Introduction to Educational Research Methodology

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Introduction to Research Methodology Education

Eureka Education. Man understood as those who have a curiosity. Through this curiosity, everything was not originally disclosed to be clearly expressed. First, the only source of human knowledge is based on experience, but as the development of knowledge itself is no longer a source of human knowledge is based on experience alone. "The most important sources of knowledge can under five headings are divided: (1) deductive experience, (2) Authory, (3), (4) Inductive Reasoning, and (5) The scientific approach (Ary, Donald , et al, 2010: 3). ".

As at the time of Donald Ary, human curiosity remarked be answered not only by the experience, but have been through a scientific approach. "Exclusive use of induction often performed in the collection of isolated knowledge and information that made a small contribution to the advancement of knowledge. In addition to this the people that many problems could not be solved only by induction. In the 19th century , scientists began the most important aspects of the inductive and deductive methods in a new technology to integrate elements, namely the inductive-deductive method or the scientific approach. the approach differs from inductive reasoning that it used hypothesis. a hypothesis is a steatment subvariables a relationship describes, which is tentatively assumed to be true, it identifies observations about (Ary, Donald, 2013: 7).. be made to invest gate "Accordingly, it is understood that as used in the 19th century scientific approach known as a new method to meet human curiosity. This scientific approach is characterized by the presence of the hypothesis.

The scientific approach is basically done, people to answer curiosity about the natural and social dynamics of the development of science with respect. Therefore "curiosity must be answered with the correct answer through research activities. Can or should be not only the thoughts, feelings or estimates, although it feels really sounds. Reply or scientific statement must be based or collected on the amount of data information in a number of ways or methods that have been evaluated correctly, called the research methodology. a statement is said to be scientific if it is supported by facts, data in logical, rational, empirical and reasonable. logical in terms of a coherent flow of thought to draw conclusions. Rational means his statements have reasons or arguments strong enough. sufficient data in this case means that support the detailed data from a number of respondents or informants with clear criteria for the statement, so it is considered sufficient to to draw conclusions (Patilima, Hamid 2010: 5-6)... "

Basically the "methodology of science of the process, and when they assembled in research methodology, its meaning is the study of methods that can be used in research. Therefore, the research is a scientific activity, the research methodology can also be interpreted as a science to reveal and the phenomena of nature and social phenomena in human life, are systematic workflows, declare regular, orderly and can be justified scientifically. (Nawawi, Hadari et al. 05 : 9) ".

Furthermore explains Sugiyono that the research method is to obtain data with a specific purpose and uses basically a scientific way. On this basis, there are four key words that need to be considered, namely, scientific manner, the data, the purpose and usefulness. How meaningful scientific research on the characteristics of science is based, namely the rational, empirical and systematically. Rational means that the research activities carried out in a way that make sense to make it affordable by human reason. Empirical means ways to do it, can be observed by the human senses, so that other used to observe the way and know. Systematic means that the process used in the study uses certain measures which are logical (Sugiyono, 09: 2).

The development of the various disciplines that have a variety of specific properties, influence on the research methods. As research methods used understood theory of knowledge or means to capture an object that eventually develop together and are specific in accordance with the characteristics of the respective fields. One of them that we know in the world of education, the educational research methods.

"methodology of research in the field of education is basically the same as the methodology in the social sciences in general and in science education in particular. Known in the social sciences, two approaches, namely the positivist approach and a naturalistic approach. positivist approach is an approach that emphasizes examines the quantitative data to explain the problem. for example, the high school dropout rate tu closely related to the economic factor in the context, proved the existence of data that children who fall come from school from poor families. naturalistic approach is an approach that is too pronounced, what exactly is going on behind the fact their children from school. If that children found from families not can afford, what is it really holds despite of the school, where to pay support education (Vali, Bambang, 2010: 3). "

the explanations that have been put forward, it is understood that the methods of educational research is a scientific way is to study the dynamics of creation. As illustrated by Bambang (2010), the general methods of educational research can be carried out in two approaches, namely quantitative and qualitative approaches. However, the development of quantitative and qualitative approaches can be combined to known by the mixing process. Mixing method is to try the combination of quantitative and qualitative data to understand the object or phenomenon as a whole.

In addition, there is also a research classify research and development or research and development as one of the studies used in research education. Characteristics of this study was to develop and produce a product that will improve the quality of learning, used.

Ary, Donald et al. 2010 Introduction to Educational Research . Wadsworth: USA
Nawawi, Hadari, et al. 2010 Applied Research . UGM Press: Yogyakarta
Patilima, Hamid. 2010 Qualitative research methods . Alfa Beta: Malang
Vali, Bambang. 2010 Biology Education Research Methods . UNY Yogyakarta
Sugiyono. 09. Quantitative Research Methods, Qualitative and R & D . Alfa Beta. Bandung
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