Dimensions of cognitive products by Anderson & Krathwohl

Admin 21.03

The dimensions of cognitive products by Anderson & Krathwohl

a. Factual.
Eureka Education . Factual knowledge includes basic elements of the experts used to explain, understand and manage systematically their discipline. These elements are usually symbols are connected to the reference concrete, which contain important information. Factual knowledge usually appear at a relatively low level of abstraction. Two types of factual knowledge is knowledge of the terminology and knowledge -detail detail and specific elements.

b. Conceptual knowledge
conceptual knowledge includes schema, mental models or theories of explicit and implicit in a variety of different cognitive psychology. Schemes, models and illustrate the theory of knowledge a person has, as inserted into the matter and organized, how the parts are connected by various information related to each other and in a systematic way, so that these parts work together. Conceptual knowledge consists of three types: classification and category knowledge, knowledge of the principles and generalizations and knowledge models, theories and structures.

c.Pengetahuan method
procedural knowledge is "knowing how" something to do . Procedural knowledge shaped series of steps that will follow. This includes knowledge of skills, algorithms, techniques and methods are collectively referred to as a process. Procedural knowledge describes the diverse knowledge of "process" is different, while factual knowledge and conceptual context of a so-called "product." Procedural knowledge procedural knowledge for knowledge of skills, algorithms, techniques and methods to cover the specific topic or specific disciplines.

d. Metacognitive knowledge
metacognitive knowledge is the knowledge of the general cognitive awareness and knowledge of the individual. The emphasis to be more aware and responsible for their own knowledge and ideas to students. Metacognitive knowledge includes strategic knowledge, knowledge of cognitive tasks, as well as the knowledge of the Self (Suwarto, 2013).

Dimension cognitive This already shows the level of thinking Higher Order thingking (HOT) and think low level or low order thingking (LOT). , Inferior to feel aspects of understanding and application, including the ability or low order thingking (LOT), while aspects of the reasoning the ability to think contain critical or : After Rofiah (17 2013) higher order thingking (HOT). The ability to think critically requires a person new information or knowledge prior to use and manipulate this information to a possible answer from a new situation (Heong et al, 2011) to achieve. The overall thought is to think at a higher level than just learning facts by heart or deliver something. Ward (2010: 1627), suggests that the ability to think critically is the thought process, in an effort to mental activity involves the experience to explore yamg complex, reflective and creative consciously to achieve the objectives, namely knowledge to win that contains the level of analytical thinking, synthesis and. evaluative
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