Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS)

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Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS)

Eureka Education . Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) is one of the centers of curriculum development and learning biology is in Colorado, USA. BSCS has among other various documents / products tekait Biology Learning, prepared; Curriculum, teacher manual, teachers lead the students, discussion of new topics, report on the results of educational research biology teacher training and education in biology.

Kurikulum pendidikan biologi

of learning approach used BSCS student information using techniques taught to process, the researchers biology were used, for example, by identifying and using certain methods to solve the problem the problems. BSCS emphasize the content and processes. Emphasis first (content) together on human behavior in the ecology of the earth. Meanwhile, for scientific research in the context, the focus of the second (process) / science. Flexible curriculum, which can be individualized according to each teaching style and classroom unique collaborative learning, continuous assessment, optional activities, and a variety of educational technology can be used for curriculum in a variety of learning situations. Allowing students to the purpose / nature of science to understand the strategies drafted by the Committee has introduced biological in students BSCS methods. In addition, at the same time, BSCS also introduced ideas and facts.

BSCS used four approaches in biology that ecological approach learning, research design, molecular recognition and human approach. Ecological approach is applied to the primary school, inquiry approach to the middle school (junior and senior), molecular approach to colleges and universities and human approach to higher education.


BSCS 07 in Science A Guided Profiels to NSF promoting school teaching materials Second Edition, BSCS Professional Development: Colorado Springs.
BSCS. 2015 Biology: A Human Approach on 22 March 2015 accessed at http / / BSCS / person / approach
BSCS.2015. A Human Approach Researchstudie Reportt Kendall / Hunht accessed on 22 March 2015
Fitriani 2012. Applying the model S. Connected Visionary science environmental technology company on integrated Science Education. Unnes Science Education Journal 1 (2) (2012).
Glencoe, 06 BSCS Biology A Molecular Approach Blue Version ninth edition, Columbus. The McGraw Hill Companies
Hosnan (2014) approaches to scientific and Contextual In Pembelajara 21st century "
Jean P. Milani 07 ecological concept sixth edition Green BSCS version. Colorado Springs . Colorado Springs
Mark Dabling Blvd (08) Why is this important request because that is what science is All About !. Colorado Springs: Kendall / Hunt Publishing Company
Nancy M. Landes, Janet Carlson Powell, a biology ecological approach 07. BSCS Colorado Springs Professional development
Nurjanah, S. 2010. The learning model and approach of STS (Science, technology, society) Mone:.... information and communication technology center for Education
Ratri, SY approach science-technology-society (STM) for the development of social Education in primary schools Yogyakarta:. Faculty of Education UNY
Rodger et al. 06. The BSCS 5E Instructional Capital: Origin, effectiveness and applications. Colorado: Mark Dabling Boulevard Colorado Springs.
Setyaningsih, N.I. 2011 implementation approach SETS (Science, environment, technology and society) on topics IPS Class IV Tue Wed Al-Islam Kauman Sukorejo Kendal 2011 Semarang: Semarang IAIN
Steve Olson and Susan Loucks-Horsley (00) request and the National Science Education standards, Guidelines for the teaching and learning interpreting Ismunandar ... [Et Al.] (2013) request and standards National Science Education. Bandung: SEAMEO QITEP in science.
studying high school science performance in Washington (2012) Washington. MDRC Research Methodology
Suyanto, Slamet (2011) Learning Life Cycle With approach and learning from the BSCS 5E for character development. Proceedings of the National Seminar on "BIOLOGY AND LOCAL WISDOM; past, present and future". press ({}) The State University of Yogyakarta
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