(Novel, Biography, Ki Hajar Dewantara, life, thought, and the struggle founder Taman Siswa)
Haidar Musyafa
. Publisher: Imania, Jakarta, 2015, 416 S.
Eureka Education . Ki Hajar Dewantara legi on Thursday born, two Ramadhan 1309 H or coincide with the date of May 2, 1889. Due to his large family are descendants of the Duchy Pakualaman notabenenya Prince is a noble, then the full name in Raden Mas Soewardi Soejaningrat ( No.P.31). Soewardi little education schools in Kalasan care Kyai Haji Soleman ABDURROHMAN (p.47). After Soewardi father felt that his religious knowledge is gained from the lodge pesntren enough. So my father decided this Soewardi Soewardi to school Govermen Netherlands belong, the ELS ( Eropessche Lagere School ) is located in the village near the Duchy Bintaran residence Soewardi (p.55).
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after ELS completion Soewardi father wants to continue school Soewardi OSVIA ( school Opleiding Voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren ), which is a school for prospective employees Govermen Netherlands. Soewardi rather in Kweekschool , which is a school for aspiring teachers however enroll. Since Soewardi already felt the education gap between Dutch children, child nobles and commoners (p.66). Daalam perjalananya met Soewardi with dr. Wahidin soedirohoesodo that offer medical education for the children of the nobility. Hearing exposure dr. Wahidin that people understaffed, then decided Soewardi School Kweekschool to leave and chose in STOVIA ( STOVIA ) is located in Batavia (p.84) continue studying.
Add STOVIA, Soewardi meet other noble children from different regions, which seems to have the same struggles with their vision. Thus, the activities in the school are filled alone not only with learning school subjects, but filled with discussions of nationality. Finally, by the students who study in this STOVIA, 108 the organization Boedi Utomo (p.106) was born. Boedi Utomo seeks a container for the aspirations of the youth to be Inlander, especially through the world of journalism. The activities were pretty solid, both in school and at Boedi Utomo finally health conditions Soewardi decrease (p.126) makes. The condition affects his quality as a student. So unexpectedly, during the announcement of the increase of the class turns to class five declared Soewardi no class, because the value is too ugly (p.132).
very disappointed to feel that in mind Soewardi that time clung, but also because of the support from family and friends, looking Soewardi rise and the reality to accept. In 1910 Soewardi receive a job offer as a chemist in the laboratory of the sugar factory Kalibogor (p.139). But resigned in 1911, enyatakan Soewardi from her job because she could not bear the people to see their work manhandled (p.144). At the same time Boedi Utomo is trying to set goals. Soewardi receive an invitation, the organization Sarekat Islamic trade to join, the organization fights engaged in politics and religion. In terssebut organization be Soewardi a writer who writes on a variety of media (p.158-159). From there, he went to know Soewardi know with other organizations.
In 1913 Soewardi Soetartinah married to Raden Ayu, who is also a relative of the father Soewardi (p.1913). A few days setlah wedding arrested Soewardi by Dutch police, because they provide support to people through his writings (p.10) available. Finally relegated as punishment Soewardi and he decided to exile to Netherlands (p.191) to go. In the Dutch life and Soetartinah Soewardi very limbo (p.204). But in the Netherlands it Soewardi approximated back to become a teacher to the ideals of its past. Soewardi good friends with Mr. John Dewey, Mr. Rabindranat Tagore, Mr.J.J. Rousseau, dr. Maria Montessori, Mr. Kerschensteiner and Mr. Frobel (p.218). Soewardi was amazed at Froebel methods, the training implemented by the singing and playing. Then the application of the method dr.Maria educational methods by focusing on the senses (p.218-219).
Lama to take part in the world of writing in the organization itself Soewardi of education in the world decided to refocus. His career as an educator, starting with a teacher at the school founded Adhi Darmo brother Raden Mas Soerjopranoto (p.248). Soewardi After a year as a teacher, the idea of creating the idea his own school came. Finally, on July 3, 1922 decided Soewardi to found a new school, named it national Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa "(p.266). The didirannya schools, a form of protest is established against the School of the Netherlands who are not in accordance with Indonesian Culture (p.283) was. Therefore, the philosophy and the whole activity in Tamansiswa is guided by the Indonesian culture, so that the children an intellectual Inlander that virtuous character and love can be their home (p.287) .
in 1932, the Dutch government seized all the goods in Tamansiswa because Tamansisawa not pay taxes to the Dutch government (p.296). the goods were seized and subsequently to the nobles auctioned heart Soewardi make feel very angry and sad. However, in addition, presented the suspicion of nobles of delivery of goods to be auctioned again Tamansiswa (p.297). After the founding of Tamansiswa Soewardi changed its name Ki Hadjar Dewantara on February 23, 1928 (p.299).
Over time, growing Tamansiswa. Ki Hadjar Dewantara also a pioneer of education in Indonesia known. This led to a position as Minister Pengadjaran the beginning of independence and also a member of parliament on the RIS government in 1949 until 1950 (Republic of Indonesia) (p.362). But in 1950, Ki Hadjar decided from his position as Member of Parliament withdraw and Tamansiswa (p.394) to care. During the maintenance of Tamansiswa, Ki Hadjar not stand idly by, he is still active to pour as a writer on a variety of media, his thoughts, including the Tri diusungnya Education Center in Taman Siswa and education for women (p.395-40 ). Tersebutlah activities that fill the days Ki Hadjar until his death on 26 April 1959 (P.415).
Basically Biography Ki Hadjar Dewantara made quite interesting to read in a novel. Since it uses simple language, but not eliminate, the essence of the struggle Ki Hadjar travel. However, if the book is presented as a novel, there are parts that are told not completed, as the lives of their parents, brothers and friends Ki Hadjar. Then at the end of the book, the author can describe the struggle to achieve independence and to defend freedom in general, as indicated in the national history books. It is less important when basically to check the biography of a character.
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