Age of Dutch colonization curriculum

Admin 21.17

Curriculum Zaman Dutch occupation

Eureka Education. Although the phase of the Dutch East Indies government who holds formal training begun, schools and universities, but the goal is not only to educate, and the Bumiputera population thrive. On this basis, there is a wide range of criticism and condemnation of the defenders of the interests of the Dutch East India colonial countries such as de Waal, van Dedem, van Kol, van den Berg, Schoepman, Bool, van Nunen, and van Deventer. To respond to criticism and criticism, the Dutch government run "ethical policy" ( etic politi c ) as a political retaliation after many years they the great advantage of the richness and welding population scratched Bumiputera through forced labor in the context of the implementation of the cultivation system (cultuurstelsel) in 1810-1830.

critics and critics pointed out that the political ethically as politically immoral (immoral), which is not worth a response, the robbery of the Dutch government is carried out on the wealth of the colonies. Therefore, the Dutch government should: (1) give a portion of their profits to the Bumiputera, and (2) the culture and knowledge of the West introduction of the Netherlands a nation great and strong

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Education mid-equivalent of high school by the name of General Middelbare school or AMS, newly founded in the early 20th in the phase of the colonial Dutch East Indies is called century or early 100s. AMS is a continuation of the sea Uitgebreid stock Onderwijs or MULO or Junior today. While MULO is his by Hollandsch Inlandsche school or day or SD. All levels of schools are Bumiputera groups on the Dutch language reserved only for children of the community as a medium of learning.

Until the 1930s, AMS is only in some of the provincial capital of the Dutch East Indies, Medan (Sumatra), Bandung (West Java), Semarang (Central Java) Surabaya (East Java), Makassar (Indonesia East). In addition, AMS in Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Sultanate), Solo (Surakarta), and some cities like stay in Malang.

Many parents send their children to New York, hoping to continue their education back to a higher level, ie for example at the Technische Hooge School (THS) in Bandung, in founded 1920, is the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) today; established law Hoogeschool (RHS) in Jakarta, in 1924 is now the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (UI) in Jakarta; Geneeskudige Hoogeschool (GHS) in Jakarta, founded in 1927. Today the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in Jakarta; and Landbouw Hoogeschool (LHS) in Bogor, founded in 1940, now Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB).

education system Netherlands governed by strict protocols from start rule students , teachers, the teaching system and curriculum. Procedural system like this is very different from the system of process systems Education Islam is already known. Dutch education system was discriminatory. The schools formed by the distinction between the Dutch parenting, kids eastern foreign and local children. These indigenous groups are still divided into the lower class and the gentry. The composition school colonial period are as follows:

  • school for local children not gentry class, the introduction of regional languages, use the name of the village school for three years. Who has managed to finish it in the school connection (Vervolg School) for 2 years melajutkan. From here, they can move to the teachers or Mulo virgin for 4 years, this is the top school for indigenous peoples usual. For the indigenous groups in society aristocrats could his Inlandsche school for 7 years, Mulo for 3 years, and Algemene Middlebare School (AMS) for 3 years.
  • to the East foreigners made schools available, such as the School of China five years enter with an introduction to the language of China, Hollandch Chinese School (HCS), the Dutch speak for 7 years. Students can continue HCS Mulo.
  • As provided for the Netherlands available to high school to college that Eropese Legere school 7 years, HBS high school 3, Lyceum 6 years Maddelbare Meisjeschool five years, right Hoge School five years, high medical school 8.5 years and dentistry 5 years.
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