Definition Activities Learning

Admin 16.11 Add Comment

Definition Activities Learning

learning is the integration of processes and products. This shows that the learning process will impact both on the product or outcomes of learning. The learning process can not be separated from the role of teachers and learners perseta. Smooth communication between the two will make learning lively. One of the things that is the learning process, the activity of learners

learners learning activities are activities that physically or mentally (Sardiman, 05: 96) affect .. activities is a series of physical activities or physical or mental or spiritual interconnected learning in order to create an optimal learning. In this activity, active learners should be dominated by the learning process in order to develop the potential in him. Listen In other words, in the long learners and record not only as in schools found that perform conventional learning.

The learning process is to be effective when learners are actively involved directly with the organization and invention information (knowledge), so that they might receive from teachers not only passive knowledge. , Is to develop the conditions and to provide, so that learners can develop their abilities and potential in the process of the teacher task of learning. After Nasution (00: 89), learning activities are activities that are physical or mental. In the process of learning, both activities must be always correlated. A learner would think as long as he, but not not think of the learner. Therefore, so that the learners think active, the learner should be able to act or activity are given.

aktivitas belajar, belajar, bertanya, tanya jawab

Diedrich (in Nasution, 00: 91 ) to create a list containing the types of activities students can be classified as follows:

visual activities , which comprises, for example :. Reading, photography, demonstrations, experiments, the work of others

Oral activities , the like includes: States, the formulation to ask questions, give advice, opinions, conduct interviews, discussions, interruptions

listening exercises as listening, conversation, discussion, music, language.

writing activities how writing stories, essays, reports, questionnaires, copying.

drawing activities , for example, drawing, graphics, maps, diagrams, patterns.

motor activities , as do experiments, do construction, models, refit, play.

Mental activities , such as digging, remember, solve problems, analyze, take look at the relationship , a decision. Interested

Emotional activities , for example, drilled, happy, excited, passionate, courageous, calm, nervous.

The learning outcome is determined not only by the activity of the students, but the teachers were required to plan the activities of learners varied so that the learning conditions will be more dynamic and not boring. Here are the types of learning activities based on the Ministry of Education (04).
individually in teaching and learning in class is as an indicator of the type of learner as follows
  1. presence in the classroom
  2. timeliness collect assignments
  3. completeness Notebook
  4. Listening and watching declarations
  5. delivering the opinion of
pratikum as an indicator of the activity of learners in group activities in the laboratory are as follows.
  1. kekompakkan cooperation within the group
  2. to the correct procedure Conducting
  3. with tools according pratikum
  4. from studies Obtaining data
  5. right to draw conclusions

used the technique to evaluate activity learners with the observational scoring guidelines provided. Scores of each learner analyzed deserves to determine the percentage of the activity of learners.

Nasution, S. 1997 approaches in teaching and learning. Jakarta :. PT Bumi Literacy
Sardiman. 05 interaction of teaching and learning and motivation. Jakarta: PT. King Grafindo Persada.
mone. 04. The 04 curriculum guidelines SMP Special Development Competency Based Assessment System Science subjects. Jakarta :. Ministry of Education

Measurement, assessment and evaluation in BIOLOGY LEARNING

Admin 15.09 Add Comment
measurement, assessment and evaluation in BIOLOGY LEARNING

Eureka Education - Education today to one of the aspects that receive the most attention. This is to enhance the efforts in connection with the quality of Indonesian human resources in a time of global-based science and technology. One of the training efforts made pengkualitasan through the development of the curriculum. Curriculum basically understood as a series of plans and arrangements in relation to the objectives, content and materials as well as the learning means used to carry out the implementation of learning activities specific educational tujuab reach. It is understandable that the curriculum be a reference in the learning process because the training program includes a variety of things that need to be taken into account in the study.

On the upper level secondary school, in this case, the high school, there are subjects of biology, the study on the head of one of the topics was. Fundamental biology study of living things and the environment. Living beings and the environment, it turns out, save different complexity surrounding, make the scientists to gain knowledge of the study is interested in studying and working. have understood and analyzed, it turns out, be able to find the facts about living things and the environment in the context, the nature surrounding life, apply biologists certain way. The way scientists to study the facts to sentient beings is akin known by scientific or by the scientific method. In a simple scientific methods understood as an objective and systematic way a fact in the review. So when biology is linked to learning studied biology at the high school level is understood that learning is to provide a basic understanding and familiarity with the student disposal expected to be capable of functioning by scientists something to promote in the study.


More specifically, lays out the curriculum of the various foundation for learning biology. One is the learning objectives of biology that is listed in Permendiknas 20 06, when understood, obtained by the regulation by understanding that the purpose of the students studying biology growing number of thinking skills, scientific attitudes and skills. Then the purpose of a general nature are particularly translated back through standards and basic skills that are tailored examined on the material by the learner. Because of the expertise that is the goal of learning, then the learning process requires an evaluation. The evaluation is carried out to achieve information on the achievement of the objectives that were set.

As already mentioned, an evaluation with regard to the process to obtain information on the achievement of a target is used, and then would the information policy or the basis for decision influence. In education, the evaluation is usually divided into two, namely the review of macro and micro analysis. Review of Macro generally the evaluation of educational programs applicable to a large extent, as the scope of the educational program of the school connected. While the micro-analysis for processing of the learning process together, that is performed in the class. to obtain evaluation of micro efforts related information relating to the learning outcomes in the classroom, or in other words, to get to the review with regard to the achievement of the learning outcomes of students. Assessment of learning outcomes has benefits for students and teachers. Learners as subjects of study are to obtain information on the level of achievement of the learning process that has dilakusanakan. As for teachers, evaluation helpful information on the effectiveness of the learning process has been implemented to obtain. To improve So by this evaluation will be able to get some information such efforts the learning process.

are connected to the current review with the assessment and measurement conducting. Review or assessment as the different methods are understood to obtain information about the individual learner. In this review of implementation requires the measurement. In principle the measurement is understood as quantification of an object or phenomenon, or in other words, relates to the measurement for the determination of the numbers on an object in a systematic manner. Basically, this measurement is derived is developed in the form of the use of test devices and non-test in order to elicit information about the learner. Then, the measurement results will have no meaning if it does not. Through the assessment because the assessment and interpretation of the results is to be understood, which leads to the evaluation to information Thus, it may, that in the implementation of necessary evaluation and measurement ratings are understood. If you are connected to the biology of learning, evaluating the biology of learning also requires penialian and measurements are used in an attempt to obtain information about the implementation of the learning process in the context and to achieve the objectives of biology to study biology.

Mardapi, Djemari. 08. measurement, assessment and evaluation of training . Yogyakarta. Nuha Litera
Rustaman Nuryani.05. Biology teaching and learning strategies . Malang. State University of Malang .
Vali, Bambang. 2012. principles of assessment and evaluation of learning . Yogyakarta. UNY Press
Susilo, Herath. 05. Selecta Capita Life . Jakarta. Open University

Understanding propagation in respect of law, Islam, culture and Koran

Admin 14.08 Add Comment

understanding Da'wah In Islamic view, the culture and the Koran

Eureka Pendidika n. The spread etymologically derived from the Arabic word دعا-يدعو to form meaningful دعوة masdar call, call or call. Exclamation used in Da'wah aims to encourage someone to do something good in the activities or in changing the patterns and habits of life. From the word cry, Dawa has many meanings that can be widely used not only in religion, where the word is often used Da'wah, but given call can be interpreted in terms of positive and negative.

The use of the word Da'wa refers prompt or call delivered to turn to the person towards the more the better. The spread of the origin of the word comes from Arabic and also by the Arabs by making da'wah word itself has undergone a shift in meaning. A shift in the significance propagation by just one person in the teachings of Islam executed reputation be rejuvenated. In everyday life, Dawa said two meaning of the negative and positive has that can be easily interpreted

  • Propagation: delivery of some
  • preacher: the man who fell the charge
  • defendant: the person who was on the charged
  • preaching: event Religion truth
  • to convey indict: activity process of reading the charges against the penalty imposed or punishment
  • Mendakwai: Teach someone directly the truth

Some said the defendants, that none of the above also has a meaning and a different position has , Da'wah someone can be convicted as an object and also the one who could be punished.

The use of the word in Da'wah Koran.

The use of the word alone Da'wa in the Qur'an has a different function and role. Propagation words in the Quran are used as much as 198 times and Da'wa itself does not refer to a single meaning, but to a certain sense of the word designate. the word in the Koran preaches in the form used:

1. Propagating as a call

Propagation word on it is calling one does for others to follow desired. Invitation can be delivered ready through lectures and individual advice for someone to do what was required of preachers. In this case, whether good or bad depends on the contents of the propagation of the sender or the people who preach. In suarat An-Nahl verse 125 says that they call to be with regard to quality wise and learned.

2. as prayer preaching

The Prophet is a Prophet Nuh berdakwa pray through a path to God. The purpose of Benediction delivered Noah so that his people can return to the right path, so that God does not punish his people in the form of a giant flood. can preaching the word to be interpreted as an attempt for someone prayers presented God S.W.T made grants. Studies in connotative language bribes were addressed to the Creator.

3. multiplication as an indictment

imposition of punishment for a person who is the prosecution, so in terms of the representation of the word propagation charges used. In Indonesia, the defendant would refer to those convicted or status is known to be a level higher than the suspect.

Except the word described by the above three words in the Koran as a form of propaganda:
  1. complaints or call someone complains and to convey kesahnya.
  2. have
  3. request or a meaning, but that is almost the same with prayer the approach more generic words.
  4. referral or appeal is invitation invite someone to attend the event.
  5. to the incident reference where Israfil that people in Padang Masyhar invites to gather
  6. degree and a designation used to call someone
  7. to the children respect which mean not the child bubble itself.

understanding propagation in terminology.

in the sense terminologies are more likely to be interpreted by a preacher as an attempt to return to the right path. In this discussion, the applicant refers to a preacher or speaker expressed multiplication *. The use of the word propaganda on the invitation relate mediated only by the speaker of the Islamic religion because gorg Arabic are linked very closely developed as the origin and place of Islam.

say from the opinions of experts, just like Salahuddin Sanusi, East Djaelani, Thoha Yahya Omar, and Abdul Karim Hasymi, the word spread in another editor, but the intention meaning is a call in the form of delivery and the commandments of God religious prohibition to prevent someone from any action that could generate Sin. In a study dawkah in this case, multiplication can also be used in communicating the threat posed when someone do something not good in the eyes of religion.

In Books Dustur Da'wah, A. Hasmy the notion of propaganda by Al koran explain than call someone to believe and practice aqidah and enforce Islamic Sharia invites. The call is in the form of oral and deeds are like used for the process, different types can be. Sheikh Ali Mahfud explained that Da'wah is to do well, a process to give motivation to the subject of propaganda in relation to the people in accordance with the instructions. to do the call in the same propaganda material and to prevent, rather than kemungkaran. to achieve The purpose of this implementation happiness in this world and the hereafter.

way of da'wa

Fihud Da'wah means a process to understand the issues and procedures that the context of propaganda, this goal is to provide a newspaper or call the proper way to avoid actions fasiq. Calls propaganda correspond to the truth of Islam in providing Risalah al Islamiyah deliver.

Propagation fardiah
Propagation fardiah a method of propaganda is oriented in small groups of people and delivered on a limited basis. Da'wah Fardiah delivered without planned, so that the delivery process is not well structured in terms of discipline. Methods such propaganda may be other advice when making mistakes directly in the form of strikes, suggestions and examples for things to do. be categorized to visit Also in this case as a sick person, congratulate or congratulation events such as birth or tasmiyah.

Propagation Ammah
Propagation Ammah preaches something orally conveying keapad masses. the purpose of Da'wa Amma is to convey an ideology that the people who heard the speech delivered affected. Examples of Da'wah Amma can in the form of lectures or in the more formal is the sermon, because it has a column that must be implemented.

Da'wah bil-spoken
Da'wah bil-spoken almost similar delivered orally with da'wah Amma, the type of presentation. Spoken word refers to the word speech or communication, use the tongue or language. The spread of this type are effective if in respect of a day of worship as Eid, Eid al-Adha, or on Friday.

Da'wah bil-Haal delivered
Da'wah bil al-case is a method of propaganda by deed and by example ririskiky a straight. Da'wah bil It is intended that people follow in the footsteps of the preacher or Dai. Several studies of psychology, the most influential preached Bil-Haal, because it shows something that can be done and more easily make others believe in deed than by word of mouth.

Da'wa bit tadwin
da'wa bit tadwin is a method of propaganda is made by writing. This propaganda by a statement of the complaint would be submitted in writing methods presented. The call can be written in a variety of popular media materials used, it is easy to read, how to write in a book, social media, blogs and the like. The Prophet Muhammad once said that "the actual ink on scientists better than the blood of martyrs."

Da'wah bil wisdom
Da'wah bil wisdom urgent appeals addressed wisely and discreetly. An opportunity for the audience to make their own decisions and not by force, so that the actor can actually do for God. Delivering a persuasive and make propaganda for themselves realized. Methods of propaganda this is a method of propaganda of the most difficult, but most meaningful, usually to those who have converted to Islam.

* Call to do good, the corresponding ordered by religion.
** connotations under the conditions of the criminal act.

Self Knowledge and Science in Philosophy of Science Overview

Admin 13.07 Add Comment

nature of knowledge and science in the philosophy of science Overview

Eureka Education . " Ketahuailah what you know and know what you do not know ", as this quote the words of a philosopher, when asked by someone how to know the truth. As we have understood, people were basically with curiosity whatsoever. Curiosity is not only does not affect humans, but curiosity is the first step for a man become to know the truth. Due to the complexity that exist in this universe makes people always want to find out the truth.

matters on actual human curiosity in connection has been studied from different disciplines. The judgment is attractive because it can be the basis for the development of science. Studies related to human curiosity, along with the truth that is to be expected from people who are generally discussed in the introduction to the philosophy of science. Philosophy science. The basis for understanding the essence of human curiosity and truth Because often times to know something related, and the truth is confused with terminology finalized understand overlapping confusion in the interpretation of a thing. Often in the know and understand the truth so terkacaukan related knowledge difference between knowledge and science; as indicators truth. So in principle it should be understood in order to avoid errors, it is theoretically in the development.

understanding of the related knowledge, science, the limits of science form the basis for the identification and classification of knowledge and science itself. Because synonymous as academics with science are rightly the most basic thing about science is basically understood as a reference in the scientific developments. Especially for academics under the auspices of higher education, basic things to understand the basis for the development of appropriate scientific disciplines that occupied. Thus the repertoire of related scientific literature is no longer a theory, it is the preservation of the reforms, which are tailored to the dynamics of life. On this basis, the article is to discuss the nature of knowledge, science, the limits of science and the nature of truth in the view of science.

A. nature of knowledge

biologically people are classified in the kingdom Animalia, due to their similarities with animal [1]. However, the man is said to have the advantage, particularly in the intelligence. Since only humans are able to interpret the universe and interactions within it by curiosity. Many scientists have tried to identify the human kemamapuan subject to "know" this, for example, through a review of the human brain. This man has a large brain and the brain of perfect skin tumbuhnnya and curvy-likunya. This means that it is "thinking animal" one, it opens up possibilities for the power of thought on that recall power, awareness and conviction language perfectly even learning and the power to use [2] , By translating the brain, scientists are trying to conclude that human curiosity can exist enter because a support from them by the physiology of the cells of the human brain. But as far as I know, there is no science that can explain more information about the possibilities and mechanisms of the human brain that could think, to know, to analyze, to remember and reverie. At least have tried to explain the biology of the human brain, can provide in connection with human curiosity the information.

to have the curiosity about the people people to create knowledge. Etymologically, knowledge of the word in the English language knowledge. While the terminology in the Great Dictionary of Indonesian knowledge is all that is known; everything is known in this regard (volunteers). In another statement, the knowledge is to know the result of the process of human endeavor [3]. Through two terms above, it can easily be understood that the knowledge that man is to know everything as a result of the process out. Knowledge is an extraordinary thing in human civilization because developed by pengetahuanlah aspects of human civilization, which then completely distinguishable based ontology, epistemology and aksiologinya [4].

To simplify understanding of this knowledge, the authors analogize with the following: a new student at a university, then you want to know the University Library. Therefore you ask someone who then supplied with the information to know you finally, and for the University Library. Information you before eventually ask helps you find the University Library. Information about the new university library sooner you get, this is the new knowledge for you.

Human knowledge not only to survive, but have certain goals. In the past, people are looking to learn, typically use simple ways, namely through its activities with nature. He would find a way to live in harmony with nature. To the stages of knowledge, generally understand Auguste Comte (1798-1857) [5] divides three levels of development of human knowledge in the phase of religious, metaphysical and positive. The steps are likely to exist also in the civilization of Indonesia. In the first stage, which is used as a principle religilah scientific postulates that science is a deduction or elaboration of religious teachings. The second stage, people began to speculate about metaphysics (material) equivalent of the object of the study is that is free from religious dogmas and develop the system of knowledge based on the metaphysical postulates. During the third stage of stage of scientific knowledge, (knowledge) used in those testing positive for the principles in the examination process, the objective [6].

Based on the steps of the knowledge that has been developed by Auguste Comte , it stands to reason that human knowledge was originally formed with a passive attitude towards the universe , What adoring won a match with the universe in a way that goodness kebaikanlah from nature. It can be seen through some of the habits of our society that still maintain a certain ritual as a form of homage to nature. In a simple society the immediate area looks full of natural resources that can be used, then the knowledge of the system is stating that it is a gift something that does not appear. Finally complexity that exist in the Universe made man in ancient times to try to interpret the universe with form and connect to the human traits. Then termanifestasikanlah to the gods in the form of [7]. Because basically every ethnic group has a mythical story that is the result of people's minds in general. Myth contain symbolic elements, the meaning and the message of social relationships and the community daily lives.

Indonesian society has derived its own myth of assimilation animism with Hinduism in religious act understand Javanese, eventually giving birth shapes of the gods. He can be analogous to the development of human knowledge by Auguste Comte like this, people, such as agriculture, by opting to live on nature. For example, believe that the Java community that the abundance of plants in Java grow as a gift of the Almighty, which was obtained by the sacrifice of a goddess Dewi Sri [8]. By understanding how the figure of Dewi Sri, the Community of abundant plant holds a gift that requires good treatment. This enables plants to keep still grow rapidly and produce an abundant harvest, the community held a ritual "please" and the goddess honor. It is generally held in the form of ceremonies in the cultivation of rice to harvest from sowing even with crop failures.

So if suddenly planted at a time rice become dry and did not yield closed satisfactorily, that human nature has for less glorified angry at him was, then glorify start again certain rituals Nature by [9]. It is a manifestation of human knowledge, that there are forces outside of man which can not be controlled by people, then people have such power memulikan that human life can be guaranteed. After that sets human knowledge to grow, so that it looked phenomenon plant that unproductive turns suddenly happens regularly, that is, at a certain time [10]. Through these experiences, the people concluded finally that nature was not alone annoyed when the plants do not produce, but it is done because of something that is not tangible in nature, but have an impact on plant growth, as the seasons. Finally, based on the human experience, include knowledge that when a particular season (dry) rice will produce results not planted. So in this second stage is the realization of the human being to interpret the nature has a cycle of the seasons and the types of plants that can be grown in a particular season. Started However, people can not do much because to know only the drier season. Then they begin to anticipate the availability of water through irrigation systems are simple.

Furthermore, in the final phase on science based human nature to interpret, as it is today. People try to interpret why the dry season can and it happened in these days, are unpredictable, as a rule. So they should be able to harvest the crops, but sometimes failed harvests due to drought that hit. At a later stage is that the people began to recognize the knowledge, natural phenomena to interpret are not the unpredictable human begin checking them more objective or based on the state of nature itself.

B. Nature of Science

Many people interpret knowledge and science are the same, it is not entirely wrong, but must follow the rules of science to understand the truth are evaluated. As an analogy, which was presented, is that the science of the stage or the knowledge. So it can be understood that the findings of science is different. More specifically, the science is a part of knowledge. The word science is a translation of the word "science" which etymologically from the Latin word "scinre ", ie, " know "is derived. However, the definition of science is often misinterpreted and reduced to pure physics related, but it is not so. In Big Indonesian Dictionary, science is the knowledge of a field that is arranged by applying certain methods that can be used, certain symptoms in the area of ​​(knowledge), to explain it. Another opinion says that science knowledge is with full responsibility and sincerity [11] to develop and implement the rules of the game. Through this opinion, that science to understand, is a development of the knowledge that certain rules and verifiably does, how it relates to the interpretation of a thing that generally applies in general.

Science is the system of knowledge of man on nature, society and thought. It reflects the world in concepts, categories and law, the accuracy and truth of be the checked by practical experience [12]

This statement Afanasyef a Marxist thinker Russian nationality. By translating that has been said, it can be understood that the scientific knowledge about a certain thing is (object / field), which is the unity and systematic explanation of systematic, by showing the causes of things or events, the [13] may be justified.

Based on the understanding that has been described, the science shows the progress of human knowledge that each is arranged in a structured and auditable. At the end of the universe can be transmitted to humans using methods that are better suited to the dynamics of nature as it is. Based on existing studies, the authors concluded that the science part of science has characteristics that set it by other knowledge, namely: logical, systematic, universal and empirically. Show Logis that science can be achieved by human reason and accepted. can be observed due to its nature by human senses or to reach through the tools that can help the human senses in the interpretation of natural phenomena. Systematic showed a trace of things have to understand a clear phases. Universal, holistic, which means that knowledge in general. While empirically show that every science may experience or that science to develop.

The history of the rice harvest we suddenly had no unpredictable dried, can ultimately be explained in more scientific. The phenomenon can be explained by biology, for example, because rice is prematurely dried up suddenly to be warmer due to the existence of global warming phenomenon that the seasons are unpredictable and rising temperature of the earth, caused by the destruction of ozone [14]. It may be one of the causes more scientific and applicable in general to explain the causes of the phenomenon of our rice. to have

understood that the cause of the drought to develop global warming, science, and the solutions for agriculture. The progress in the field of molecular and cell biology [15] makes biologists plant varieties with specific benefits may develop. Biologists can achieve superior rice plants with plant production times shorter and a good result. One example of rice of BATAN made or agricultural facilities. Since rice produced to have proven benefits, such as shorter harvest time, resistant to pests, resistant to extreme heat conditions. So the solution to the problem of crop failures from last season, not be solved by simple irrigation system, but can with her rice varieties to be expected with superior.

Science is the result of human civilization, which serve merely to make help the work of man. In this case, the work of man is not only a practical aspect alone, but managed to get the science of the universe generally applicable definition. This means that every natural phenomena simultaneously understand and this knowledge can be used by anyone without restriction. not Prophet Mercy is not as convenient as a tiger, but the path is clear and credible timetable Definitely blessed revelation or large: Then at the end of the discussion of the nature of this science, we can cite the following statement, "Science is like a city bus. Artists assemble inspiring, but the vehicle of ordinary people like us "[16].

C. Limitation of Sciences

had knowledge ontology, epistemology and axiology, then did everything that happens in people to be able to be explained by science? It turns out, the answer is no. Because science has limits, such a simple answer. However, whether the limits of science that ?. Ontologically us confine science to the study of objects that are within the scope of human experience [17]. The collective knowledge of science with the aim of issues of everyday life of people encounter, and used to offer convenience to people's lives. Through them that science on everything that experienced by humans can be understood limited, because of the knowledge that has experienced by people attempting described by other knowledge, such as religion not for example.

Science in its development has generated in the human civilization a lot of things. Even if it is known that living organisms can not be seen with the naked eye, can be identified as a result of the development of science using a microscope. Even more impressive, because the microscopic organisms play a role in human life. As the history of rice drought earlier. After the man was able to identify the cause of the drought, the people of possibilities began to think, to produce better rice that can withstand the conditions of low water availability. Finally, by a branch of biology that genetic engineering can human genes combine the rice to ordinary rice gene using bacterial plasmids as is resipennya superior. When the gene expression yielding rice had then, the high-yield rice comes with new types and can more benefit be developed therefrom. It is certainly beneficial for the improvement of agricultural products. So rhythm science always berdinamika in the dynamics of human life.

Science has helped people interpret the universe, and even help people in the prediction of an event, based on the patterns are visible. However, there are many that science argue produce not always positive effects, but there are also negative effects. As rice has been genetically modified to reduce rated rice varieties. So the rice Excel is not will die, because they will not be developed. Therefore, it is necessary to understand fashion that science is a tool that can be used according to its purpose. Wise quote about science appears as a cover in the discussion about the limits of this science, the rejection of the presence of science with small we mean a blind eye to make all the advances of today, useful in the almost all aspects of modern life is through the influenced product of science and technology. Unlike the laud Science, shows that here again we fail to understand the true nature of science to get. They are really well informed are those who know the advantages and disadvantages of science, on the basis that they accept the science as it is, love wisely, and to make him a part of the personality and life. Together more knowledge and complementarity and the happiness of our lives fill [18].

Basically science to explain D. Scientific truth of all with regard to the search for truth. Truth in Science has different views ultimately produce different schools of thought. Streams are derived from the ideas of the experts who are trying to understand the real intention of the science.

Basically, the truth has a study thought for a long time. Plato (427-347) and Aristotle (384-322) have tried to formulate this truth. Theory of truth proposed by Plato and Aristotle, the theory of coherence. Coherence theory assumes that a thing is said to be true based on previous statements. So if there is a statement "all mammals go into the class of mammals" is a true statement. So that the statement of the Pope he is breastfeeding and in the class of mammals, "is a true statement because statements that linked together and to show the truth. Although we know the whale is a fish, but because he nursed it does not fit into the class fish but mammals. in addition, the truth of the theory developed by Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) with a coherence theory. Based on the theory of coherence, a case is considered correct if it with the suitability may be tested on existing objects. for example, if there is a statement of "chicken breed by laying eggs." Then said the statement because factually correct, in fact, chicken breeding eggs and chicken eggs were to put even found. Thus, the theory of
coherence and correspondence useful to understand truth, which is generally used.
theories in a matter as motivated in the scientific method. So that the truth is a scientific truth in the field of science, which by the scientific method migrated. The scientific method as the right way recognized is to understand something because it is based on the characteristics of science, namely rational, empirical and systematically.

When developing many experts are still trying that truth to formulate, then spawned numerous streams such as empiricism, idealism, existentialism and pragmatism. These theories will try to discuss the following:

1. The flow of Philosophy Empiricism

A case is considered true according to this theory, if such a thing of each can be seen, or the existence of an authentic proof which. on the data of a general nature River Empeirisme put science and truth to objects attached care who saw. This findings done only by experience, experiment or an act to get aware of an answer. This experience helped by the senses. So knowledge is obtained only when the center of sense something along experience

. For example: The fire is hot. It can be seen by everyone, because if his hands burned, he felt the heat. So hot that fire was right, because anyone can hot flashes occur when the skin is exposed to the sense of touch to shoot, no matter how big the body's ability sesesorang the heat withstand, but the amount of heat can be made to the subjectivity of heat be removed. The figures from the flow of empiricism is John Locke.

2. The flow of philosophy idealism

Immanuel Kant was a prominent figure in this theory. Idealism is often referred to as the romantic stream. Kant in his system provides information on the ability of the mind to acquire knowledge: it says, where the ability to promote it. With bright Emanual Kant describes the pure minds of people may not know what lay beyond the experience, because the knowledge of the spirit that always begin with the experience: pure metaphysics impossible [19] !. Can be understood, only that the idealism with the human mind to something other true if the unthinkable of people associated. This current will be too subjective and romantic every person is different for the favor. Activities diterankan Emanuel Kant in this river Subjectivity is not tend to be self-centered, but judgment is good and right about a case may not necessarily be obtained by experience.

. 3 Existentialist philosophy Flow

The existence of deployment and bersosok amorphous to be able to exist. By eksistensia seats may be in place. Mango tree can tertatanam to grow, evolve. Tiger, the jungle live and reign. Man can live, work, worship, and a group with a different people together. While still bereksistensia, everything can exist, live, perform, present. However, if left eksistensia, everything to be there, no, not alive, not shown, are not present. Chair disappeared. Mango mango trees in wood. Tigers to a cadaver. People die. Thus, the role of eksistensia. Everything can be him really there, live, perform, play a role. Without them, everything is real, let alone life and play a role [20] Thus, it can be understood from the truth of existence, that if something exists, exists, although he was not really in a place where we exist thought.

4. The flow of philosophy pragmatism

John Dewey is a figure. On this theory Pragmatism assume that something is true if it has a practical function. For example: learning at local wisdom-based methods is to study the correct method to biology. Because the students are better able by this method, the biology teaching material and obtaining learn large to understand because it is based on local wisdom in the vicinity. So in pragmatism, the method is considered to be true because it has a function to learn better results biology students.

view of pragmatism is likely to be directed to kemoersialisme that on the profits irrespective focused profits like material, experience or knowledge, but John Dewey believes that the development of philosophy based on idealism rationalism mixed only based an error is generated that dangerous development of supporters out to radicals.


[1] organisms live in biology is divided into five kingdoms , Biologically, men in the kingdom animalia for multicellular, specialized cells, eukaryotic, heterotrophic, require oxygen in respirainya, sexual reproduction.

[2] K. F. Vaas, Darwinism and Teaching Evolution (Jakarta: PT Pustaka Rakyat, 1956), p. 117.

[3] Burhanuddin Greetings, Introduction to Philosophy. (Jakarta: Earth Alphabet, 03), hlm.5

[4] "Knowledge is essentially everything we know about a particular object, is it a science, so science is a part of for humans in addition to various other know how art and religion known knowledge. knowledge is the repertoire of spiritual wealth, which directly enriched our lives. it is hard, as human life, imagine if there is no knowledge, because knowledge a source of answers to questions that arise in life. Any kind of knowledge are the characteristics of what (ontology), how (epistemology) and for what (axiology) "Jujun Suriasumantri, philosophy of science as an introduction to the popular ( Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 09), p. 104-105.

[5] known as a philosopher Auguste Comte France introduce flow for the field of sociology and positivism. Positivism influenced his opinion. Positivism is derived from the positive, this philosophy comes from what is already known, factual, positive. Positivism only membetasi on, it seemed, all the symptoms. (Http://

[6] Jujun, ibid., P. 25.

[7] tried our ancestors in the past to build knowledge based on their experiences, to understand the conditions of the universe.

Misconceptions in Learning and concept training process

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misunderstandings in learning and understanding concepts

Eureka Education . Wartono, et al (04: 10) suggests the concept is an idea or ABSTRACT designed to simplify the environment. While Euwe van den Berg (1991: 8), the concept proposes is an abstraction of the characteristics of something that facilitate between people and communication that allows people to think. The concept is formed by the characterization of the results observed in a particular category. The concept abstraction called for the concept in the imaging process brought different actual experience expressed. The concept is patterned observed as mental representations on the experience.
concept would not only get with only one observation to see, hear or feel in order. Several observations, the categories and category based on this concept to obtain, can be produced, are formed. Making the ability inferences, categories and patterns in the form of concepts, is very important to store a variety of information received. If people are a concept not in a position to form, there will be a lot of things that people need to remember.

Each concept is not alone, but each term relating to the concepts of others. All concepts together form a network of knowledge in the human head. In addition, the integrated, precise and close relations between concepts a person's head, the more clever people. An expertise of the individual into a particular field of study over the full network of concepts in the head.

on this basis is the concept of man is formed when people began be able to make environmental observations to provide an answer then stored in the form of psychic information in his thinking. To a child, before going ahead with the basic education then existing concepts for the environment. First concepts, called by the students before learning owned prejudice.

prejudice influenced by direct experience, the experience of thinking, physical and emotional experience through social processes. Prejudice by children is brought into the classroom is not the same. It is a prejudice of children who are already familiar with the truth of science in line, but some are not in accordance with the truth of science is taught in schools. For children who have preconceived ideas already, which is taught in the classroom in accordance with the truth of science is, then he will find it easy to accept the lesson, but if otherwise he would have difficulty learn . In this case, the teacher will support needed to guide the student prejudices.

first concepts that will not correspond to the truth of science called misunderstandings. The original concept was obtained by the learner while in elementary school, middle school, their experiences and observations in the community or in everyday life. It is not uncommon that the concept of the students, even if it is not compatible with scientific concepts, a long time may take and is difficult during the formal education to be repaired or changed. After Suparno (05: 3), it is caused by the concept that students have, although wrong, but it may explain some of the problems they face in their lives. Some children use the dual concept in this case, namely, the scientific concept used concepts in school and everyday life, to be used in the Community. This makes both expert educators and researchers involved in the discussion of how the misunderstanding how misunderstandings can be addressed and overcome the difficulties

misunderstandings or incorrect concepts. (Suparno, 05: 4) refers to a concept which is not in accordance with the scientific sense and reason that get the experts in this field. Also with Wartono, et al (04: 25) defines an alternative understanding error is not scientifically correct. The misconception believed by students and make react based on problems that arise. Thus the mismatch concept misunderstanding is part of the students to the concept of experts. Based on these false ideas of physics the lack of a concept of physics by students was heard with physicists.

Broadly speaking, the cause of misunderstandings in five groups are divided, namely students, teachers, textbooks, and context teaching method . The cause of that comes from students from a variety of things like initial prejudices that ability development stage interests, ways of thinking and other friends can be made. may be the cause of the fault of the teacher the inability of teachers, lack of knowledge of the material, the teaching of which is not appropriate or teacher attitudes in relations with students who are not good. Misunderstandings by false doctrine caused quite difficult to judge, because the students have confidence that the teachers have learned is true. The cause of the misconception of the books contained in a false declaration or a description in the book. Context, such as culture, religion and language daily also affect students misunderstandings. While this method of teaching the truth of the words emphasized often led to misunderstandings students (Suparno, 05: 29).

error is understandable, especially when we checked from the point view of constructivism , where it is the construction of knowledge of students. Because freedom of design and the design constraints that students had misconceptions, although taught appropriate and also with a good book by the teachers.

There are many ways to help students overcome misconceptions in physics. to help overcome the steps Broadly misconceptions are:

a Search or show misconceptions do students

Paul Suparno. (05: 56). Declares that in order to understand the idea of ​​students some of the things to include:

  • The students were released revealing ideas and thoughts on the material discussed. This can be done orally or in writing
  • The teacher gave questions to the students about the concepts, which generally makes students confused and students were asked to answer historians honest.
  • The teacher invites students to discuss certain materials that usually contain misunderstandings and the teacher let freely discuss the students.

b. Trying to find the cause of the misunderstanding that

activity can be carried out, the cause of misunderstandings, to determine, among other things:
  • Teachers Private interviews and public before class lead provided
  • Provides a written request for students. Very good with students misunderstandings

c. in accordance with the needs of the student must be, the effectiveness of such methods of finding the appropriate treatment to address.

done The method of teaching to minimize misunderstandings. This is certainly necessary precautionary select educators methods that are suitable for a specific material.

Biology studies the nature and extent

Admin 11.05 Add Comment

The nature and scope of its study biology

Eureka Education . Simply put, biology is regarded as a science, which is closely associated with nature. "The word itself comes from biology compound of two Greek words, means organic life or life and logos meaning science (Harminto 04: 1.1).". Thus, one can understand that the scope of the study of biology in more creatures is specified and the environment.

human systems with other organisms and the environment, in fact, makes the biology not only alone the diversity of living things studied.

"Biology is the science that is quite old, as most of curiosity of man comes of himself to the environment and the continuity of its kind. Biological study of the physical structure and function of human organs with all curiosities. All tools of the human body works each, but help each other mutually. Biology studied the tool around or the environment. both aspects of both human body and nature is considered to be a system in each system there are components that support each other, so that the entire system can take place (Rustaman, 05: 12).. "

Biology study were that the links between biodiversity, because basically the whole, form a system of mutual influence.

"Biology is the science (science) that prior to now with all embodiments and complexity since a few million years ago on the subject of life studied, from subatomic particles to the interaction between living things and living beings with the environment (Nugroho, 04: 3). "

by such view can be understood that the object of study biology is a living from the micro to the macro level of the whole are interconnected. This view is reinforced by the statement Harminto, who argued that "the world of biology of all living things is that inhabit our planet, microorganisms to plants and higher animals (Harminto 04: 1.1)." Biological Sciences studied the diversity, structure, physiological processes, relationships between living things and interact with the environment. So biology is affecting the teaching of all matters relating to the life.

As mentioned above, the relationship between human life in his environment of human knowledge, to other organisms and their environment is no stranger more to make in connection with. It makes biology as a science, which was introduced for primary level in units of science subjects. Biology study objects that can not be separated from human life, and its position has been learned since elementary school, the basis of this study was biology is an attempt to build a knowledge-knowledge.
"that biology in the process greatly contributes knowledge of the building through the senses, adaptations and abstractions requires a reference to be. That is, the thought process of building knowledge and awareness of how knowledge acquired and developed is (Rustaman, 05: 33). "
Therefore, to be able to have the knowledge that the whole of biology as a science, biology peculiarities of such a study.

"Scientists studying the biology of natural phenomena that we study biology through certain processes and scientific attitude. This process as observation and experiment, while the scientific attitude as objectively and honest in collecting and analyzing data (Herath 04: 1,3). "

, the specificity of biology and not only lead students in to be the study scientists. But by the object of study Biology, students are directed to develop a positive potential in him with regard to the way of thinking, habits and attitudes. It provides an understanding that biology is not the only subjects that invite students to memorize concepts. Biodiversity The study investigated in formal education, in an effort as individuals to discover the potential of pupils learning a science that the skills of thinking, acting and sensitive to the natural environment
References examined .:
Harminto, Sundowo. 04 General Biology. Jakarta :. Publishing Center Open University
Herath, Susilo. Capita Selecta 05 Biology. Jakarta. Open University
Nugroho, L. Hartanto and Issirep Sumardi. 04 basic biology. Yogyakarta. Sower Self Reliance
Rustaman, Nuryani. 05 Teaching and Learning Strategies biology. Malang. State University
Malang Press

The flow of educational philosophy: press Realism

Admin 22.04 Add Comment

flow philosophy of education: Realism

Eureka Education . Based on the form of words (etymology) The realism comes from the Latin " Realist " means " genuine or real and true ". Realism is a philosophy that believes that it is a real outside world that is recognizable. Therefore, the realism of the view exists that the object of sensory perception and understanding are caught really independent of the senses and the mind, because the object has to be examined, in fact, analyzed, learned from science and was mainly due to the philosophy ,

the supporters of realism recognizes that a person could be confused about the objects or sees terpengeruh by sekelilingnnya circumstances. But they understand there are things that have their own form, be regarded as objects that remain despite observed.

The school of philosophy, keeps realism that the sense and the concept arrested there in the head, it was real

. For example:
  • Leg stumbling stones in the new road experience actually is.
  • The roses that stimulates smell the nose real earnest No perched on a branch in the flower garden smelling.
  • The cats were seen side dishes steals on the table really exists and lives in the family home.

history of realism

The flow of realism is that and the physical nature of reality is dualistic mind, which is both physically and mentally, in education there are about on the subject of man and nature to get to know. In-depth study of realism more inclined to politics, but some of the topics discussed on education.

Realism formation of some of the philosophers among them pioneering David Hume, John Stuart Mill.

They share the flow in three parts, namely:
  1. Materialism . the principle of philosophy to do with the matter
  2. Idealism :. Principle of philosophy to do with the spirit of
  3. Realism [1945026[: principle of philosophy, materialism and idealism combines

in addition to the realism of the training, realism shared the pengetahunannya such realism as a cultural movement and art realism.

Realism Shape Shape

1. Realism Extreme or Primitive

Realism extremes, which argues that abstraction exists as a unit of the real in the other dimensions of reality, and that the concrete that we perceive is simply a reflection of the imperfect, but the specific causes of abstraction in our minds.

extremely, essentially trying
school of realism, the excellence of existence (reality), by obtaining the consciousness through the integration of the concept into existing concrete sharing and reduce consciousness at the level of perception, namely understanding persep automatic function (by means of the supernatural because persep as it does not exist).

weakness extreme realism is not a universal experience to evaluate error perceptions; there is no explanation about the object of fantasy / hallucination; all visual perception depends on the context.

2. Common Sense Realism
First, common sense realism seems to soften the problems of extreme realism, but falsehoods immediately felt to avoid by the dualism and idealism. Common sense realism agreed with extreme realism or primitive that physical objects do not depend on feelings or are beyond the mind, even if these objects directly and immediately observable by the Spirit. The thing that distinguishes these two views, is the understanding of the common sense realism about objects that are not real, the imaginary or hallucination are. This perception is subjective, and items that full in the head.
The realism of common sense has criticized overcome advantages extreme realism or raised primitive. According to common sense realism, object khalayan are not alone and are outside the mind, but in some ways a product of the mind.

concept of Education realism

Realism sound, then the purpose of education is is dirumusakan as efforts to develop the potential that exists and is to be optimal as possible in the possession of learners. After realism is the nature of reality, which are the "things" or "objects". So, not something apart or separated from their owners. Therefore, it makes sense that the first concern in education is what is on the learner.

1. The purpose of Education
The aims of education in realism is tapat able in to adjust in life and, able to carry out the pin of social responsibility.

2. Principles of Education realism
  1. study basically give priority attention to the students, as they are.
  2. initiatives in the field of education should not be stressed educators in children.
  3. , the core of the educational process is the assimilation of the subject, which has been determined. The curriculum is organized and planned by the teacher with security. On the whole material and social environment, people who determines how he should live.

3. Content Education or the curriculum
  1. curriculum Comprehensive contains all information that is useful for setting lived in together and social responsibility.
  2. , the curriculum contains elements Education liberal / public education, the ability to think and to develop practical training in the interests of labor.
  3. All learning based on experience, either directly or indirectly.
  4. method doctrine should be logical, phased or sequential.
  5. Habituation is a main method used by both the supporters of realism and behaviorism.

4. The role of students and educators
  1. In connection with the teaching, the role of learners is the acquisition of knowledge is that it can change.
  2. In connection with discipline, good manners are very important in learn . Learners need to have the mental discipline and morality at any level of virtue.
  3. The role of teachers is the knowledge to master training techniques with the power to achieve the skills training results that charged to him.