The importance of the application of Metacognition

Admin 17.12
Metacognition need to be trained and developed students. The importance of the application of metacognition in learning has been reported by several investigators. Kipnis and Hofstein in Simanjutak (2012: 25) states that metacognition is seen as an important component in the learning science, students need to develop, because:
  1. In the field of science education to is found that the processes of metacognition teaching to know give or understand the learning
  2. the application of metacognition, students will study possible science and to form an independent student
Flavell in Simanjutak (2012: 25-26). proposes that schools should be for the development of metacognition is the ideal place, the reason that so many self-awareness learning will take place. In school, children have the ability to monitor constantly and to regulate their perception, also have experience of metacognition that so many has the chance to gain knowledge about metacognition self, an object and strategy. More Flavell says that metacognition students need to be trained and developed, because:
  1. student thinking is a tendency for many needs in terms of a growing number of metacognition
  2. The idea that the students can wrong and tends should have wrongly and in this situation, the monitoring and adjustment to a good
  3. students must be willing to communicate, explain, and provide a reason for his thinking to other students and also certainly require to itself, this activity metacognition
  4. to survive and be successful, students need to plan for the future and critically evaluate the plans of the other
  5. When students have to make a difficult decision, it is the skills of metacognition have
  6. students must have summarized a need and to explain the events of psychology to themselves and to others. to engage the trend in fact shows metacognition social cognition
This is in accordance with Facione, et al in Tan (04: 51). Does it mean that the development of metacognition thought to be critical thinkers for students, always think an inner motivation in implementing aware, curious, regular, full analysis, trust, tolerance, and responsible when alternative, honest intellectually, if they go on, whether the idea to accept others as truth, or in assessing whether the ideas of others as the truth to accept, and if they put on the circumstances in question

Meanwhile, according to Livingston. (1997: 4) metacognition have an important role in the success of learning, so it is important to know the type of development, metacognition, to determine how students are taught, so that they are better by controlling metakognisinya knowledge resources can apply. The development of skills metacognition in students is a goal of the training is very valuable because the skills are their learners can help that can regulate itself, and is responsible for the development of learning itself and the learning strategies for adapting the to achieve requirements of the task.

thought up by Winn and Snyder in Simanjutak supports (2012: 27) states that if the students are trained to always use metacognition strategies, they are to be confident and independent learners , Independence refers to the ownership of the knowledge that they meet the needs of their own intellectual and found a lot of information. Of their own hands Students who have metacognition ability will soon realize, if they do not understand the problem, he would always find a solution to his problem

David Anderson & Samson Nasho (06: 10). Analyzes how the student metacognition influence understanding and build knowledge. The results of the study will could metacognition influence the understanding and knowledge construct for students to increase awareness dimension to develop the capacity of meaningful learning. The research was led by Tolga Gok (2010: 110), who carried out research with the aim of reviewing the problem solving and the ability of the student metacognition. The results of this study showed that metacognition is an important factor to solve the problem. metacognition skills should be taught knowledge structure to build, improve the habits of thought, and lead the students to improve the development of cognitive.

Anderson, D. & Nashon, S. (06). Predators of Knowledge Construction: Students' metacognition interpret in an amusement park physics program. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Science Education DOI 10.1002 / SCE.
Gok, T. (2010). The overall assessment of problem solving and metacognition Proscesses in Physics Education. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education 2 (2): 110-122, 2010.
Livingston, J. (1997). Metacognition: A review.
Simanjutak, M. P. (2012). Development of fundamental physics-based learning model to improve the ability Problem solving concepts Metacognition and students to understand. Dissertation, not published, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.
Tan, O. S. (04). Think Enhanching Problem Based Learning Approached. Singapore: Thomson ..

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