Dynamics of Madrasah Aliyah

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The dynamics of Madrasah Aliyah

Eureka Education . After an extensive dictionary Indonesian (03), the school is a school or university (usually based on the religion of Islam). Then the new law 66 of 2010 states that, madrasah aliyah, hereinafter abbreviated MA, a form of formal education units in the target Minister is religion that with the peculiarities of the Islamic religion in secondary education as a continuation of the SMP, MTs or other forms equivalent public education organized or continuation of learning outcomes that the same or equivalent junior high school or junior to be recognized. As described above, MA is part of a religious secondary school. Understanding religious secondary education itself through state regulation described No. 29 of 190 (Chapter I, Article 1, paragraph 4), which states that secondary education is religious Education in the secondary, promotes the mastery of specific knowledge of the students about the teachings of the religion. is Thus, it can be concluded that the madrasah aliyah secondary education to religion, Islam, is based that. under the Ministry of Religious Protection

basically the school was an outgrowth of the Islamic education system. Madrasah is the manifestation of the application of the classical Islamic education startup benches, tables, use tables to implement the education and teaching of the Islamic religion. In addition to the seminars, a system-level classes will have implemented, are qualities of low, medium and high grade. "In perkembangangannya madrasa system is divided into two types, namely, called madrasas special education and religious teaching Madrasah Diniyah and madrasah in addition to providing education and religious instruction in general subjects, are also members. For a basic level madrasah Ibtida'iyah, for called first intermediate MTs and called upper intermediate Madrasah Aliyah called (Zuhairini, et al, 1997: 217-218). "

The system of teaching at madrassas diniyah and madrassahs, teach general knowledge, mengaharuskan learners mosques or courts of the house of the teacher over time come to the mosque, broke to study to learn a couple of hours. First, the curriculum includes several applied many such religious knowledge, nahwu science, neuroscience, the science of Fiqh, Tafsir, the science of Tawheed, the science of Hadith, Mantiq (logic), Ma'aanee science, science bayan, badi Science " the science of usul fiqh and Arabic. What the general science they studied, read and write Latin, Indonesian, geography and history of Indonesia and numerology.

the emergence of movement Islamic educational reform is at the time, Islamic education is only adapt not aligned to learning that emphasizes only religious knowledge. Therefore, the government is looking for graduates of religious schools can be especially madrasah have an equal quality of public schools equal. Since the implementation of these efforts was the SKB3M government (decree of three ministers) No. 3 March 24, 1975 derived from the consent of the Minister of religious Affairs, the Minister of Education and Culture and the Minister of the interior. "Based on these SKB3M, general knowledge and religious knowledge in school, where compared to 70% (often) and 30% (religion). The main purpose of this SKB3M so that the quality of common knowledge in the school along with the quality of education knowledge in the public schools are the same, and therefore a degree of madrassas with public school equivalent diploma, ie diploma Madrasah Ibtida'iyah = primary school diploma, graduate Madrassah equated Tsanawiyah = junior high school diploma and diploma Madrasah Aliyah = high -School diploma (Zuhairini, et al, 1997: 231) "

position madrasah aliyah, which is the equivalent to the level of education [ middle school, the community responded by apparently very good. This is evidenced by the increase in the amount of students who choose to study in MA. "The development of MA and students in the last 4 years has increased from year to year. In the academic year 04/05, the number of institutions MA only 4,678 pieces with the number of participants ddik many as 744,736 people, then in the school year 07 / 08 this number to 5,398 pieces with the number of students, as many as 855,553 people (Haedari, 07: 5). "
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