CV (metacognitive in Learning)

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CV (metacognitive in Learning)

Resume (Part 1)
The role of metacognitive knowledge in the areas of learning, teaching and assessment
Raul R. Pintrich

Eureka Education - metacognitive knowledge includes knowledge of cognition ingeneral, as well as awareness and knowledge of the own knowledge. One of the hallmarks of psychological and educational theory and learning research since the original Taxonomy was published, is the emphasis on supporting the students' knowledge of and responsible for the opinions of their own perception and thought.

metacognitive knowledge includes knowledge of general strategies that can be used for various tasks, to the knowledge of the conditions used under this roomates strategies to the knowledge of the extent in which the strategies are effective, and self-knowledge. For example, the learner may know a textbook and strategies on different strategies to monitor for reading and checking reviews their understanding as they read. Also activate Learners relevant knowledge about reviews their own strengths and weaknesses, to complete the task with respect and their motivation for the task. Recognize learner assume they already know a lot about the subject of a chapter in a textbook (which may perceive as a strength), and that they are interested in this topic (which reviews their motivation can enchance). This knowledge could lead them to change their approach reviews or rate. Finally, students can for the solution of a problem enable relevant in a particular context situational or conditional knowledge (for example, in this classroom ;. In this type of test, in this real situation, etc). You can know for example, that multiple-choice tests require only recognition of the right answers, not necessarily the recall of information, as required in the essay test. could affect this type of metacognitive knowledge as they prepare for the exam later.

Three types of metacognitive knowledge
Add Flavell (1979) classic article on metacognition he suggests, indicate that metacognition includes knowledge of strategy, object and person variables. We represent these conditions in our categories by including students knowledge about general strategies for learning and thinking (Strategic Information) and their knowledge of cognitive tasks and when and why reviews these different strategies to use (knowledge about cognitive tasks, including appropriate contextual and conditional Knowledge). Finally, we included the knowledge of the self (the person variable) with respect to both cognitive and motivational power components (self-knowledge).

a.Strategic knowledge
Strategic knowledge is knowledge of general strategies for learning, reasoning and problem solving. Reviews These strategies are applicable to all or most academic disciplines or subject domains as opposed to more specific strategies from the disciplines or domains. Consequently reviews these strategies on a large number of different tasks or domains are used, rather than that they are very useful for a particular type of object in a particular subject area.

Strategic knowledge includes knowledge of the various strategies can be used to memorize, to extract meaning from text students material and what to comprehend , they hear in the classroom or what they read in books and other course materias. While there are a large number of different learning strategies are, they can be grouped into three general categories: sample preparation and organizazional.

In addition to the general reviews these learning strategies, students can have knowledge of various metacognitive strategies that will help you with the planning of use, monitoring and control reviews their learning and thinking , Reviews These strategies include ways individuals plan their knowledge reviews (eg set sub-goals) monitor their knowledge reviews (eg asking questions as they read a piece of text; check reviews its answer to a math problem) and Regulate reviews their cognition ( eg re-read something that they do not understand, they go back and "fix" their error in a mathematical problem of calculation).

to develop on cognitive tasks
When students reviews their knowledge of different learning and thinking strategies and their use, this knowledge reflects the "what" and "how" of the various strategies. However, this knowledge for expertise in learning is not enough. Students also need to have some knowledge about the development of "when" and "why" of these strategies will be used appropriately. Since not all strategies are suitable for all situations, the student must develop some knowledge of the different conditions and tasks where the different strategies are used most appropriately. So, an important aspect of the strategies of learning is knowing when and why to use it appropriately.

Another important aspect of the conditional knowledge affect local situational and general social, conventional and cultural norms for the use of different strategies. For example, a teacher can promote the use of strategies for reading. A student who knows Teacher strategic preference, is better able to adapt to the requirements of this teaher classroom. Similarly, different cultures may have to think standards for the use of different strategies and ways of problems. know Again Reviews these standards help students to meet the requirements of the culture to adapt in terms of solving the problem.

c. Self-knowledge
Flavel (1979) suggested that the self-awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, a student knows that he or she is doing better generally to multiple-choice tests than on essay tests has some metacognitive self-knowledge about his or her test-taking ability. This knowledge can be useful for the students, since he or she. For two different types of test studies One of the hallmarks of experts is that they know when they do not know something and have to find some general strategies trust for the relevant information. This self-confidence of the breadth and depth of one's own knowledge base of a is an important aspect of self-knowledge. Individuals need to be aware of the different types of strategies that they are likely to rely on in different situations. The awareness that one could use overrelies to a particular strategy when others may be more adaptive strategies for the task on the possibility of a change of strategy.

In addition to general self-knowledge, also have beliefs about individuals Reviews motivation. These are judgments of rating their ability to an object (self eficacy) perform reviews to do their goals for a task (learning or just get a good score), and the interest and value the task for them (high interest rates and high value compared to low interest rates and low value).

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