:1)MahambegmringKisma(TemperamentErde)alleinmemberikankebutuhanLebenzujedermannweilGottbedeutet2)MahambegmRingwarih(TemperamentWasser)dasseinFührerimmernachuntengehenmussundKühleoderGefühldesFriedensfüralleMenschengeben3)MahambegmRingSamirono(TemperamentWind)solltejedemfairüberalleinenFührerbedeutet4)MahambegmRingMond(TemperamentMonate)bedeutetdiesdieBereitstellungvonInformationenundKühleundSchönheit5)MahambegmRingSuryo(TemperamentSonne)bedeutetdieSaitendesLebensimUniversumoderalsQuelledesLebensAnweisungenzugeben6)MahambegmRingSamodra(TemperamentSamodra)breiteBedeutungvonirgendwelchenoderderArtderZuneigungVerständnisundGeduldzuentsorgen7)MahambegmRingwukir(TemperamentBerg)wasbedeutetfeststandhaftgebennichtsoleichtdieWahrheitzuverteidigenundseineMenschen8)MahambegmRingDahana(TemperamentFeuer)dasinderLageistGeistderVerbrennungundWärmeliefernataupumkönnenzurBekämpfungderKriminalitätundBeruhigungsorgenfürdieGemeinschaft(MZaairulHag(09:156-162)

in the philosophy of Java there, all activities should each be carried out as a person, as part of masayakat and as leaders should all ask to God. the concept that each individual every step it is solely for Allah, so that the concept of faith keiklasan, keistiqomahan handle for hope and the blessings of Allah.
App B. Character Education on Campus STKIP HAMZANWADI ..

The Indonesian people who are hit by a multidimensional crisis currently, namely the economic crisis, social crisis and a crisis of confidence. the natural resources of a nation including Indonesia apparently not ha! utmost to achieve in success. Indonesia has proven that natural resources are rich far from success, no society can prosper equally. So, undertaken if proper efforts, the success of a nation to achieve ?. Ary Gina Agustian famous model ESQ (Emotional Quotient Spintual) in Indonesia to provide answers that human resources are the key to progress and success of a nation.

Build quality human quality, it is not enough to simply rely on the intelligence quotient to (IQ) alone should, through the emotional quotient (EQ) are supported. Both intelligence must also spiritual intelligence (SQ), which are awareness support for the real truth, the search of the power and passion, the blessings of God is driven to make a person high integrity and commitment and dedication has , This is the answer to overcome the multi-dimensional crisis that hit Indonesia today. In the letter al-A'raf verse 96 (QS7: 96) Allah says: "

If only the inhabitants of the land faithful and devoted, safe open we for him ( the door) mercy the heavens and the earth .... "

By ESQ expected again human values ​​are created, are raised, the values ​​of justice, honor values values ​​of honesty, truth values ​​and values ​​of other -value conscience hath prospered God according to revive confidence in the true identity again, which can give birth to a principle and character of the nation based on the noble values ​​of humanity, to establish the progress and success, finally be able to be expected worldly and hereafter bersamaan.Mahasiswa STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong later develop character building that was raised by Ary Gina Agustian.

STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong students should be able and willing the time to face the new economy (New Economy Era) in global conditions through ideas, confidence (trust) and the net current (network) grow. The idea that is sound driven idea and on the basis of the principles, together with the value of the glorious Godhead, so that there is a confidence intact and solid network in a single unit right principles and fitrah (Adi Sasono, the Confidential success building produce emotional intelligence and spiritual: 01, X).

as a venue
STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong expected for trying to physically and mentally to promote superior human resources in quality, pursuing sensitive and, on this issue. It is recognized that the success of STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong determined largely by the participation of all members of the academic community as a lecturer (lecturers), students, staff and management. And it is expected that each individual academics have the strength, drive and control. These factors is the power of IQ, EQ and SQ.

students STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong as a science, and a part of the education system are required to be aware that everything they did, including the process, they at a point good progress IQ, EQ and SQ supplies. put this understanding into question whether these three things direncanakari or not, lead to happiness or misery, all hope or vision be realized when students STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong aware and understand Manpu some intelligence translate in their lives.

Products aims students deliver all three of these intelligences equally with a desire for success are well balanced to have, on the human level plenary (perfect man) a successful global and successful life after death.

Contoh Makalah; Peranan Dan Pengertian Pendidikan Karakter Disertai Dukungan Dari Al-Qur'an

C. Steps to Building IESQ in campus life

The question now arises as to whether IQ is important, EQ and SQ it? and for what ?, answer to the question pragmatic wing has become urgent to tell students STKIP HAMZANWADI because they are the source of identification for the justification, in order to realize the above three intelligence in university life, especially in STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong

Campus life STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong with literature or learning resources, both of the electronic media, in print, the municipality and also lecturers universe or how friends, they wanted to do prkerjaan routines to interact, and to search, find or even create something that all intelligence intelligence require (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ). If these three things are not well developed, then, what to do, can not reach have expectations. Then, like a three intelligence (IQ, EQ and SQ) to build The inside student? The answer is, there are some things that must be done, and by the students STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong possession:
  1. Basing all activities with a divine power
  2. for the true meaning of each activity Search
  3. works with a basic knowledge of
  4. goal-oriented
  5. Acting with based planning
  6. knowledge
  7. the desire for change
  8. us the knowledge
  9. removing barriers
  10. discipline
  11. There is an attitude of respect
  12. positive mental attitude
  13. Certainty of interest
  14. [1945048Excited]
  15. learn from the mistakes
  16. to identify the weaknesses and other synergizing

from the above description, it is understood that the three intelligence (intellectual, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence) from the Creator is a gift to humans is believed that the caliph / replacement to be on the ground. Third, this intelligence was investigated and found that the three inseparable parts are, if someone wants success from experts. Success in question is a solid success, ie success in the world and the success in the hereafter. to think, solve problems, problem solving, etc. In short, it can also be that the spiritual intelligence to understand useful. Emotional intelligence is to feel beneficial to know your own feelings and also know the feelings of others. An emotional intelligence can the owners to reach help success to absorb themselves and others, which can in turn determine what kind of attitude he will do to himself or other good, balanced success in achieving, so success and successful world in the hereafter. Similarly, the spiritual intelligence. In the sense that spiritual intelligence for anyone searching symbolized on "why things the activities are carried out?". "For what activities they carried out". It is the search for the essence, the strong finding success much support, all of which are addressed to God.


is kerakter education not only to be understood but theoretically character form every human being be applied in their daily lives. In particular, students should STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong West Nusa Tenggara play a role and be directly involved in the development of character education in campus and community. This is when each student a character building impact on the development on the development of character education on campus and in the community was not involved directly and indirectly. Therefore consider, given the importance of character education to students through the theoretical aspects and applications. With the concept of character education for students is the formation of personality in aid both the state and the nation


Adi Sasono, (01) in the confidential Success Building Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual. :, Jakarta: PustakaX

Al-Qur'an, (08), Jakarta. Komari

Ary Gina A. (Tt) Spiritual Company: Spiritual Intelligence carrier Successful Business Champion of the World. Jakarta: Arga Publishing

Ary Gina A. (07). ESQ: The Secret to Success Building emotional and spiritual intelligence. Jakarta: Arga Publishing

Ary Gina A. (08). Why Esq. Jakarta: Arga Publishing

Marzuki (09). Foundations of morality honor. Yogyakarta: Debut trips

Muhammad Zainul Haq. (2010). Until Bagong Semar Sufism. Yogyakarta: Creative discourse
Your partner in character formation. ESQ Training Center

Understanding of learning outcomes

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Understanding of learning outcomes -

understanding of learning outcomes

The result is basically something that obtained on the job while encountered from an activity or something will learn is a process mengkibatkan change in individuals, the changes in behavior. Learning is an activity of every person is formed. Someone said to learn when the person takes an action that causes a change in behavior, if changes in behavior that one of the indicators used as guidelines to determine individual goals or students who have acquired at school, so that a change in behavior observed and lasted within a time period. Many activities can be used as a means to obtain results, it all depends on the happiness of every individual.

" Syaiful (03: 11) argues that learning a part science education is, interactions with the objectives and reference materials refer, either in the form of explicit or implicit (hidden) is ". Learning can be understood as an attempt or practice to get an understanding. In implementing the learning is an individual activity acquire the knowledge, attitudes and learning kterampilan of the processing of the material.
understanding study also of stated Syaipul Djamari , is learning materials, the behavior change process, thanks to the experience and training. That is, the objectives of the activity are changes in behavior, both in terms of the knowledge, skills and attitudes; even that all aspects of the organism or person
In addition, some experts were proposing limits to learn, is Slameto (03 :. 2), it says:

"learning is a process person trying to get a new behavior as a whole, as a result of his own experiences in interaction with the environment. "
can be completed by an understanding of the study is that learning is a change, while a change from questions received mastering affects every ability pengethuan either through formal institutions, and non-formal and has a special series of even
by Benjamin S. Bloom (1996: 7). there are three areas of learning outcomes, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The learning outcomes are submitted by several factors influenced by child or student and comes from environmental factors. can learn students' performance in a particular area of ​​study as the measurement of learning outcomes known by to find a measurement. Learning outcomes can be measured by performance testing.

Build communication between teachers and students in teaching and learning

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Build communication between teachers and students in teaching and learning -

Build communication in the learning process

"Communication is something simple, is difficult, that if we do not it call with the words that easily "(TS Matthews)

Eureka College -. sebegai faculty professional, a teacher must be able to understand the things that are conceptual and philosophical. A teacher should be able to run things and know that technically are taking place during the learning process. The definition of technical terms are here connected with the class, especially in teaching and classroom management and classroom interaction to create in the learning process.
Failure in a learning process is very general, we find, in fact, we often find this kind of thing. Errors in the teaching and learning activities generally due to factors that are not communication be strengthened. make weak communication in the classroom to manage in difficulty teaching in class. The things of this kind, we have that a failure in the management of the learning process prevent from happening again. Things we need to do in order to minimize errors is to work within the learning process, such as the right to teach in the classroom.

to develop communication in the classroom, so that the learning objectives are achieved, there are some communication patterns are, we need to know, and we at the same time we develop apply.

communication in action or communication One Direction

release this kind teacher requires an active role to play action in the matter to take and a student as the recipient of the action works. In fact, this type of communication is in use, students will be more passive in class because the teacher will be more active. Lecture is a general lack of communication that make live the students. Students will tend to get bored in class because not too many activities.

Communication as interaction or two-way communication

The importance of two-way communication is the participation of all members, both teachers and students of the class. Teachers and students together, like the action and recipient of the action act. Not only the teachers are in the campaign, but with this type of communication, students can also serve as action. A teacher can be carried out responses from the student activities in the classroom. This type of communication is a two-way relationship between teachers and students show while keeping restrictions as teachers and students. However, this type of communication, students can not interact with other students in their class because they only make the interaction between teachers and students. Students are not to discuss the situation with other friends, they can only give and take, as these communication makes the activities of teachers and students relatively the same.

Communication Many direction or communication for transactions

is communication in many directions communication teacher interaction involved with students with other students. The learning process, which are used this kind of communication patterns, will grow to make the activities of students in the classroom. You can with her colleagues interact apart only by the teacher. Student activities will be optimized by the interaction of this kind, of course, with the role of a teacher as a supervisor in the classroom as well as drivers. Freedom in bereksperi make students become more active. Talking with fellow students make communication is more developed. Because basically communication or often speak indirectly the brain is not dull to sharpen.

in a credible form of student learning, certainly requires some aspects, to encourage students or allow to communicate with in good agreement, what he learned in school. Do not be, because they are active discussion from far away saying what they should have learned and they communicate in a class discussion. To solve this problem, then the role of the teacher is required as a manager class. An adjustment in the learning process required. Thus, a teacher must have a strategy in building good communication in the classroom.
must be
When establishing communication in the classroom, in order to achieve the learning process that leads to a successful learning objectives, there are at least five strategies for effective communication developed including


mutual respect will make a person feel that he feels well and people will appreciate who had given him the award. Start communicating with a mutual respect is done haruslan starts before the beginning of the learning process. A teacher is successfully communicating with students, he did so with full respect for the students. When this is done, then saying Students will also pay respect to the teachers. Use your identity as an educator is not teacher, remove all attributes and consider them all as a child from school.


Empathy is an ability to put yourself in the situation that is perceived by others. A teacher is required to be listeners and understand what is perceived by the students. a friend mempu read in trust, siswa.Guru good gestures are teachers who understand the status of the teacher, do not need students. a good teacher is a teacher who understand the condition of their students, is able. Psychological understand each student to understand and try to find a solution for the affected students. Embracing, all students as if they are friends, a teacher's role models for each of their students. A good teacher should be able to tell which hardworking, stubborn or even wise is not that always followed his teacher. All should be given an equal share in terms of empathy. not not give them the punishment for students to educate for mischief. In the case of secaman this, teachers are required to understand the eyes of the heart and the feelings, to engage the issue, which is on the students.


is to hear acoustic means or well understood. Good delivery in the classroom are more readily accepted as too complicated language. Neat appearance said the polite language a way to attract the attention of students, the communication will be able to run well.

Free importance

A teacher must try not to cause a double meaning, when to deliver a problems of students. Thus, the message has a double meaning does not lead to a teacher in should be able to master their language. The use of language that is often used by students would understand as an adult language.


Humility means a teacher when he greatly appreciated his protege. down view not on students who either stupid but.

Fathurrohman, P and M Sutikno, S. 2010 teaching and learning strategies. Refika Aditama. Bandung

Education and Development

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Education and Development -

National Education and Development

Eureka Education . Education is central to the development of all aspects of life. take form a central role in the development, because the goal, the quality of human resources is improving. Therefore, education is also a central groove development in all areas of development.

There is an impression that the perception the general public about important construction typically suggestive and physically visible. Development alone bears the scope of material development or physical development in the form of buildings, factories and others. In fact, the success or failure of physical development, by the success in the development of mental / spiritual determined lot who unanimously defined human development, and this is the most important task of education.

Essence training and development and temunya point.

development within the limited to the field of economic and industrial sense alone is not to describe the essence of true development, if these activities had not been able to solve the problem of the essence, namely the fulfillment of the life of people of many material and spiritual.

Here we see that the essence of development and originating from human remains, not on the environment, such as economic development, as I said. Development aims to cater to the basic need of manuasia according to their nature as human beings. Why is that such a development is said to rest on, and start from men? Why, because only directed development towards fulfilling the livelihood of the people to improve their nature as human beings according to their dignity as human beings. Enhancement of human dignity as a human being the ultimate goal of development. His task any development if the result of reduced human value means from the essence.

As stated in the guidelines, the type of national development is the development of the Indonesian students. The question can be interpreted that the ultimate goal of human development, namely the failure of filled with life, physical and mental is. As individuals, where social and religious nature to improve, to thereby his dignity as a creature. If the development of the nature of human nature begins, based on the fulfillment of livelihood of people name by means that the ultimate goal of human development, namely the failure of filled with the life, physical and mental, as individuals, social beings, and religion, to become his dignity as a creature increased thereby.

is seen as the object as targets for the development of man built. In this regard, the development efforts in the people, in the form of coaching physical growth and mental development, which involves thinking skills, attitude of self, social attitudes and attitudes towards the environment, determining a positive living and working ability. This endeavor is called training

The human being as the goal of development (read: Education)., His form of a state still ytang "potential" in a state of "actual" was changed : babies "may have the seeds be" maintained, so it turns into a "reality".

Through their protection and the protection and guidance of parents and others who have an adult who moves baby "status quo" of his in the range between "instinct" and "conscience ". If, when people can live only by instinct, the provision is no different from humans with animals. It is exactly their "conscience" is to distinguish the criterion between human and animal heads.

The human being as a "subject" of development to see, because it is all that it can to the environmental work as dynamic and creative, well the means of the natural environment and the social environment / mentally. Engineers for the environment is generally called development.

If Education and development will be seen as a process line, then both a line that complement continuously. The educational process on a line placed man as a starting point, because education has the task of producing the quality of human resources for development, ie development that meet the livelihood of the larger community and to enhance the dignity of man. That the educational outcomes that support the development, can also with the increase in socio-economic conditions of the learners who are seen in the context of their training.

It is clear that the results support ppendidikandapat reverse the development and the results of development support business education. Of course, a wealthy society would be able to implement the educational fund to a higher quality.

The above description shows the "status" of the formation and development in each case essentially the development and aantar both

  1. Education is a venture in the people's while ppembangunanmerupakan venture into the produced outside the human self.
  2. educational resources ttenagayang power the construction and development results support formation (training, deployment , and so on) to support of institutions.
  3. rounded
contribution of education to the development of
education as an expense and comprehensive result is not immediately visible. There are waiting a distance long enough to achieve results between the start of business processes.

observed, however, if not carefully that which may be withheld in the study on the construction of very large sunguh The contribution. If the development is seen as macro education system is a component or a part of the development.

1. Objectives related to education
Education is a conscious effort directed learners to be a man strong and intact was, and morally. So the purpose of education is a human image to create image of man, the power of human development can be praised.

2. With respect to the environment are Education

a. Family environments
the family environment of children in various good habits trained (habit formation) on issues related to skill, decency and morality. In addition to these implanted faith main important things that are religious. These things are very well suited to the childhood before the development of the relationship between dominant behavior. Good habits and beliefs are important, deeply rooted indispensable basis for the development.

b. School Environment
In the school environment (formal education), students are made to enhance the provisions that have been acquired by the family working environment in the form of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Provisions either referred to the provision of basic, advanced, (from elementary school) or the provision of labor, which can be used directly (vocational schools and universities). Both types of these provisions are formally prepared and useful as an agent ppenunjang development in various fields.

c. For the environment
In the vicinity of the community (non-formal education), students gain practical arrangements for different types of work, especially those who could not continue their learning through formal channels. In our society (in addition to a thriving community), non-formal education system has developed very quickly. It is closely related to the development of the private sector in relation to support the development. On the other hand it can be to be positively interpreted, because it can mmengkombinasikanketerbatasan formal employment in state institutions. In addition, they can increase the number of workers and the lower middle level, to keep the low, medium and high proportion between workers harmony is necessary. It can therefore be seen as an attempt to create a national stability.

3. With regard to the levels of education
offer basic and secondary education (SM) and the Higher Education (PT), which supplies to the students on an ongoing basis of basic education is a basic education that provides the basis for the secondary education and training to provide high. This means that the quality of higher education, if the secondary education quality and secondary education of quality if education dasrnya quality.

also mean the basic training in primary school in the basic education that primary education memeberikan elementary camp for the citizens who are not able to immerse movement in developing their own training could be continued ,

training on the levels, it offers two types of provisions, which give the learners who want to continue higher education (high school) and providing jobs for students do not attend school (SMTA). Central Education (PT) provided supplies expertise in a particular field of work.

4. With regard to the job descriptions of work or Sector life
job descriptions of works on the areas of life include, among others: economic , law, social policy, finance, transport and communication, agriculture, mining, defense and others. The construction of life can be defined as an activity, coaching, development, and the charging of occupations to become the basic need of citizens, as a nation, to remain in the arena of life among the nations of the noise of the world as the winner.

Coaching and development of these areas can be carried out only if it is filled by people who have the ability, as required. The persons concerned are only available when education has done for them.

C. Development of National Educational System

1. Why should the education system be built
is logical if the education system to provide a means for the people themselves leads to perfection, which must be improved.

It describes the man as a being that is always "go-no" (Drijarkara). This man is a being, always looking for the does not exist because the target is already there. Finding and found that it has no means to be creative. Manufacturing process that never lifelong unit still contained stops. There is also a human being as a sick animal describe (the affected animal), Max Scheller said. Judging from his physical constitution of man together with the animals. But because people are able to think and to understand and to be aware of themselves and their surroundings, then he can not just give up and just as animals of the species attached. When a sick animal, he was always restless. Your restlessness is twofold. First move, because forced to find jaln how to master her fear.

ppengalamanmanusia also grows addition. Therefore, the education system is to find answers to riddles about themselves as a means for providing the people, always refined.

In addition, it can be seen, the issue of education as a national issue, since education in the nation's future together. If the people of Indonesia (ppembangunan at Pelita VI changed according to the plan from an agrarian society to a society of industry, of course, thought and behavior based on the circumstances in which the man engaged in the industry.

to meet the lively atmosphere necessary that the education system should be changed. If not, then formation (means of social change) is not working properly as a means of social change. the structure, curriculum, management, work kependidikannya must necessarily adapted premises are new demands it.

2. Being development Education system

a. Interpersonal aspects
aspects of philosophical, scientific and legal form the basis for other grains, as well as giving direction to take other grains. That is, the education structure, curriculum and other otherwise it relate to the philosophical aspects, aspects of the scientific and legal aspects. Therefore, any changes that occur in the structure of education, curriculum, and others must remain in the container philosophical and legal.

b. philosophical aspects of scientific
philosophical aspects such as the maintenance of the national objectives of education. The formulation of the national targets, the opportunities for the development of nature would provide the human nature, which is of course, which means that also means reasonable. For us, the development of human nature is in parallel with the spirit of Pancasila. Pancasila philosophy completely replaced the philosophy of education intruders. produce Occupiers of education as a means functioning highly skilled workers, but are dependent and loyal to the invaders. Educational climate as it is significantly different from the education system of an independent nation, the direction and the goal is to provide people who are able and qualified, are dynamic, creative, innovative and independent.