The components and the basis of preparation of RPP

Admin 20.02

The components and the basis of preparation of the RPP

1. RPP component

Eureka Education . Learning is essentially a process that is organized and arranged in a manner according to certain steps, so that the implementation of the expected results can be achieved. Structuring and arrangement are set out in the form of lesson planning. Learning plan estimating or projecting the measures will be carried out in the implementation of learning activities. dislike as accurately Perhaps in practice what you have planned, because the learning process is even situations. However, when the plan was elaborated, the method and the results are not too far away from what is already planned (Niron, 09).

The lesson plan describes the process and the organization of events to do learning, a basic competence (KD) in the standard content (SI) and specified as described in the lesson plan to achieve. RPP compiled for each KD which can be converted into a meeting or more, based on the semester program and an annual program of the school. Through the use of lesson plans, learning is expected programmatically and systematically implemented (the Goddess, 2013).

The components of RPP and detail the specific components of the curriculum compared. developed may be the RPP form in different regions or schools, but the content and principles should be the same. Based on Ministerial Decree No 41 In 07, the RPP is composed of several components: the identity of the subjects, SK, KD, indicators of achievement, learning objectives, teaching materials, time management, teaching methods, assessment of learning outcomes, learning resources and learning activities that includes the introduction, the core activities and the closure (the Goddess, 2013)

the components of RPP by Lestari (2013) sebaga described below .:
1. identification of issues
2. the standard of competence
3. core competencies
4. the purpose of learning
5. indicators for the achievement of competencies
6. allocation of
7. learning
8. teaching materials
9. The method according to
10. The learning activities learning
a. Preparatory measures
b. Core activity
c. Activities include
11. Assessment of learning outcomes

2. Principles of development of RPP
Basics creation of the RPP should comply with Regulation No.41 of 07 on the standard processes, namely:
1. Taking into account the individual differences of the learners;
2. Encouraging active participation of the learner;
3. Develop a culture of reading and writing;
4. Feedback and follow-up;
5. gastronomic KD linkages and coherence, relevance and coherence of matter
learning, indicators of achievement of competencies, resources learning, learning activities and
votes in the integrity the learning experience;
6. The integrated thematic learning, integration on issues gastronomic, on all aspects of
learning and cultural diversity;
7. Application of Information and Communication Technology (the Goddess, 2013).

is now influenced by Niron (09), the effectiveness of the RPP by several principles of planning learning.
1. Planning learning about the conditions of the learners must be based
must learn
2. Planning based on the corresponding curriculum.
have to take
3. Planning learning taking into account the time available.
4. Planning learning should be a systematic series of learning activities.
5. Planning Learning when necessary accompanying worksheet / assignment and or sheet
6. Be flexible learning planning.
must learn
7. planning based on a system approach, that there are some among the objectives / skills, materials, learning activities and evaluation.

can be understood prioritized on the basis of these descriptions
orientation RPP drafting principles that must be adhered can be obtained for the purpose of learning activities, namely: (a). Based on the existing curriculum, (b). Consider the characteristics or conditions of learners, (c). Encourage the active participation of learners, (d). Development of a culture of reading and writing, (e). Taking into account the time available, (f). Equipped with a worksheet / assignment or observation sheet, (g). Accommodating compounds and alignment (h). Feedback and follow-up, (i). The application of information and communication technology.

These principles should be used as a basis, prepared in the RPP. Moreover, it is practically in the preparation of lesson plans, a teacher must master how to describe the basic skills to be an indicator of how the selection of learning materials that correspond to the basic skills, how to choose alternative teaching methods, the most appropriate are considered basic skills to achieve, and how to develop evaluation processes, and learning outcomes
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