Understanding of learning outcomes

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Understanding of learning outcomes -

understanding of learning outcomes

The result is basically something that obtained on the job while encountered from an activity or something will learn is a process mengkibatkan change in individuals, the changes in behavior. Learning is an activity of every person is formed. Someone said to learn when the person takes an action that causes a change in behavior, if changes in behavior that one of the indicators used as guidelines to determine individual goals or students who have acquired at school, so that a change in behavior observed and lasted within a time period. Many activities can be used as a means to obtain results, it all depends on the happiness of every individual.

" Syaiful (03: 11) argues that learning a part science education is, interactions with the objectives and reference materials refer, either in the form of explicit or implicit (hidden) is ". Learning can be understood as an attempt or practice to get an understanding. In implementing the learning is an individual activity acquire the knowledge, attitudes and learning kterampilan of the processing of the material.
understanding study also of stated Syaipul Djamari , is learning materials, the behavior change process, thanks to the experience and training. That is, the objectives of the activity are changes in behavior, both in terms of the knowledge, skills and attitudes; even that all aspects of the organism or person
In addition, some experts were proposing limits to learn, is Slameto (03 :. 2), it says:

"learning is a process person trying to get a new behavior as a whole, as a result of his own experiences in interaction with the environment. "
can be completed by an understanding of the study is that learning is a change, while a change from questions received mastering affects every ability pengethuan either through formal institutions, and non-formal and has a special series of even
by Benjamin S. Bloom (1996: 7). there are three areas of learning outcomes, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The learning outcomes are submitted by several factors influenced by child or student and comes from environmental factors. can learn students' performance in a particular area of ​​study as the measurement of learning outcomes known by to find a measurement. Learning outcomes can be measured by performance testing.
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