Education and Development

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Education and Development -

National Education and Development

Eureka Education . Education is central to the development of all aspects of life. take form a central role in the development, because the goal, the quality of human resources is improving. Therefore, education is also a central groove development in all areas of development.

There is an impression that the perception the general public about important construction typically suggestive and physically visible. Development alone bears the scope of material development or physical development in the form of buildings, factories and others. In fact, the success or failure of physical development, by the success in the development of mental / spiritual determined lot who unanimously defined human development, and this is the most important task of education.

Essence training and development and temunya point.

development within the limited to the field of economic and industrial sense alone is not to describe the essence of true development, if these activities had not been able to solve the problem of the essence, namely the fulfillment of the life of people of many material and spiritual.

Here we see that the essence of development and originating from human remains, not on the environment, such as economic development, as I said. Development aims to cater to the basic need of manuasia according to their nature as human beings. Why is that such a development is said to rest on, and start from men? Why, because only directed development towards fulfilling the livelihood of the people to improve their nature as human beings according to their dignity as human beings. Enhancement of human dignity as a human being the ultimate goal of development. His task any development if the result of reduced human value means from the essence.

As stated in the guidelines, the type of national development is the development of the Indonesian students. The question can be interpreted that the ultimate goal of human development, namely the failure of filled with life, physical and mental is. As individuals, where social and religious nature to improve, to thereby his dignity as a creature. If the development of the nature of human nature begins, based on the fulfillment of livelihood of people name by means that the ultimate goal of human development, namely the failure of filled with the life, physical and mental, as individuals, social beings, and religion, to become his dignity as a creature increased thereby.

is seen as the object as targets for the development of man built. In this regard, the development efforts in the people, in the form of coaching physical growth and mental development, which involves thinking skills, attitude of self, social attitudes and attitudes towards the environment, determining a positive living and working ability. This endeavor is called training

The human being as the goal of development (read: Education)., His form of a state still ytang "potential" in a state of "actual" was changed : babies "may have the seeds be" maintained, so it turns into a "reality".

Through their protection and the protection and guidance of parents and others who have an adult who moves baby "status quo" of his in the range between "instinct" and "conscience ". If, when people can live only by instinct, the provision is no different from humans with animals. It is exactly their "conscience" is to distinguish the criterion between human and animal heads.

The human being as a "subject" of development to see, because it is all that it can to the environmental work as dynamic and creative, well the means of the natural environment and the social environment / mentally. Engineers for the environment is generally called development.

If Education and development will be seen as a process line, then both a line that complement continuously. The educational process on a line placed man as a starting point, because education has the task of producing the quality of human resources for development, ie development that meet the livelihood of the larger community and to enhance the dignity of man. That the educational outcomes that support the development, can also with the increase in socio-economic conditions of the learners who are seen in the context of their training.

It is clear that the results support ppendidikandapat reverse the development and the results of development support business education. Of course, a wealthy society would be able to implement the educational fund to a higher quality.

The above description shows the "status" of the formation and development in each case essentially the development and aantar both

  1. Education is a venture in the people's while ppembangunanmerupakan venture into the produced outside the human self.
  2. educational resources ttenagayang power the construction and development results support formation (training, deployment , and so on) to support of institutions.
  3. rounded
contribution of education to the development of
education as an expense and comprehensive result is not immediately visible. There are waiting a distance long enough to achieve results between the start of business processes.

observed, however, if not carefully that which may be withheld in the study on the construction of very large sunguh The contribution. If the development is seen as macro education system is a component or a part of the development.

1. Objectives related to education
Education is a conscious effort directed learners to be a man strong and intact was, and morally. So the purpose of education is a human image to create image of man, the power of human development can be praised.

2. With respect to the environment are Education

a. Family environments
the family environment of children in various good habits trained (habit formation) on issues related to skill, decency and morality. In addition to these implanted faith main important things that are religious. These things are very well suited to the childhood before the development of the relationship between dominant behavior. Good habits and beliefs are important, deeply rooted indispensable basis for the development.

b. School Environment
In the school environment (formal education), students are made to enhance the provisions that have been acquired by the family working environment in the form of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Provisions either referred to the provision of basic, advanced, (from elementary school) or the provision of labor, which can be used directly (vocational schools and universities). Both types of these provisions are formally prepared and useful as an agent ppenunjang development in various fields.

c. For the environment
In the vicinity of the community (non-formal education), students gain practical arrangements for different types of work, especially those who could not continue their learning through formal channels. In our society (in addition to a thriving community), non-formal education system has developed very quickly. It is closely related to the development of the private sector in relation to support the development. On the other hand it can be to be positively interpreted, because it can mmengkombinasikanketerbatasan formal employment in state institutions. In addition, they can increase the number of workers and the lower middle level, to keep the low, medium and high proportion between workers harmony is necessary. It can therefore be seen as an attempt to create a national stability.

3. With regard to the levels of education
offer basic and secondary education (SM) and the Higher Education (PT), which supplies to the students on an ongoing basis of basic education is a basic education that provides the basis for the secondary education and training to provide high. This means that the quality of higher education, if the secondary education quality and secondary education of quality if education dasrnya quality.

also mean the basic training in primary school in the basic education that primary education memeberikan elementary camp for the citizens who are not able to immerse movement in developing their own training could be continued ,

training on the levels, it offers two types of provisions, which give the learners who want to continue higher education (high school) and providing jobs for students do not attend school (SMTA). Central Education (PT) provided supplies expertise in a particular field of work.

4. With regard to the job descriptions of work or Sector life
job descriptions of works on the areas of life include, among others: economic , law, social policy, finance, transport and communication, agriculture, mining, defense and others. The construction of life can be defined as an activity, coaching, development, and the charging of occupations to become the basic need of citizens, as a nation, to remain in the arena of life among the nations of the noise of the world as the winner.

Coaching and development of these areas can be carried out only if it is filled by people who have the ability, as required. The persons concerned are only available when education has done for them.

C. Development of National Educational System

1. Why should the education system be built
is logical if the education system to provide a means for the people themselves leads to perfection, which must be improved.

It describes the man as a being that is always "go-no" (Drijarkara). This man is a being, always looking for the does not exist because the target is already there. Finding and found that it has no means to be creative. Manufacturing process that never lifelong unit still contained stops. There is also a human being as a sick animal describe (the affected animal), Max Scheller said. Judging from his physical constitution of man together with the animals. But because people are able to think and to understand and to be aware of themselves and their surroundings, then he can not just give up and just as animals of the species attached. When a sick animal, he was always restless. Your restlessness is twofold. First move, because forced to find jaln how to master her fear.

ppengalamanmanusia also grows addition. Therefore, the education system is to find answers to riddles about themselves as a means for providing the people, always refined.

In addition, it can be seen, the issue of education as a national issue, since education in the nation's future together. If the people of Indonesia (ppembangunan at Pelita VI changed according to the plan from an agrarian society to a society of industry, of course, thought and behavior based on the circumstances in which the man engaged in the industry.

to meet the lively atmosphere necessary that the education system should be changed. If not, then formation (means of social change) is not working properly as a means of social change. the structure, curriculum, management, work kependidikannya must necessarily adapted premises are new demands it.

2. Being development Education system

a. Interpersonal aspects
aspects of philosophical, scientific and legal form the basis for other grains, as well as giving direction to take other grains. That is, the education structure, curriculum and other otherwise it relate to the philosophical aspects, aspects of the scientific and legal aspects. Therefore, any changes that occur in the structure of education, curriculum, and others must remain in the container philosophical and legal.

b. philosophical aspects of scientific
philosophical aspects such as the maintenance of the national objectives of education. The formulation of the national targets, the opportunities for the development of nature would provide the human nature, which is of course, which means that also means reasonable. For us, the development of human nature is in parallel with the spirit of Pancasila. Pancasila philosophy completely replaced the philosophy of education intruders. produce Occupiers of education as a means functioning highly skilled workers, but are dependent and loyal to the invaders. Educational climate as it is significantly different from the education system of an independent nation, the direction and the goal is to provide people who are able and qualified, are dynamic, creative, innovative and independent.
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