Understanding the Concept Map

Admin 17.12

Definition of concept maps

Eureka Education - Map concept is a drawing showing the structure of the concept described, the interconnection between the concept of an image indicating significant relationship between the concepts of an object, which is connected by a conjunctive to form a sentence. Therefore, the concept is Map encourage students to connect concepts for learning in order to achieve meaningful learning (Dahar, 1989: 123).

After Hudojo et al (02) concept map is a link between the concepts and principles, which are presented as if the network is constructed and the concepts must networks built concept a concept map is called. Meanwhile, according to Suparno (in Basuki, 00 H.9) is concept map is a schematic diagram to illustrate a conceptual understanding of a person in a circuit statement. Concept map not only describes the concepts that are important, but also the connection between these concepts. Novak and Gowin (1985) noted that a concept map is a tool or a way that can be used by teachers to find out what is already known by the students. Novak idea is based on the theory of learning Ausabel. Ausabel insists that the teachers know the concepts that have by the students for meaningful learning in possession can take place. In meaningful, learning new skills, the relevant concepts to be linked to the already existing students in the structure of cognitive (brain). If the cognitive structure, there are concepts of relevant, new knowledge to memorize learned alone.

concept maps used to express meaningful relationships between concepts in the form of sentences. Propositions are linked two or more terms by words in a semantic unit. In its simplest form, a concept map, two concepts are connected by linking words to form sentences. For example: "The sky is blue" is a simple concept maps that form valid statements about the concept of "heaven" and "Blue". Thus, students can learn the concept of teaching based on the meaning and relationship between the individual components to organize. The relationship of the concept (information) with another concept called the sentence. Map showing the concept of the network among concepts that are discussed in the relevant chapters. The concept expressed in the form of labels concept. Concepts clearly woven with words Liaison to form a sentence. A set contains two concepts and words connect. The concept that one has a wider coverage than the other concepts. In other words, the concept that a comprehensive than the other concepts. Overall are arranged to these concepts in a plane of the concept of common, rare and eventually to the concept of the most special. Levels of these concepts is called by the hierarchy.

In a concept map, an integrative concept is placed on top. The concept of a less inclusive then connected with conjunctions. The concept is placed precisely under and reconnected with conjunctions. Inclusive concept, which can be associated with some of the concepts that are less inclusive. The comprehensive approach is put on the tree concept. This concept is known as the key concepts. The concept of the way, can be attributed to other routes with conjunctions the concept. This relationship is called the cross-links.

2. Steps construct building concept maps (Arends 1997; 258) as follows:
  1. Identify the key, which includes a number of concepts (selecting a reading material)
  2. engidentifikasi secondary ideas or concepts that support the main idea. (Identification of relevant terms)
  3. Put the main idea in the middle or at the top (Grouping / Type concepts from the most comprehensive in the least inclusive)
  4. groups idea of ​​a secondary round of the main idea the relationship of ideas visually represents stretcher with a main idea (the development of these concepts in a diagram, the concepts of the most comprehensive on the tip or placed in the center of the diagram)
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