Item Shape Association Multiple Choice -

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Item Shape Association Multiple Choice - -

Product Form Association of Multiple Choice

Product Form Association of Multiple Choice

Eureka Education - This form is relatively new third Bentu causation. In this form, each participant test to search through alternative correct answer, perhaps all the alternative answers are correct, perhaps true only partially and may not be correct.

alternative form commonly used is as follows:.
a Expressions (1) (2) and (3) properly
b , Expressions (1) (2) and (3) properly
c. Expressions (1) and (3) properly
d. Expressions (2) and (4) properly
e. Expressions (4) properly

the form of the above, a fundamental weakness, because the concept of an association within the meaning of multiple-choice is not met. Testi be able to get it, simply to determine whether the instruction number 1 is wrong. If one of the automatic stay c and d. If the statement number 2 an automatic case for selection d. If the statement is then true, then the number dropped 2 automatic choice for an alternative, if ever fall to the alternative b. By because it would be better if the model of choice as follows:
a If all the answers are correct
b.. If two statements are true
c. If three statements are true
d. If the statement is true
e. If it is not a true statement

Item Bentuk Asosiasi Pilihan Ganda

There are things in the production of the elements form an association dual to consider aspect konsrtuksi
a. the subject matter must be clearly
b be formulated. The formulation of the problem and formulating answers to simple
c formulated. The article does not lead to the correct answer, for example, one with the word. Three
or similar things
d. The entire disclosure of the alternative answers homogeneously either in the form of sound words
use the term to be
e , Images, graphics, tables or discourse actually work
f. Item is not dependent on other elements

References .:
Vali, Bambang. 2012. principles of assessment and evaluation of learning . , Yogyakarta. UNY Press
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