Characteristics of youth

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Features of youth

Eureka Education .

1: Characteristics of growth and development of young people, the changes in biological Transition Transition include cognitive and social transitions will be described below. Organic transition
After Santrock (03: 91) physical changes that seems to occur in adolescents at puberty to see that the increased size and weight as well as social maturity. Among the physical changes, the greatest impact on youth mental development the growth of the body (the body becomes more length and height). Next, the function of the reproductive organs (the menstruation in women and in men wet dreams) and signs of secondary sex grow (Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, 06: 52) start.

Furthermore, according to must (in Sunarto & General Hartono, 02: 79) explains that the physical changes that occur in girls, namely; perertumbuhan bone, the body high, limbs were long, straight hair that grows payudara.Tumbuh dark shame, the maximum height growth achieved annually, pubic hair in curly, menstruation or menstruation, grows feathers. Armpits

While the boys occurring peubahan among others; the growth of bone, testes (testicles) larger, pubic hair grow smooth, straight, dark, early changes in the voice, ejaculation (semen), pubic hair is curly, the growth in height reaches maximum height increase every year fine hairs diwajaah (mustache , Bart), grow armpit, the changes last note, the hair on the face is always thicker and darker, and grow chest hair.

basically adolescent physical caused by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus changes. Both nodes each to growth in the size of the body and the activity and growth of genitals stimulated first and second in adolescents (Sunarto & General Hartono, 02: 94

2. transition Cognitive
by Piaget (in Santrock 02 : 15) thought formal operational occurs between 11 to 15 years of age thought formal operational abstract, idealistic and logically as operational thinking concretely Piaget stressed that that young people are.. encouraged to understand his world to action is to adapt the biological. It is real bring an idea with another idea in conjunction. they not only organize observation and experience, but also the ability to adapt thinking included new ideas for further information to make a deeper understanding.

by Piaget (in Santrock, 03: 110) is real formal operational thinking is abstract, idealistic, and logical. Teens think abstract compared with children as abstract algebraic equations can complete. Teens are also idealistic in thinking how about the ideal characteristics of self-thinking, others and the world. Teens think logically, as scientists began to think, to solve formulation of plans to solve the problem and systematically explore ways the unthinkable.

In cognitive development, youth can not be separated from the social environment. This underlines the importance of social and cultural interaction in the cognitive development of young people

3. Transition Social
Santrock (03: 24) revealed that the social transition adolescents experience a change in the individual relationships with other people, in emotions, personality, and the role of social context in development. Denying parents, aggressive attacks on colleagues, developing assertiveness, happiness Teenager in a particular event and gender roles in society reflecting the role of the social-emotional development of young people. John Flavell (in Santrock, 03: 125) also mentions that young people's ability to monitor social cognition they are effectively an important clue about their maturity and social skills they

4. characteristics of Youth
social development of children has begun later in puberty since the baby, later in childhood and. 139) Here: children social relations first with his parents in the life of the family, especially with her mother and grown more widespread with other family members, playmates and friends as well as other types (Rita Eka Izzaty et al, (08 very limited this. will be explained about adolescent relationships with peers and parents:

1) relationship with peers
After Santrock (03: 219) peers (peers) are children or adolescents with age or maturity of the same Jean Piaget and Harry stack Sullivan (in Santrock, 03: 220). suggests that children and young people began to learn about the relationships that a reciprocal and equivalent to by interacting with their peers. They also learn carefully to observe the interests and the views of peers with the aim to facilitate the process of uniting themselves in the activities of the current peer. Sullivan believes that friends play an important role, the welfare and development of children and adolescents in the design. Regarding welfare, he stated that all people have a number of basic social needs, including the need of affection including (secure connection), a pleasant companion, acceptance by the social environment, intimacy and sex.

There are a few right strategies friends after Santrock (03: 206) to make, namely:

to ask for your name, age and favorite activities
  1. create social interaction well from the start.
  2. Be pleasant, friendly and attentive.
  3. behavior that prosocial to cooperate as honest, generous and ready.
  4. Respect
  5. themselves and others.
  6. tightly provides social support such as the provision of assistance, advice, sit together, are in the same group and are mutually reinforcing to give through praise.

It is to their counterparts some impact in case of rejection. After Hurlock (00: 307), the negative impact of such refusal is:

  1. would it feel lonely because the social needs are not met [1945023[
  2. children feel unhappy and insecure.
  3. children develop self-concept is not fun, can cause personality disorder.
  4. Less have a learning experience that has to undergo a process of socialization.
  5. have felt, would be very sad, because they are the joy of their colleagues.
  6. try
  7. often do not get owned, to force me to give a group and this is becoming ever closer increase the rejection of the group against their chances to them to learn social skills.
  8. will live in uncertainty about the reaction of social against them, and this will cause them anxiety, fear and very sensitive.
  9. , adaptations surplus, with the hope to increase the social acceptance of them.

Meanwhile Hurlock (00: 298) states that if a child can be well received some benefits. Such advantages are:
  1. feel happy and safe
  2. development of self-concept fun because others recognize
  3. have the opportunity to learn .. different behavior patterns acceptable social and social skills to help them to assist in social situations.
  4. spiritually free Meraka deflect outward and to take an interest in people or things outside themselves.
  5. adaptation to the expectations of the group and not booed social traditions.

2) relations child
by Steinberg (in Santrock, 02: 42) argues that early adolescence is a time when the conflict increases with their parents on the level of childhood. This increase can be caused by several factors: the biological changes of puberty, cognitive changes, idealism and logical thinking, social changes include increased focus on the independence and identity, change of policy on the elderly and expectations were wrung and injured adolescents.

Collins (in Santrock, 02: 42) concluded that see many parents their teens changed from a child who has always been a person who does not obey to fight, and exacting standards parent-Standard. When this happens, parents tend to try to control loud and members to keep more pressure on young people by the standards of their parents.

From the description, it is better if we can reduce conflict with parents and teens. Here are some strategies used by Santrock given (02: 24), namely: 1) the definition of general rules for the resolution of the conflict. 2) The attempt to reach a mutual understanding. 3) Trying to do corah opinions (brainstorming). 4) Try to agree on one or more debugging. 5) Be Deal. 6) Ask to see the time for a follow-up the progress that has been achieved.

Based on these descriptions, the researchers concluded that the characteristics of young people or processes of adolescent development includes a transitional period biobased growth and physical development. Transition cognitive ie the cognitive development of young people in the social environment and the socio-emotional and the last for a transitional period of socially, contains the relationships with parents, peers and communities.
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