Assessment of learning outcomes

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Assessment of learning outcomes

Eureka Education - assessment learning to collect, inter alia, the activities of facts and documents of learners who can be trusted to do the repair program, where taking activities such assessments place as part of the program in the classroom. Assessment is also a process facts and made complete basic professional judgment and interpret, to apply the policy on collection of information, ie information about the learner. Program students can be seen by looking at the development of personal results and achievements of learners who are also compared with other learners in the group (Surapranata, et al, 2012 :. 3).

Nuryani (2012: 150), evaluation or measurement of learning outcomes often associated with penialaian formative and summative assessments, while assessing involved process Belaya r known as the review. Although both can be interchangeable, in fact, there is a fundamental difference between the measurement and evaluation. The measurements are usually more emphasis on results, so check your back or that have been made during the evaluation involves measuring and simultaneously to see the future potential of each student.

Because basically someone who said learn needs to be a change in behavior. learn understood behavioral changes as a result of . Behavioral changes are typically achieved in the form of a series of skills by the students expressed during learning . "The result of learning is the ability of the students, after a learning experience (Sudjana, 05: 22) out". can be understood by them that learn is certainly to get close to the learning experience related to how students who are in learning a learning experience. Therefore, in the learning is need to pay attention to things than to teach other materials. It is solely the learning experience support provided students. Because as it is known that the ability to be obtained in the learning results are not only related to the storage of the theory.

More specifically, the described learning outcomes by the following statement mentioned skills "learning outcomes is something that is of students thanks to their effort achieved or obtained, or thoughts in the form of control , knowledge base and expertise in various aspects of life expressed so that it at individual changes in behavior qualitatively (Siagian, 2012: 11) saw ". can be understood by these opinions that the scale of the learning outcomes, including changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills.

Similar opinion related to learning outcomes, suggested by Anderson that says "human characteristics, typical mindset, do and feel. Typical thinking in terms of cognitive, do typically associated with psychomotor domains and usually with affective feelings (in Rashid and Mansur, 08: 13) are connected. " The third area always be a measure to evaluate the learning outcomes, although in principle each area has a number of aspects located.

in the formal education system, the learning results are a measure of the achievement of the objectives of learning . Therefore learning must obtain an assessment or evaluation, to determine the attainment of the objectives of learning . "The learning result is obtained by someone who is the learning process with a predetermined grading scale thereby to measure the success rate learn is usually done with the help of tests (129 Suprijadi, 2010)". By judgment rule is a test that student performance will demonstrate while in the Community learning .

However, it should be understood that have the cognitive, affective and psychomotor certain characteristics that all can not be performed with the test ratings. Affective and psychomotor aspects are usually assessed in a non-test, using a scale of attitude or observation, because of its connection with the attitudes and values. "The results of the affective and psychomotor there learning, looked up learning -mengajar progress and there is also a new look later (after the lesson is given) in practice of his life in the family, school and municipality (Sudjana, 05: 33) ". Therefore, the affective and psychomotor learning outcomes is more spacious, more difficult to monitor, but have a value that the student life is very useful because it can directly influence behavior.

library materials:

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Sudjana, Nana. 05. teaching and learning outcomes assessment . Bandung :. PT Youth Rosdakarya
Siagian, Roida Eva Flora and Sri Dewi Saputri. 2012 Scientific Journal Factor . March-April 2012. Univ.
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