Even textbooks

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Even textbooks

Eureka Education . One factor supporting the teaching and learning pemlajaran, devices such as text books. The existence of textbooks to be very important to support the learning process, both for teachers and for students. Textbooks or textbooks are used in a flexible, the learning performed by the students in the school or independent study at home.

etymologically, the textbook is the language of the receiving of the English language, the textbook . Direct translation of the word textbook is TESK books or textbooks. tesk In the unit level of education or in school, books tesk book also often a lesson, the level of education or curriculum unit SBC arranged entire sedimikian book tesk how to cover a particular topic. Penggambungan topics with science subjects in primary school, but the curriculum 2013, curriculum-based thematic integrative, books SD is a merger of all topics of a topic.

Permendikbud No. 2 08 Article 1 In accordance with the textbook a mandatory reference for use in units of primary and secondary education or higher education, which includes learning materials to increase the faith, piety, character and personality, mastery of science and technology, increased sensitivity and aesthetic ability, kinesthetic skills and improve health, based on the national educational standards. It is strengthened by Permendikbud No. 65 of 2013 that used the efficiency and effectiveness of this number textbooks adapted to the needs of learners to improve

Saleem & Thomas (2011: . 18) states that "the textbooks are powerful tools of teaching and learning, the teacher implemented the material in the textbook and the interaction of the students with the book, the teacher and students construction of knowledge with respect to the TeXbook content". That is, the textbook is a very useful tool in the learning process, such as teachers build the content of textbooks and student interaction with books, teacher and student groups knowledge to implement for the content of the book. Along with that Cunningsworth in Roseni (2014: 417) states that
" Textbooks are an effective resource for self-directed learning, an effective resource for the materials of the teachers, a source to present ideas and activities, a reference source for students, a curriculum prescribed for less experienced teachers learning objectives and support reflects still trusting ".

[1945011zugewinnenhabendassLehrbuch] is effective to learn directly itself a resource, effectively the source of content by the teacher, to present a source of ideas and activities, a reference source for students, a curriculum, the help the learning goal and teachers, less experienced, who still do not believe textbooks reflects itself. Therefore, in a number of very powerful tools in the learning process.

According to Fernandes (1984: 35), "t extbooks are built and up to date textbooks are crucial for the quality of service to improve "that is, the textbook is the most important resource for teaching and learning the most important resources of teaching and learning. Good. Well built and up to date textbooks is very important to improve the quality of performance. This is made clear by Tarin and Tarin (09: 13-14), the textbook is a textbook in a particular area of ​​study, which is a standard work, compiled by experts in the field of science for the purpose and educational purposes, which is provided with means is understood by the user -sarana teaching in schools and universities to support harmonious and slightly somewhat instructional programs.

Based on the above terms can be achieved, concludes that a book of standardized textbooks to certain levels of education used to be used in the class, a variety of learning activities, contains in order to achieve the learning objectives. Textbooks are used to facilitate the learning process, is to enrich more than a wawasaan and experience of the teachers and students generally. (.iklangoogle Adsbygoogle = window || [])
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