For Papers: Accompanied The role of personality formation and support of Koran

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For Papers: Accompanied The role of personality formation and support of Koran -

to understand example Papers: Understanding the role of personality development and support Accompanied by Qur ' a

For Papers: The Role of the Individual Education understanding and support Accompanied By Qur'an


Eureka Education . Character education is indispensable for every individual, for character education Trying each to help seven shackles of conscience (God Spot) to recognize each person. Seventh shackles (God Spot) is: prejudice, the principle of life, experience, interests subjective, comparative viewpoint, which is not objectively and fanaticism. (Ary Gina Agustian, 2010: 103).

Furthermore, in the national workshop on 14 January 2010 there was a national agreement that talks about the development of culture and national character formation. The contents of the agreement have 4: 1). Culture and national character education is an integral part of national education as a whole. 2). Education Culture and national character must be fully developed as a civilizing process, therefore, education and culture should be included institutionally intact. 3). Culture and national character education is a shared responsibility between government, communities, schools, parents, and therefore the implementation of the culture and character of the nation was the four main elements include. 4). In an effort to revive the educational and cultural character of the nation needs a national movement to inspire the spirit of togetherness in the local implementation.

from the shackles of the heart (God Spot) To get rid of that every single six principles must have based on the pillars of faith, namely: 1). Building principles Star (Star-principle). 2). After principle Angel (Angel principle). 3). With management principles (leader principle), 4) the importance .Menyadari Principles of Learning (learning principle). 5). Principle Mewmpunyai future (vision principle). 6). Principles have regularity (well organized principle) (Ary Gina Agustian, 2010: 103-104). In this paper, the discussion and application in daily life associated with the first principle focus is to build Principles Star (Star-principle).

In this paper discussed and focused on how each student has (fixed principle) a sense of security, has a confidence (confident), wisdom (wisdom) and integrity itself. Third Base was the content or the essence of the principle of the star (star-principle). This paper will try as character formation can also in educational institutions Colleges of Teacher Training and Education HAMZANWADI (STKIP HAMZANWADI), where the author
teaches applied.


A. basis and purpose of life
The principle of a star (star-principle) is one of the basic principles of the shackles (God spot) for the removal of existing rice each person or individual. If each individual can the principles of a star to perform (Star-principle) this well it will be easy to implement the principles of the other. This is because the principle of the star (Star-principle) the belief in the existence of God as the only purpose of life. (Ary Gina Agustian, 2010: 104). The goal of life is available for God in the Al Fatekhah to say "yes yes kanasta'in kanakbudu wa" (please only worship only to Allah for help) (Al-Qur'an).
Surrendering God only appears in the Koran that "qul inq sholati yahya wa nusuki color die lilahi robil'alamin" (that our prayers, our worship, our life and we mayi are for Allah) it .Sealain reads perinsip Stern (Stern principle) can run well every individual should believe in this case as Muslims their command in verse "inna akramakum indallahi atqoqum" (as well as both the man before God only those who fear him. (Al- Qur'an).

seen basic concepts very clear and very firm, written in the Koran that each individual's activities with a full sense of security in a position to directly or indirectly, carry, have strong faith, has to be a good wisdom and might be able to build the integrity of creating. the presence of a strong base on each individual in the belief that God terhadab someone will make life more tenang.Setiap automatically individuals do not want to always get compliments from others because everything is left to God alone.

in the Javanese philosophy that every person can live quite well, there are basic guidelines that all does not work across the border. Each individual in fact should the Lord's commandment always relate. In Javanese philosophy to take a p [emimpinentwederachtEigenschaftenbesaßdieallesmitkeiklasanGeduldundEhrlichkeitgetanDieNaturachtenAdala:1)MahambegmringKisma(TemperamentErde)alleinmemberikankebutuhanLebenzujedermannweilGottbedeutet2)MahambegmRingwarih(TemperamentWasser)dasseinFührerimmernachuntengehenmussundKühleoderGefühldesFriedensfüralleMenschengeben3)MahambegmRingSamirono(TemperamentWind)solltejedemfairüberalleinenFührerbedeutet4)MahambegmRingMond(TemperamentMonate)bedeutetdiesdieBereitstellungvonInformationenundKühleundSchönheit5)MahambegmRingSuryo(TemperamentSonne)bedeutetdieSaitendesLebensimUniversumoderalsQuelledesLebensAnweisungenzugeben6)MahambegmRingSamodra(TemperamentSamodra)breiteBedeutungvonirgendwelchenoderderArtderZuneigungVerständnisundGeduldzuentsorgen7)MahambegmRingwukir(TemperamentBerg)wasbedeutetfeststandhaftgebennichtsoleichtdieWahrheitzuverteidigenundseineMenschen8)MahambegmRingDahana(TemperamentFeuer)dasinderLageistGeistderVerbrennungundWärmeliefernataupumkönnenzurBekämpfungderKriminalitätundBeruhigungsorgenfürdieGemeinschaft(MZaairulHag(09:156-162)

in the philosophy of Java there, all activities should each be carried out as a person, as part of masayakat and as leaders should all ask to God. the concept that each individual every step it is solely for Allah, so that the concept of faith keiklasan, keistiqomahan handle for hope and the blessings of Allah.
App B. Character Education on Campus STKIP HAMZANWADI ..

The Indonesian people who are hit by a multidimensional crisis currently, namely the economic crisis, social crisis and a crisis of confidence. the natural resources of a nation including Indonesia apparently not ha! utmost to achieve in success. Indonesia has proven that natural resources are rich far from success, no society can prosper equally. So, undertaken if proper efforts, the success of a nation to achieve ?. Ary Gina Agustian famous model ESQ (Emotional Quotient Spintual) in Indonesia to provide answers that human resources are the key to progress and success of a nation.

Build quality human quality, it is not enough to simply rely on the intelligence quotient to (IQ) alone should, through the emotional quotient (EQ) are supported. Both intelligence must also spiritual intelligence (SQ), which are awareness support for the real truth, the search of the power and passion, the blessings of God is driven to make a person high integrity and commitment and dedication has , This is the answer to overcome the multi-dimensional crisis that hit Indonesia today. In the letter al-A'raf verse 96 (QS7: 96) Allah says: "

If only the inhabitants of the land faithful and devoted, safe open we for him ( the door) mercy the heavens and the earth .... "

By ESQ expected again human values ​​are created, are raised, the values ​​of justice, honor values values ​​of honesty, truth values ​​and values ​​of other -value conscience hath prospered God according to revive confidence in the true identity again, which can give birth to a principle and character of the nation based on the noble values ​​of humanity, to establish the progress and success, finally be able to be expected worldly and hereafter bersamaan.Mahasiswa STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong later develop character building that was raised by Ary Gina Agustian.

STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong students should be able and willing the time to face the new economy (New Economy Era) in global conditions through ideas, confidence (trust) and the net current (network) grow. The idea that is sound driven idea and on the basis of the principles, together with the value of the glorious Godhead, so that there is a confidence intact and solid network in a single unit right principles and fitrah (Adi Sasono, the Confidential success building produce emotional intelligence and spiritual: 01, X).

as a venue
STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong expected for trying to physically and mentally to promote superior human resources in quality, pursuing sensitive and, on this issue. It is recognized that the success of STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong determined largely by the participation of all members of the academic community as a lecturer (lecturers), students, staff and management. And it is expected that each individual academics have the strength, drive and control. These factors is the power of IQ, EQ and SQ.

students STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong as a science, and a part of the education system are required to be aware that everything they did, including the process, they at a point good progress IQ, EQ and SQ supplies. put this understanding into question whether these three things direncanakari or not, lead to happiness or misery, all hope or vision be realized when students STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong aware and understand Manpu some intelligence translate in their lives.

Products aims students deliver all three of these intelligences equally with a desire for success are well balanced to have, on the human level plenary (perfect man) a successful global and successful life after death.

Contoh Makalah; Peranan Dan Pengertian Pendidikan Karakter Disertai Dukungan Dari Al-Qur'an

C. Steps to Building IESQ in campus life

The question now arises as to whether IQ is important, EQ and SQ it? and for what ?, answer to the question pragmatic wing has become urgent to tell students STKIP HAMZANWADI because they are the source of identification for the justification, in order to realize the above three intelligence in university life, especially in STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong

Campus life STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong with literature or learning resources, both of the electronic media, in print, the municipality and also lecturers universe or how friends, they wanted to do prkerjaan routines to interact, and to search, find or even create something that all intelligence intelligence require (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ). If these three things are not well developed, then, what to do, can not reach have expectations. Then, like a three intelligence (IQ, EQ and SQ) to build The inside student? The answer is, there are some things that must be done, and by the students STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong possession:
  1. Basing all activities with a divine power
  2. for the true meaning of each activity Search
  3. works with a basic knowledge of
  4. goal-oriented
  5. Acting with based planning
  6. knowledge
  7. the desire for change
  8. us the knowledge
  9. removing barriers
  10. discipline
  11. There is an attitude of respect
  12. positive mental attitude
  13. Certainty of interest
  14. [1945048Excited]
  15. learn from the mistakes
  16. to identify the weaknesses and other synergizing

from the above description, it is understood that the three intelligence (intellectual, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence) from the Creator is a gift to humans is believed that the caliph / replacement to be on the ground. Third, this intelligence was investigated and found that the three inseparable parts are, if someone wants success from experts. Success in question is a solid success, ie success in the world and the success in the hereafter. to think, solve problems, problem solving, etc. In short, it can also be that the spiritual intelligence to understand useful. Emotional intelligence is to feel beneficial to know your own feelings and also know the feelings of others. An emotional intelligence can the owners to reach help success to absorb themselves and others, which can in turn determine what kind of attitude he will do to himself or other good, balanced success in achieving, so success and successful world in the hereafter. Similarly, the spiritual intelligence. In the sense that spiritual intelligence for anyone searching symbolized on "why things the activities are carried out?". "For what activities they carried out". It is the search for the essence, the strong finding success much support, all of which are addressed to God.


is kerakter education not only to be understood but theoretically character form every human being be applied in their daily lives. In particular, students should STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong West Nusa Tenggara play a role and be directly involved in the development of character education in campus and community. This is when each student a character building impact on the development on the development of character education on campus and in the community was not involved directly and indirectly. Therefore consider, given the importance of character education to students through the theoretical aspects and applications. With the concept of character education for students is the formation of personality in aid both the state and the nation


Adi Sasono, (01) in the confidential Success Building Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual. :, Jakarta: PustakaX

Al-Qur'an, (08), Jakarta. Komari

Ary Gina A. (Tt) Spiritual Company: Spiritual Intelligence carrier Successful Business Champion of the World. Jakarta: Arga Publishing

Ary Gina A. (07). ESQ: The Secret to Success Building emotional and spiritual intelligence. Jakarta: Arga Publishing

Ary Gina A. (08). Why Esq. Jakarta: Arga Publishing

Marzuki (09). Foundations of morality honor. Yogyakarta: Debut trips

Muhammad Zainul Haq. (2010). Until Bagong Semar Sufism. Yogyakarta: Creative discourse
Your partner in character formation. ESQ Training Center

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