The importance of the application of Metacognition

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Metacognition need to be trained and developed students. The importance of the application of metacognition in learning has been reported by several investigators. Kipnis and Hofstein in Simanjutak (2012: 25) states that metacognition is seen as an important component in the learning science, students need to develop, because:
  1. In the field of science education to is found that the processes of metacognition teaching to know give or understand the learning
  2. the application of metacognition, students will study possible science and to form an independent student
Flavell in Simanjutak (2012: 25-26). proposes that schools should be for the development of metacognition is the ideal place, the reason that so many self-awareness learning will take place. In school, children have the ability to monitor constantly and to regulate their perception, also have experience of metacognition that so many has the chance to gain knowledge about metacognition self, an object and strategy. More Flavell says that metacognition students need to be trained and developed, because:
  1. student thinking is a tendency for many needs in terms of a growing number of metacognition
  2. The idea that the students can wrong and tends should have wrongly and in this situation, the monitoring and adjustment to a good
  3. students must be willing to communicate, explain, and provide a reason for his thinking to other students and also certainly require to itself, this activity metacognition
  4. to survive and be successful, students need to plan for the future and critically evaluate the plans of the other
  5. When students have to make a difficult decision, it is the skills of metacognition have
  6. students must have summarized a need and to explain the events of psychology to themselves and to others. to engage the trend in fact shows metacognition social cognition
This is in accordance with Facione, et al in Tan (04: 51). Does it mean that the development of metacognition thought to be critical thinkers for students, always think an inner motivation in implementing aware, curious, regular, full analysis, trust, tolerance, and responsible when alternative, honest intellectually, if they go on, whether the idea to accept others as truth, or in assessing whether the ideas of others as the truth to accept, and if they put on the circumstances in question

Meanwhile, according to Livingston. (1997: 4) metacognition have an important role in the success of learning, so it is important to know the type of development, metacognition, to determine how students are taught, so that they are better by controlling metakognisinya knowledge resources can apply. The development of skills metacognition in students is a goal of the training is very valuable because the skills are their learners can help that can regulate itself, and is responsible for the development of learning itself and the learning strategies for adapting the to achieve requirements of the task.

thought up by Winn and Snyder in Simanjutak supports (2012: 27) states that if the students are trained to always use metacognition strategies, they are to be confident and independent learners , Independence refers to the ownership of the knowledge that they meet the needs of their own intellectual and found a lot of information. Of their own hands Students who have metacognition ability will soon realize, if they do not understand the problem, he would always find a solution to his problem

David Anderson & Samson Nasho (06: 10). Analyzes how the student metacognition influence understanding and build knowledge. The results of the study will could metacognition influence the understanding and knowledge construct for students to increase awareness dimension to develop the capacity of meaningful learning. The research was led by Tolga Gok (2010: 110), who carried out research with the aim of reviewing the problem solving and the ability of the student metacognition. The results of this study showed that metacognition is an important factor to solve the problem. metacognition skills should be taught knowledge structure to build, improve the habits of thought, and lead the students to improve the development of cognitive.

Anderson, D. & Nashon, S. (06). Predators of Knowledge Construction: Students' metacognition interpret in an amusement park physics program. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Science Education DOI 10.1002 / SCE.
Gok, T. (2010). The overall assessment of problem solving and metacognition Proscesses in Physics Education. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education 2 (2): 110-122, 2010.
Livingston, J. (1997). Metacognition: A review.
Simanjutak, M. P. (2012). Development of fundamental physics-based learning model to improve the ability Problem solving concepts Metacognition and students to understand. Dissertation, not published, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.
Tan, O. S. (04). Think Enhanching Problem Based Learning Approached. Singapore: Thomson ..

Introductory rate Authentic

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Introduction Assessment Authentic

Eruke education. assessment on the curriculum in 2013, referred to in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture # 66 2013 on education evaluation standards. Standard educational assessment as a criterion relating to the mechanisms, methods used and to learn student performance assessment instruments. Rate of formation as a process of collecting and processing information student performance should be measured: authentic assessment, self-assessment based assessment portfolios, quizzes, daily tests, replicates the middle of the semester, the repetition of the end of the semester, the examination level of competence, Objective quality level of competence and national examinations.

in the curriculum in 2013 the standard penialaian a change. Teachers are encouraged to make an assessment not only at the end of the learning material, but also during the learning process. Moreover, the aspects which are not only cognitive but affective and psychomotor. So it is that the vote can be understood in this 2013 curriculum is expected is, all the skills of students must be assessed. Although in essence, have shown that such evaluation criteria have been proposed in the previous curriculum, but the penialaian more emphasis on curriculum 2013

In 2013 described the curriculum of socialization techniques and tools for assessing used skills attitudes, knowledge and skills as follows:

a formal review attitude
educators do attitude competency assessment by observation. , self-assessment, review of "peer" (peer evaluation) of the learners and magazines. The instrument for observation used self-assessment and estimates between all students is a checklist or rating scale (rating scale), accompanied heading while. In magazines such notes educators

  1. observations [1945012eineBewertungsmethodedielaufend] is carried out through the senses, use either directly or indirectly by the observation guide which contains a series of behavioral indicators observed.
  2. self-assessment is to express the learners wondered valuation methods advantages and disadvantages associated with the achievement of competence. Instruments in the form of self-assessment form used.
  3. rating between all an assessment technique that ask learners learners connected to achieve the competence to judge. The instruments used in the form of sheets of votes among all students.
  4. journal is a record of educators within and outside the classroom, the attitudes and behavior in relation to information on the results of the observations of the strengths and weaknesses of learners contains.

b. Competency assessment knowledge
Educators assess the competence of knowledge through written examinations, oral examinations and assignments.

  1. Instruments written examination in the form of multiple-choice questions, fill, short answer, true-false matching and Description. Instruments include a description of the scoring guidelines.
  2. oral test instruments in the form of a list of questions.

c. Skills competency assessment

Educators competence to assess skills through the performance appraisal, the assessments require students to demonstrate the practice test, project and portfolio review a certain competence. Instruments in the form of a checklist or rating scale (score) includes sections used.

  1. Test Practice assessing the demand response in the form of skills is not an activity or behavior in accordance with the requirements of competence.
  2. project tasks (learning tasks) is learning that the design, implementation and reporting in writing or orally in a certain time.
  3. includes
  4. review Portfolio is that, the review by the entire collection of works of students in certain areas of assessment, to know the interests, growth, performance and / or creativity of learners within a certain time reflecting integrative are. Work can be marked concrete actions that reflect concern for the learner in the environment.
A new type of review is that in 2013 emphasized in the curriculum Penialain authentic. Muslich (in Hosnan: 2014: 386) states, the assessment of the actual ( Authentic assessment ) is the process to collect a variety of data that can give an idea or information on the development experience learn students. The purpose of this authentic assessment is the student to assess skills in the real world context. In other words, how they apply their knowledge and skills in tasks that are authentic.

After Hibbart (in Hosnan 2014: 388), the type of authentic assessment are 1) to assess the performance, 2) observations and questions, 3) presentation and discussion; 4) projects and studies; 5) portfolio and magazines. Authentic assessment is the evaluation of the acquired knowledge and skills students . The assessment is carried out not only by the teachers but also by colleagues. Characteristics of Authentic assessment pursuant Trianto (in Hosman, 2014: 389):
1. Executed during and after the process learning found
2 . can be used for formative and summative
3. 5. integrates the measured power and abilities, rather than considering the fact
4. Continuous
and can be used as feedback

library materials:
Hosman, M. 2014 Scientific and Contextual approach in the 21st century Learning . Jakarta .:
Ghalia Indonesia

Education Curriculum 1964

Admin 15.10 Add Comment
Education Curriculum 1964

After 1952 before 1964 the curriculum government returned the education system in Indonesia to improve. At the end of the era of President Sukarno, curriculum development plan published in 1964 or 1964. The curriculum of this Plan called time 1964. The issue of training, which was developed in 1964 education plan in, is the concept of learning that is active, creative and productive. The concept of learning schools require to guide children to think, to be able to solve a problem ( Troubleshooting ).

Curriculum 1964 emphasis on the mastery of science, so characteristic of this curriculum learning is to Programs pancawardhana centered namely the development of morality, intelligence, emotional skills (Skills) and physically. Panca consequences Ward in education is very clear. The curriculum is the qualities are directed to develop in Ward Five in the spirit of political manifesto expressed. The purpose of education changed from human decency and human decency in a democratic socialist production and a pioneer in defending Manipol- USDEK. Changes are very prominent in the curriculum is the subject of Civics that are directed in the formation of citizens by the political manifesto. Civics are people who carry the ideology of nation education, and this is the beginning of the ideological education in the curriculum. These topics are topics containing the object, which is determined by ideology and politics.

more emphasis is on practical skills and functional activities, adapted to the development of the child at the time of primary education. Spirit 1964 curriculum, which is characteristic of this curriculum, are: that the Government of the People scored desire for academic knowledge equip primary school. The subjects were divided into five groups of study areas: moral, intelligence, emotional / artistic abilities (skills) and physically. gotong called How to learn to perform a method performed royong. Moreover, the government implement Saturday as the day Krida. That is, on Saturday, the students were given the freedom to practice the activity in the field of culture, art, sports and games, according to interests of students. Curriculum 1964 is a tool, a socialist man pacasialis Indonesia, with features such as the MPRS No. II in 1960

The thing to understand is to provide up to the 1960s, a national educational goals 4 of 1950 Act No written 12 of 1954 within the meaning of Law No, and the guided democracy era in the determination of the President. In Act No. 12 of 1954 national educational goals is "shaping Indonesian human decency and competent and responsible". , As for the Guided Democracy era focus on the formation of human Pancasila and human socialist Indonesia

The curriculum Education in 1964 changed the evaluation report card for Class I and II, the initially in the form of a score of 10 - is 100. curriculum 1964 separate school subject, the five groups of subjects - 100 with the letters a, B, C and D. As for classes III stick with a score of 10 to VI disciplines (Pancawardhana)
source: Various sources

Characteristics and factors affecting the social development of youth

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characteristics and factors affecting the social development of youth

Eureka Education, - youth at the level of development of children, the level before adulthood achieved. In this level, the needs of young people have been quite complex, the horizon of social interaction and relationship teens have been quite extensive. In the adaptation to the environment, and the young people have begun to recognize the different social norms that previously different from the norm in the family. Teens are faced with a variety of environments, not only mix with different age groups. So youth begin to understand the norms of interaction with youth groups, children's groups, adult groups and groups of parents. Association with other young people of the opposite sex is felt to choose the most important but quite difficult because in addition to compliance with the promiscuity among teenagers, also tucked into thinking their future needs a life partner.

  • In adolescence, children begin the various social norms to notice and recognize. Promiscuity among friends of the opposite sex feels very important, but it is quite difficult, because in addition to compliance with the promiscuity among teenagers think also in hiding their future needs to choose a life partner.
  • The social life of young people is characterized by the importance of the mental and emotional functions. Youth often experience social relationships attitude regarding his problems closed.
  • By "Erick Erison" The adolescence there is a crisis, a time of self. He argues that the discovery of one's own identity is driven by socio-cultural. Meanwhile, according to Freud, the social life of a teenager driven by and based on sexual interest.
  • Pergaulan many young people in the form can be realized by groups, both for large groups and small groups.

factors that influenced the social development
social development of human beings by various factors :. the family, the maturity of the child, family economic status, level of education and intellectual abilities, especially the emotions and intelligence

1 Family
the family is the first environmental impact on the various aspects of child development to enter, including social development. The conditions and procedures for family life is a favorable environment for the socialization of children. In the family, the norms of family life and thus are basically family to manipulate the behavior of the child's cultural life.

The process of formation in the development of the child's personality is aimed more determined by the family. Social patterns and how they can sit down to determine the standards of the wider area and managed by the family.

2. The maturity of the child
Socializing physical and psychological maturity. To take account of the social processes, giving and taking the opinion of others requires intellectual and emotional maturity. In addition, the language skills were crucial. In order to be able to establish both the necessary physical maturity, so that each person their functions is capable of physically execute properly.

3. Socioeconomic Status
The social life is greatly affected by the condition or status of the family of social life in the Community , The public will look at the child, not as an independent child, but they are in the context intact to see in the boy's family. "He is a child." Indirectly there is social interaction with children, the community and their colleagues and taking into account the standards in the family. Of the children themselves, their behavior will be much attention to the normative state which was instilled by his family. In connection with that the child continues to "keep" the social life of social and economic status of their families. In particular, the intention to "keep the family social status", the socially unacceptable resulted in the placement itself. This could lead to further that children from the group to be "isolated". Another consequence they will form an elite group with their own standards.

4. Pedidikan
Education is aligned a socialization process of children. Type of training as a normative science operations under way, the color of the social life of the child care in society and their lives in the future. Education in the broadest sense must that children understand that development is influenced by the lives of families, communities and institutions. Planting norms of behavior that was given to the students understand who study in educational establishments (schools). The students are introduced not only to the environmental standards in the area, but the standard of the nation (national) and introduced the norm of life between nations. Ethics shape social behavior and state of social life.

5. Capacity mental, emotional and Integensi
The ability to use many things to think about, much affect, such as the ability to learn problem solving, and language. Children capable will be high intellectual ability to speak well. Therefore, high intellectual ability, good language skills and emotional control and to determine the success in the social development of children in a balanced way. Mutual understanding and the ability to understand other people, is the main asset in the social life and it is easily capable of a teenager is intellectually.
be accomplished

Aspects of learning motivation

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aspects of learning motivation

Eureka Education . Everyone has the desire to do something. A strong desire is the driving force to run for a person in a specific activity, in order to achieve the expected objectives. The urge to perform in a person an activity produced by stimulation from ourselves or from the outside or the environment. The impulse which commonly arises as a motivation. As stated by Judge expressed (01: 26) is that the motivation a pulse will cause a person to achieve an action to specific goals

In the course of learning , so that learning performance to do. increased student needs to be a driving motivation that the child is more active in learning. In accordance with the opinion of Ibrahim and Syaodih (1996: 28), that the motivation an important role in the efforts have to learn. Without motivation is almost impossible to student learning activities. Students who are always objectives of the study are achieved learning, so that he gets the motivation or encouragement activities to direct done to achieve the planned objectives. He agreed with the words of Sardiman (05: 72).: Offer, that the motivation arose because awakened with other elements or reinforced, in this case is of interest

After Sadirman (75 05) motivation a student means students want to do one or to move, to do something. To increase the motivation of students, teachers should explain the subject in a systematic way, simple and easy to understand the language students. A student learning activities with joy when the material submitted by the teachers attention and interest and to win on the needs of students, for example, to achieve a good performance.

Aspek-aspek dalam Motivasi Belajar mengajar

student motivation, students can be seen in the implementation of teaching and learning activities shown by the setting. After Sudjana (1994: 61) to see the motivation of the students in terms of:

  1. The interest and attention of the students in the classroom
  2. The spirit of students perform the tasks of learning
  3. learn the responsibility of the student to fulfill the tasks
  4. joy the teacher's job in doing
  5. showed the reaction students to the stimulus by the teacher asked

aspects -aspek motivation to learn, among others are available: a

. The interest and attention of the students in the classroom
After Slameto (1995: 57) Interest is a trend which remains to notice some of the activities and remember. seserorang Interesting activities, accompanied tone, the joy. Meanwhile, according Pasaribu and Simanjuntak (1986: 47) interest in the psychiatric-related nature of the subject to the object symptoms. Based on the above opinion the conclusion can be drawn that the interest of a feeling of love for a person to an object, so that the feeling of love that leads without a positive Activities told.

activity learning would be more effective if the student has an interest and attention to the teaching. Students who have an interest in the subject is actively involved in teaching and learning. Djamarah and Zain (1996: 167) states that in the teaching and learning activities in class there are students who often asked permission to go with a made-up reasons. Although actually get lazy if student teaching. This indicates that the student has a low interest and attention to the teaching. Students are to be lazy and boring usually to follow the teacher's teaching, or to accept, so they are looking for reasons not to be active when teaching and learning takes place.

b. carry out the tasks of learning the spirit of students
Each student is expected to have the spirit to learn both at home and at school, because the spirit of student learning plays an important role in learning , In accordance with the opinion of the soul and Ahmadi (1995: 11), one of the functions of the motivation is to encourage learners and allow to stay interested in learning. Students who a spirit of learning have shown in a variety of positive activities. After Dimyati and Mudjiono (1999: 51) students who have the spirit of learning to ask the teacher or other students active, if they do not understand the problems that it faces. If the teacher to provide educational material, sometimes students can not immediately understand the teacher what. Similarly, if the teacher does not understand about their duties an assignment to the students and the students. Students who have a high learning spirit immediately ask the teacher or a friend who is more understanding of the subject matter described by teachers. This is true even if the students understand, do not feel fully assigned by the teacher assignments. If the students have a high learning spirit, usually during the tasks, he would immediately ask the teacher or fellow students the task.

c. carry out the tasks of learning student responsibility
student responsibility the tasks of learning are also important in teaching and learning activities, because without their responsibility to do learning objectives, will not be optimally achieved. In the process of teaching teachers to act as mentors and guides students to learn. One way that can be carried out by the teachers to develop responsibility is to give assignments for students. The assignment of teachers is one way to assess student learning. The emergence of the responsibility because it According to the opinion of Dimyati and Mudjiono a willingness to achieve the learning objectives

(1999: 0). That to achieve an act of will learning objectives. Students are said responsibility for their learning tasks have given when the task to work on the problems of teachers to copy the student's own work tasks without his work. After Djamarah (00: 76), when the teacher gives the students the task, the task to work directly. This indicates that these students have assigned a high responsibility for the tasks of teachers, because students feel the task is an obligation that must be corrected immediately.

d. Pleasure doing the job of the teacher
share students , the teacher's job is sometimes an unpleasant thing. This can occur because the task is too much or difficult for students, so that students feel reluctant to do it. One of the efforts of the teacher student motivation at work at the assignment the teacher should make the matter in accordance with the ability of students and the allocation of interest or a new thing for the students, so that the resulting sense of excitement increase in students tasks assigned by the teacher assignments.

by Dimyati and Mudjiono (1999: 28) joy of the students assigned to the task of the teacher, can be implemented in the drafting of the task by participating. If teachers are the students in a study group immediately joined in the study group and work of teachers on the assignment. In the study, groups of students can not rely on others. This is consistent with the opinion of Djamarah (00: 162). The states that all members of the group should have the opportunity to participate, to contribute his thoughts

e Reactions students. can occur provided the process of interaction between teachers and students in teaching and learning available to the stimulus by the teacher
: for the teachers to encourage the students to respond to the stimulus provided by the teacher. After Rohani and Ahmadi (1995: 11) to give new impetus, for example, by the questions to the students is a way to motivate. Sudjana (1992: 61) argues that the interaction between teachers and students can be held by the teacher in the classroom and learning

Similarly, according Haryanto (1997: 259) performed in the question-and-answer . to see meeting, that an active interaction with the teacher can be seen when teachers teach the class, students and teachers ask to answer. From both these opinions can that the reactions of the teachers made available to the attraction of students to be closed is to see when the teacher asked the students, then gave students answer questions from the teacher to answer, and asked the teacher, if there is one thing that is not yet understood.


Dimyati and Moedjiono. 02 Teaching and Learning. Jakarta :. Rineka Option
Djamarah and Syaiful, B. 02. teaching and learning strategies. Jakarta :. Rineka Option
Djamarah and Zain. Teaching and learning strategies. Jakarta :. Rineka Option
Haryanto. 1997 teaching planning. Jakarta :. Rineka Option
Ibrahim and Syaodih, N. 1996. Teaching Planning. Jakarta :. Rineka Option
Pasaribu and Simanjuntak. 1986 Didactic and methodical. Bandung. Tarsito
Rohani, A., and Ahmadi, A. 1995. Teaching Management. Jakarta :. Rineka Option
Sardiman. 05 interaction of teaching and learning and motivation. Jakarta: PT. King Grafindo Persada.
Slameto. 1995 Learning and Factors Affecting. Jakarta :. Rineka Option
Sudjana, N. 1992. Teaching and learning outcomes assessment. Bandung: Youth Rosdakarya.

Definition of Achievement Learning and Performance Considerations

Admin 12.06 Add Comment

definition of learning outcomes and learning performance Factors

Presasi sometimes by the same learning outcomes learning interpreted. Based syllables Presati and learning have a different meaning and are closely interwoven. In general, the performance is shown after a study to be done. Faithful process pemebalajaran produce presati learn very berberda in terms of quality and quantity for each individual learning activities.

success itself has a meaning, the result of an activity, the significance of the activities can beruapa effort is carried out, a well done individually or done to create in groups. Based gorg katany apresatsi comes from the Dutch language, the prestatie , the berbarti result of what is wanted.

Berdsaran pejnelasan successes can not be obtained from someone who does not do business. The work must be in the form of serious effort. Or prastasi achieved results of efforts to be proportional. Thus, the success is a testament to the authentic and representative of what has been attempted.

The experts give different interpretations of student performance, worthy of the position where they emphasize. But in general they agreed that achieving learning is the "result" of an activity WJS. Poerwadarminta found performance is the result, which was achieved (dilakuakan, manufactured and sebagainnya) while found by Masud Hasan Abdul Qohar performance is what has been created, the work is gratifying that it acquired with the toughness while Nasrun Harahap argues that power is to assess the awareness of the development and progress of the students in terms submitted to the mastery of educational material to them and the values ​​contained in the curriculum.

from the above definition can be found in the conclusion that the performance is the result of an activity that has been done, provided that is gratifying, by the persistence of the work is obtained, either singly or in groups. in certain areas (Ibid., 19-21)

While learning by the behavior of a process of change in a person's experience and training, sales and training where it the interaction between the individual and the environment, both natural and social environment limgkungan done by. (Hamalik Management Learning in Higher Education Bandung. Rays Baru.1991.hlm 16) After learning Sardiman AM as a series of mind-body activities, psycho-physical directed to the personal development of the whole man, involved the elements of creativity, taste and imagination, cognitive, affective and psychomotor. (Sardiman The interaction and motivation teaching Jakarta: .. King Grafindo Persada.1994 pages 22-23)

After Gagne Learning is a series of cognitive processes, the nature of the changing environmental stimuli, go through processing information about new features. (Dimyati and Mudjiono teaching and learning, Jakarta PT :. rineka Reserved 1999 Pg. 10) Learning is a complex activity and the results of the study could include new features. That is, once a person learns that he have the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values ​​as a result of the learning process. Timbulmya these capabilities is the stimulation performed by people comes from the environment and cognitive processes that are learning.

learn After Hilgard and Bower, a person's behavior in a given situation by causing concern his experience in a particular situation repeated explains where in behavioral changes that do not or baseline slope may be, the nature, maturity or circumstances moment a person.

Gagne, in the book to respond to the conditions of learning is "learning occurs when influence a stimulus situation along with the contents of memory students in a way, that his actions changed from the time before he experienced the situation at the time, after having experienced this situation. "

Morgan had to learned is that changes relatively settled in behavior that occurs as a result of training and experience. Witherington also suggests learning a change in personality is who claims to be a new pattern of response in the form of skills, attitudes, habits, intelligence or understanding.

From the above definition, it may be some important elements that are argued characterize the concept of learning, namely that:
  1. learning diartika can as a change in behavior or thinking, which can lead to changes changes better behavior. Because learning someone is something that a positive result from a change jar is additional knowledge offer aselalu.
  2. Learning is a change that melalaui a method, training or experience, and the change was relatively sedentary and memorably won so the learning experience occurs can be called anytime.
  3. behavioral changes by both physically and mentally.
  4. the nature of learning in connection with various aspects of the personality, learning is a process that is characterized by a change in a person. Changes as a result of the learning process can be shown in various forms such as changes in knowledge, understanding, attitudes and behaviors, abilities, skills and abilities, and other aspects that exist in each.
After defining the search of performance and learning, it may be concluded that the realization essentially get the result from an activity. While learning is a process that a change in the individual, resulting in the role, which is a change in behavior. So power learning is the result in the form of impressions received, which led as a result of activities in the learning in a change in the individual. (Ngalim, Purwanto Educational Psychology Bandung: ... Youth Work 1988 Pg 85-87)

Definition of performance is achieved, the result is, when certain tasks or activities to do ( Tu 'u 04: 75). Academic performance is the result obtained from the learning activities in schools, cognitive and are determined by measurement and evaluation generally. learning power, is the mastery of the topics that will be determined by the value or a certain number of teachers. On this basis, the learning performance can be formulated:

  • The learning success is the result of learning achieved as follows, tasks and learning activities in schools .
  • learning achievements are mainly aspects of cognitive assessment, because it relates to the ability of students in knowledge or memory, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
  • , the learning performance of proven and demonstrated by the value or the number of the results of work undertaken by the teacher evaluation.
  • Thus, the learning performance is on value or number reached in the learning process in schools to concentrate. This value is relative assessed on cognitive because teachers use it often mastery of knowledge as student performance to see

After Sudjana ( 190: 23), said "cognitive among the three areas, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor, then shutter often valued teacher at the school"

, the factors affecting the. student performance hinder

After Kartono Kartini in Tu'u Sincere (04: 83), factors that hinder the performance of students:
the inhibitors of a
[1945011th] the inhibitors of the cover:

1. Health factors

students whose health is often causes impaired child studies. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the health of their children with nutritious foods.

2. Factors Intelligence

students with less intelligence that led to the slow student and will be missed by his friends. The results obtained are not optimal. Moreover, intelligence greatly affect how quickly the progress of students.

3. concern matters

Attention here is the attention in school and at home. Attention studying at home is often the TV show, family circumstances and disturbed home while studying at school, the learning environment often distracted attention and lack of concentration. Insufficient attention will negatively affects the learning outcomes.

4. Areas of Interest

The interest high kecenderunagn is against something. If the teacher teaching is not developed of interest, it would make no serious student learning so that learning outcomes are achieved, is not optimal.

5. Factor Talent

talent is innate potential of a person. If the lesson, which do not correspond to their talent followed, Accomplishment of learning is not optimal.

b. Inhibitory outside

inhibitor from the outside:

1 factor family

These factors form factors such as Parents mendididk unfavorable example less factor atmosphere of the house busy an often bickering; , Family economic factors

2. Factors School

Factors school factor is learning, such methods are less varied and boring students; Factor of the relationship between teachers and students, which are less dense, factors of students, teachers, the pengguasaan factor of the material is missing, a factor in school facilities such as books less, a lively area. Anything interfering with student performance is good.

3. Factors school discipline

is really a negative effect
discipline of the school to the learning process of the child were not enforced. For example, students who have come too late, it go unpunished.

4. Shared factors

Factors mass media such as TV shows, disrupt the learning time, factors Friends poorly maintained, a factor most commonly used effects performance and student behavior.

5. Environmental factors neighbor

, for example, an unemployed neighbor, thieves, player, drinker is an environment that is. On student learning outcomes

6 hanging. organizational activities
when students support factors

many activities of the organization in addition, have the learning outcomes, the learning outcomes can interfere if they do not menggatur may well at the time.

Definition of Success Learning is a set consists of two words, namely performance and learning. Between success and learning words have different meanings. Therefore, before terms of learning performance, it is worth the discussion on each issue addressed in advance to get a further understanding of the meaning of words and learning performance. There is also a deep understanding to facilitate more about terms of self-learning performance. Below a sense of power and learning is presented, according to experts.

Success is the result of an activity that has been done, either individually or as a group created (Djamarah 1994 19). Meanwhile, according to Masud Hasan Abdul Dahar Djamarah (1994: 21). That performance is what needs to be created, the work will be, the results obtained by the working tenacity complacent

from the definition set out above, to emphasize clearly visible differences on specific words, but the point is the same, namely, the result of an activity. For this purpose, it will be understood that achieving the result of an activity, which was conducted generated that is responsive to the toughness of the work can be obtained, either singly or in groups in certain activities.

by Slameto (1995: 2), that learning is a process person trying to get a new change in behavior as a whole, as a result of his own experience in interaction with the environment , In simple words, learn how they proposed in the above-mentioned document to understand, it can prove to be an understanding of the nature of the learning activities is a change that occurs within the individual. Meanwhile, according Nurkencana (1986: 62) argues that learning performance is a result that has been reached or in the form of the value of the child subjects. Changes in the individual added as a result of activities in learning that achieving learning the outcome of this result.

Search for the above description, it can understand the learning performance, the result or the level functions that, in a certain time after participating either to changes in behavior skills and knowledge and then measured and evaluated were then in figures or statements embodied in the learning process of students were reached.

[1945009AffectingLearningAchievement] 2. Factors

1. Factors of the student (internal)

in this context, there is a degree of internal factors (1995: 54) of Slameto., need to be discussed, namely, physical factors, psychological factors, and the fatigue factor
a factors physical

divided in the factor of physical can in two health factors and factors of disability.
strongly influence

1. health determinants

Health Factors the learning process of students, if the health of a person distracted or tired, lackluster, easy dizziness, drowsiness, if the circumstances he was very weak and anemic or No abnormalities disorders tool senses.
2. disability

disability is something that causes less good or defective limb or body. These defects in the form of blind, partially blind, board, broken legs, broken arms, crippled, and other (Slameto, 03: 55)
. B. Psychological factors

Can be intelligence, attention, talents, interests, motivation, maturity, readiness.

1. Intelligence
Slameto (03: 56) argues that the intelligence or competence of three kinds of skills is, to employ and to new situations to effectively adapt quickly and effectively to know / use concepts of abstract, knowledge, relationships and learn quickly

2. attention
by al-Ghazali in Slameto (03 :. 56) that the concern is also increased mental activity of the soul then exclusively serve -mata to an object or a thing or a set of objects. to ensure

better learning, should the students have the attention of the materials studied. If the material under the attention is not the student, boredom was such that he did not like to learn. Allowing students to learn well, try the textbook in accordance with hobbies and talents

3. Talent
After Hilgard in Slameto (03: 57) . that talent is the ability to learn. In other words, the talent is the ability to learn. This capability will be realized learned or trained according to the real performance of the skills. Then after Muhibbin (03: 136). That the talent is to achieve the potential ability of a person's success in the future

4. Interests
Jersild and Taisch in Nurkencana after (1996: 214) that the interest is selected menyakut activities free of people. Great interest influence on student learning activities, students who love to read will be able to obtain a wide range of knowledge and technology. So knowledge will expand so that they will strongly affect the increase or the achievement of student performance that are as optimal as possible seriously investigated for students who have an interest in some lessons because it is appealing to him.

5. Motivation
by Slameto (03: 58), that motivation will be closely linked to the objectives are achieved in learning, in this goal can be implemented to determine or not, but need to do to achieve this goal, while the cause of the motivation to commit itself as a driving force or the driving

6. maturity
by Slameto (03: 58). that maturity is something fad or a phase in which the growth of a person in the middle of his body was ready to implement a new skill.

Based on the above opinion, the maturity is an organ or instrument body said mature when the inner beings have achieved the ability to their respective functions kematang it comes to the implementation or the time will come easy, so the learning is more successful when the child is ready or mature enough to follow the teaching and learning process.

7. willingness
willingness of James Drever as Slameto (03: 59) quotes. is preparedes to respond or react, this means a willingness to provide a response or reaction

Thus, from the opinion can be assumed above that the willingness of the students in the learning process greatly influence student performance, so performance student can have a positive effect if the students themselves have the willingness to accept a well topics.

c. Fatigue factor
There are several factors that fatigue can affect student performance, can be divided among others in two ways, namely physical exhaustion and mental fatigue. As stated by Slameto (1995: 59) as follows:

"define fatigue by the spinelessness of the body and the resulting tendency physically seen Physical exhaustion occurs because none. combustion residual substance in the body, so that inferior blood in certain parts. While fatigue for thinking about the problem mentally continuously can, which means without a break to do out of necessity something not consistent with the interests and concerns ".

From the above description, exhausted physically and mental can affect learning and performance, so that students learn well be avoided happens fatigue while learning so spinelessness body. So it is necessary to agree on the conditions that are free from mental exhaustion as to think the problem, which means without a break, do not do something out of necessity in accordance with the interest and attention. These are all great impact on students' learning performance. In order for students as learning not to physical exhaustion and psychological.

2. Factors from outside (external factors)

external factors affecting learning performance it is divided into three factors: family factors, school factors and community factors (Slameto, 1995: 60).

a. Family factors

factor family is very active role for students and the family can affect include: How to educate parents, the relations between family members, family circumstances, the parents understand state family economic, cultural background and the atmosphere of the house.

1. As parents educate

the way parents educate suggested before that the family is the establishment primarily: to learn great influence on the performance of children, it is confirmed by Wirowidjojo in Slameto (60 03). Healthy family means a lot to educate small, but the quality of education to a large extent, the provision, namely the formation of the nation and the state.

can be understood from the above opinion, the importance of the role of the family in the education of their children. How do people raise their children, their learning influence

2. Relationship between family members
After Slameto (03: 60). The family in the relations were important parents and their children. In addition, children with a brother or a relationship with another family also affect children's learning. A form of relationship is whether love or hate, attitude too hard or indifference, and so on.

3. The state of
After Hamalik (02: 0) argues that family relationships will affect the learning performance of children by several factors from a family influences that may give rise to individual differences such as the culture of the family, parental education, economic level, the relationship between the parents, attitude towards social issues and the realities of life.

on the above of the opinion that family circumstances Dapa affect the learning capacity of children, so that these factors provide experiences for children to be able to power, interests lead, attitudes and understanding, so that the learning process can be achieved by the child affected by the parents, who have no or less knowledge of science

4. the definition of a parent
by Slameto (03: 64). that children learning needs encouragement and understanding parents. If children learn not to bother with homework. Sometimes the child has a weak mind, parents are required to understand and push it as far as possible to overcome the difficulties they experienced.

5. Family economic situation
After Slameto (03: 63) that the family economic situation is closely related to the learning of the child. Children who learn in addition to the unmet basic needs such as food, clothing, health, and others, also requires learning facilities such as classrooms, tables, chairs, lighting, stationery and so on.

6. Background Culture
, the level of education or habits in the family affects the attitude of the child in learning (Roestiyah, 1989: 156). Therefore it is necessary to help children inculcated good habits in order to promote the attainment of optimal success.

home atmosphere Learning a home atmosphere affect performance greatly, this is the opinion of the Slameto after (03: 63), that the atmosphere of the house argued a situation or an event that families often occurs where children are and learn. Home atmosphere rowdy, loud and not semwarut give you to learn the rest of the child.

The atmosphere in a large family too many occupants may occur. The atmosphere is tense, noisy and often bicker quarrel between other family members, the children cause boring to stay at home, preferring to leave home as a result of learning messy and low power.
b. School factors

school factors can affect the way teach his teacher, tool ala-learning, curriculum, school hours, the interaction of teachers and students, school discipline, and media Education, namely:

1. teachers and teaching
by Purwanto (04: 104) factor teacher and teach an important factor, as the attitude and personality the teacher, kept the high and low skills of teachers and how teachers teach this knowledge to young students helped determine learning outcomes are achieved by the students. Meanwhile, according to Nana Sudjana in Djamarah (06: 39). Teaching is essentially a process, the process of preparation, organization, the environment, to promote yourself to help students and pupils promote learning

in the course of learning, acting teachers as mentors. In his role as consultant, teachers must strive menhidupkan and provide motivation conducive to a process of interaction. Thus the teaching of teachers should make their students, both of which are understood to effectively and better with the use of models, techniques or methods of teaching that taught to the needs of students in the learning process
, the concepts to their students in delivered learning and adapted is

2. the learning model
model or method of learning is very important and influential on the performance of students, especially in math. in this case method uses the model or learning by the teacher, not only in the study only model, but should be taught the concepts and mathematics teacher be varied to meet in accordance with the needs of students, especially in the fields. Where mathematics teacher should be able to determine menilih and appropriate learning methods to learn to use. The teaching models, including cooperative learning, contextual learning, realistic to solve mathematical problems and so on

In this case, the model is a model of the cooperative. STAD where the model or method of learning process of students affected and can student performance

3. Tools Lessons
To perfect results improve learning, learning tools is one thing that
in improving student performance, such as libraries, laboratories and sebagaianya by Purwanto (04: 105) is no less important. stated that the schools have plenty of tools and equipment needed by good teachers who Skills teachers to learn coupled, the tools on that simplifies and accelerate children's learning. js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,

Textbooks criteria

Admin 11.05 Add Comment

criteria textbooks

Eureka Education. textbooks are needed to support learning activities. Teachers are expected to select the appropriate text books for students. After Oh Ho and Hsu (2011: 93) to make the best choice, the teacher should really evaluate textbooks potential, those criteria

  1. criteria Publisher - Publisher is a factor penetu on sat printed book, in an exhibition methods are commonly used sometimes for the editors do not have the ability of what worked. In the case of the teacher usually larger should check the reputation of the publisher and author of a textbook professionals in their respective fields. , Moreover, the cost of textbooks and the ability of the issuer of the logistics, distribution systems and customer service
  2. criteria Physical - criteria for the physical characteristics of textbooks related, as cover design, text layout, print size, print quality, paper quality, heavy books and durability
  3. criteria content -. Textbooks should be chosen the targets ahead education, according to the students' needs and contribute to the continuity and integration into the curriculum. Good textbooks also brought teachers and students through the learning experience. Moreover, the content must be accurately and precisely and regularly revised to be conditions meet changing
  4. criteria Instructions -. A good book complements the teacher's instructions, as leader instructional guide classroom activities, workbooks, audio / video components and assessment package should carefully and, where teachers are available along with the textbooks.

to these criteria include external and internal accounting. Another opinion supports that Maman are (2010: 4-6) says there are seven criteria and principles that apply in writing textbooks, that have
  1. Textbooks , Grounding point clear and refreshed. Good textbooks are books that have a position on a hard and modern teaching and books that demonstrate some applicative teaching materials.
  2. The textbooks must contain sufficient material. Textbooks good the textbook, a rich, varied, easy to read presented, and consistent with the interests and needs of students. The impact of such a book is to solve a source scientific problems reading triggering learners, fun, stimulating creativity of children, and so on.
  3. playbook should contain lessons material arranged in a systematic and gradual. Systematic presented in terms of the material by observing the ease of understanding pesertaa learners in relation to the declaration, representation, and organization are systematically arranged; Disclosure is made simpler in (simple); the term given any explanation or examples; the use of words and concepts in a foreign language or regional language irrelevant avoided; Presentation promotes actively thinking learners and to learn how to vary; urged the students followed on other sources of study by a complete reference source to look. Related study materials joined together in an integrated fashion, both intrapelajaran and interpelajaran. made placement topics throughout the book properly interrogated. Staged in the sense of the material presented are drawn, such as from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, from general to specific, from the parts to the whole, and so on with respect to the order into consideration.
  4. textbook lessons should contain material that is presented methods and means to interest the students a book can stimulate reading. For example, with images presented, the students can stimulate to find answers from the training, students memperkonkret to answer their knowledge, and allows students in the neighborhood to prove or simply to train research.
  5. Textbooks should material contain the depth that allows students helped in solving problems, academic dihadapiya. For example, if the students do the work, added the depth of the work or problem through the book, both resulting book the necessary things, including the pupils or their instructions to obtain references that the problem solved.
  6. The textbooks must memngkinkan impartial evaluation tools that the students has been reached in a position to determine the competence. The degree of achievement of competence can be used for the students as feedback whether other such materials to deepen and up to other materials continues.
  7. The textbooks must contain materials that allow students to have the opportunity to get his mind on the things to tickle they have learned. The benefits that the students after reading and practicing is a statement that you want the learners appear. In other words, this tool can be used as a mirror image of learners of all academic issues that were investigated

In accordance with the above-mentioned document, Tarin & Tarin (09: 22). Textbooks or textbook is ideally a book that meets the following criteria.
  1. a foundation to have the principles, and a certain perspective, which uses the concepts in textbooks is based should be clear.
  2. Relevant for the curriculum.
  3. recovery of readers who use them.
  4. Able to give motivation to the wearer.
  5. to promote the activity of the students.
  6. creating illustrations that attract the users.
  7. are
  8. understanding must precede by an appropriate communication.
  9. Content assist other topics.
  10. respect for individual differences.
  11. Trying values ​​prevailing in society to establish.
  12. Taking into account the linguistic aspects in accordance with the ability of the student to wear.
  13. with clear concepts in order not to confuse the students. to have
  14. position (view), is clear.
Based on the three above opinion, the criteria of good textbooks that are in accordance with the purpose of learning, the established curriculum. Therefore, in the presentation of textbooks according to the curriculum in 2013 targets are listed in KI and KD learn. It should also be relevant in 2013 on the curriculum, the learning process based on scientific approach and ratings based authentic assessment. (Emphasized iklangoogle = window .iklangoogle || [])

BSCS: An investigation approach

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BSCS: An investigation approach

Eureka Education . Human characteristics which indicate that the investigation is a powerful way of learning. People are curious by nature, have a natural ability to analyze the design and make measurements and estimates, test and check the possibilities to compare the results from tests with an initial understanding and change them if necessary understanding of the provision of all creatures is to to survive. After all its forms is the role of research in the fields of education, more and more in the focus of attention. Focus on the inquiry question that we think about what we know why we know and how we know it. Most children are naturally curious. They cared enough to ask: "why" and "how".

Are inquiry in education? The formulation of the standard is: "study the various forms of activity, the observation is to ask questions, refer to obtain what is known, planned study, examining what is known from the evidence of simple experiments on books and other resources is to gather with tools to analyze and interpret the data, the filing of an answer, an explanation and a forecast, and communicate the results. request requires identification of assumptions used, the use of logical thinking and critical analysis of the declaration of a thing "(inquiry and the National Science Education standards, A Guide for teaching and Learningh, S .. 14). National Science Education Standards USA looking to build, as we know what we know and what evidence supports what we already know about understanding the student.

request scientific refers to the variety of opportunities for researchers to study the universe and aims to base a statement on the evidence obtained. Inquiry also refers to activities of students, when a knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas construction, as well as the efforts of scientists to understand the nature (National Science Education Standards, USA, page 23). Inquiry is important because it tells all knowledge.

National Research Council in 1995, provides valuable insights into ways that teachers could make promote curiosity of students and help them, a set of skills to build scientific research connected. In Standards stressed that science education is required for students to give three kinds of skills and understanding of science. Students always reasoning skills and working methods of scientists have the principles and concepts of science, doing science, and understand the nature of science as a special form of human life to learn. Thus, students must be able to design studies and perform to test their ideas, and they need to know why investigation to understand, since it has a unique strength. Studies show that students are more able to understand situation and remember the concepts that they have learned in this way.

The approach of the study of biology was originally developed by Joseph Schwab 1965 in curriculum study biological science (BSCS), discussed the development of the curriculum and learning Biology in secondary schools. Schwab filed a learning approach, called "survey of inquiry" referred to. This approach is to read the teacher materials and reports of scientific research for students. then discuss the details of the study of material to read, are: get problems, data, the role of technology, interpretation of the data and conclusions of the scientists. Where it is possible to read the students alternative explanations for the research that has been discussed from the studies with different or conflicting, the debate on assumptions based on new insights and questions other scientific investigations. Through this approach, students will build an understanding of what constitutes a scientific knowledge and how scientific knowledge is produced.

The approach of the study is an approach that uses a process of inquiry as a core learning activities (Slamet Suyanto, 2011). Students are invited to jointly conduct an investigation to solve the exploration and experimentation, various problems related to the daily life, the environment and society. Through these activities, training students as observe, measure, classify, and using the scientific method, a young scientist doing science process. Inquiry approach is to develop scientific thinking skills (Slamet Suyanto, 2015). The teachers teach not traditionally explains the different definitions, but guided inquiry activities, allowing students to discover and understand things (BSCS Science, 2010). So implies the request participation that leads to understanding. In addition, if build engagement in the learning device capabilities and settings with which to seek resolutions to questions and issues new knowledge. Therefore BSCS will learn a pioneer in the development of innovative curriculum that provides the opportunity for students of science by doing on procedures they approach.

The approach of the study describe the new generation of high-school level learning where students are the core concepts in an investigation, life science, earth and space science and physics incorporated as standards National science outlined in the Education.

Interest BSCS Biology: a research approach
students spend a lot of time in investigation based activities. You observe, manipulating materials and investigations in the laboratory. As a result, they build the cognitive skills such as critical thinking and reasoned and learn about the content of science (Bredderman 1982 ;. Shymansky et al, 1983). The purpose of the study is able to have the ability to think in a systematic, logical and critical or develop the ability intelektul, as this part of the mental process to develop. Thus, students will not only learn in the request obliged to master the subject matter, but fantasize that they realize their potential. Man who just learned the lesson is not necessarily develop in a position ability to think optimally. On the contrary: students is able to develop the ability to think, if he mastered the subject. The purpose of the study approach to inculcate the scientific method, students are trained as a scientist, developed the scientific skills.

Dimensions of cognitive products by Anderson & Krathwohl

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The dimensions of cognitive products by Anderson & Krathwohl

a. Factual.
Eureka Education . Factual knowledge includes basic elements of the experts used to explain, understand and manage systematically their discipline. These elements are usually symbols are connected to the reference concrete, which contain important information. Factual knowledge usually appear at a relatively low level of abstraction. Two types of factual knowledge is knowledge of the terminology and knowledge -detail detail and specific elements.

b. Conceptual knowledge
conceptual knowledge includes schema, mental models or theories of explicit and implicit in a variety of different cognitive psychology. Schemes, models and illustrate the theory of knowledge a person has, as inserted into the matter and organized, how the parts are connected by various information related to each other and in a systematic way, so that these parts work together. Conceptual knowledge consists of three types: classification and category knowledge, knowledge of the principles and generalizations and knowledge models, theories and structures.

c.Pengetahuan method
procedural knowledge is "knowing how" something to do . Procedural knowledge shaped series of steps that will follow. This includes knowledge of skills, algorithms, techniques and methods are collectively referred to as a process. Procedural knowledge describes the diverse knowledge of "process" is different, while factual knowledge and conceptual context of a so-called "product." Procedural knowledge procedural knowledge for knowledge of skills, algorithms, techniques and methods to cover the specific topic or specific disciplines.

d. Metacognitive knowledge
metacognitive knowledge is the knowledge of the general cognitive awareness and knowledge of the individual. The emphasis to be more aware and responsible for their own knowledge and ideas to students. Metacognitive knowledge includes strategic knowledge, knowledge of cognitive tasks, as well as the knowledge of the Self (Suwarto, 2013).

Dimension cognitive This already shows the level of thinking Higher Order thingking (HOT) and think low level or low order thingking (LOT). , Inferior to feel aspects of understanding and application, including the ability or low order thingking (LOT), while aspects of the reasoning the ability to think contain critical or : After Rofiah (17 2013) higher order thingking (HOT). The ability to think critically requires a person new information or knowledge prior to use and manipulate this information to a possible answer from a new situation (Heong et al, 2011) to achieve. The overall thought is to think at a higher level than just learning facts by heart or deliver something. Ward (2010: 1627), suggests that the ability to think critically is the thought process, in an effort to mental activity involves the experience to explore yamg complex, reflective and creative consciously to achieve the objectives, namely knowledge to win that contains the level of analytical thinking, synthesis and. evaluative

The components and the basis of preparation of RPP

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The components and the basis of preparation of the RPP

1. RPP component

Eureka Education . Learning is essentially a process that is organized and arranged in a manner according to certain steps, so that the implementation of the expected results can be achieved. Structuring and arrangement are set out in the form of lesson planning. Learning plan estimating or projecting the measures will be carried out in the implementation of learning activities. dislike as accurately Perhaps in practice what you have planned, because the learning process is even situations. However, when the plan was elaborated, the method and the results are not too far away from what is already planned (Niron, 09).

The lesson plan describes the process and the organization of events to do learning, a basic competence (KD) in the standard content (SI) and specified as described in the lesson plan to achieve. RPP compiled for each KD which can be converted into a meeting or more, based on the semester program and an annual program of the school. Through the use of lesson plans, learning is expected programmatically and systematically implemented (the Goddess, 2013).

The components of RPP and detail the specific components of the curriculum compared. developed may be the RPP form in different regions or schools, but the content and principles should be the same. Based on Ministerial Decree No 41 In 07, the RPP is composed of several components: the identity of the subjects, SK, KD, indicators of achievement, learning objectives, teaching materials, time management, teaching methods, assessment of learning outcomes, learning resources and learning activities that includes the introduction, the core activities and the closure (the Goddess, 2013)

the components of RPP by Lestari (2013) sebaga described below .:
1. identification of issues
2. the standard of competence
3. core competencies
4. the purpose of learning
5. indicators for the achievement of competencies
6. allocation of
7. learning
8. teaching materials
9. The method according to
10. The learning activities learning
a. Preparatory measures
b. Core activity
c. Activities include
11. Assessment of learning outcomes

2. Principles of development of RPP
Basics creation of the RPP should comply with Regulation No.41 of 07 on the standard processes, namely:
1. Taking into account the individual differences of the learners;
2. Encouraging active participation of the learner;
3. Develop a culture of reading and writing;
4. Feedback and follow-up;
5. gastronomic KD linkages and coherence, relevance and coherence of matter
learning, indicators of achievement of competencies, resources learning, learning activities and
votes in the integrity the learning experience;
6. The integrated thematic learning, integration on issues gastronomic, on all aspects of
learning and cultural diversity;
7. Application of Information and Communication Technology (the Goddess, 2013).

is now influenced by Niron (09), the effectiveness of the RPP by several principles of planning learning.
1. Planning learning about the conditions of the learners must be based
must learn
2. Planning based on the corresponding curriculum.
have to take
3. Planning learning taking into account the time available.
4. Planning learning should be a systematic series of learning activities.
5. Planning Learning when necessary accompanying worksheet / assignment and or sheet
6. Be flexible learning planning.
must learn
7. planning based on a system approach, that there are some among the objectives / skills, materials, learning activities and evaluation.

can be understood prioritized on the basis of these descriptions
orientation RPP drafting principles that must be adhered can be obtained for the purpose of learning activities, namely: (a). Based on the existing curriculum, (b). Consider the characteristics or conditions of learners, (c). Encourage the active participation of learners, (d). Development of a culture of reading and writing, (e). Taking into account the time available, (f). Equipped with a worksheet / assignment or observation sheet, (g). Accommodating compounds and alignment (h). Feedback and follow-up, (i). The application of information and communication technology.

These principles should be used as a basis, prepared in the RPP. Moreover, it is practically in the preparation of lesson plans, a teacher must master how to describe the basic skills to be an indicator of how the selection of learning materials that correspond to the basic skills, how to choose alternative teaching methods, the most appropriate are considered basic skills to achieve, and how to develop evaluation processes, and learning outcomes