Learning process

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The nature of the teaching and learning process

Eureka Education. In an education system, teaching and learning can be considered a core activity of the exercise of their curriculum. In theory Kukikulum is experiential described as a learning process in which the process carried out by the students and the teaching process to learn each other, which is the responsibility of the teacher.

In the teaching and learning activities, participants have students. As subject and as an object of learning activities Therefore, the core of the learning process is to achieve nothing but the activity of the learners in a learning objective. Course learning objectives would be achieved if learners are trying to actively reach. Active learning requires not only physically but mentally. If only active physical learners, but the spirit and the mental less active, then most likely the learning objectives are not achieved.

would lead active learning process in a behavior change. Behavioral changes may within a specified period, are whether short-term or long observed and held. This type of behavior changes, like a child to know for his work, of not knowing or not being able to do in the situation. In this sense it is said to have a child carried out the learning process.

to study by a person experienced a change to a higher level result. For you attention to the level and pace during the learning process needs to be paid. In this case, the learning increases continuously and repeatedly. During the learning process The learning process is mentioned herein may learn a subject repeatedly at the same time or the same material and still assigned as in earlier times
There are different definitions of learning, among other things can be described as follows:

  1. George J. Mouly, learning on the experience of
  2. Kimble and Garmezi essentially a process of change in a person's behavior through is to study changes in the behaviors that relatively are permanent, occur as a result of experience.
  3. Garry and Kingsley, learning is a process of changing the behavior of the original by experience and practice. (Sudjana, 1989: 5)
  4. learning is change or reinforce behavior through experience (learning as changing or reinforcing the behavior is defined by experience) Hamalik 06: 27
  5. Morgan. Learning is any relatively permanent change in behavior are, which is a result of past experience. (Muliati, 05: 4)

Of the five definitions of the above can be explained that learning is essentially a process of change in behavior because of their experience. Witherington behavioral changes including changes in skills, habits, attitudes, knowledge, understanding and appreciation. While experience in the learning process by Benjamin Bloom none other than the interaction between the individual and his environment. (Sudjana, 1989: 6)

Similar to learning, teaching was essentially a process, the process of organizing, environmental organization that is to present to the students, to promote and encourage students do learning process. In the next stage of teaching a process management / support for students in the learning process is to create. Nana Sudjana (Syaiful BD and Aswan Z 02: 45).

Learning is a complex process that occurs in all and lasts a lifetime. After Abdurrahman (1994), Learning a change of the individual is as a result or a result of the interaction between the individual and his environment that naturally live in the environment always makes a higher capacity ,

by Nasution (1998) Characteristics of learning mentioned measures as follows:
  1. learning an activity that changes created the person, the actual and potential learned.
  2. The change was mainly through the acquisition of new skills applicable in a relatively long time.
  3. , the change came from the effort.
  4. to bring
learning about a change in the individual self-study. Change is not just about the amount of knowledge, but also the shape of the skills, habits, attitudes, interests and adaptation (Sahabuddin. 02).

After Hamalik [1945021derZweckdesLernens] (1994) is a learning results indicates that the student activities has been fulfilled, and learning in the process that typically the knowledge, skills and settings that includes new, which is expected to achieve by the students.

To the learning goals can not be separated from the task of a teacher in the classroom. Teaching is membelajarkan sipengajar or learners dal; PM to achieve educational goals. Meanwhile, according to Alvin WH (in Abdurrahman. 1994) that teaching is an activity to help and membimbingseseorang acquire, change and develop ability attitude, ideas, assessments and knowledge .

teaching means that the conditions of learning situations such as attracting attention to control, an incentive, matched the instructions or verbal explanations and specific sequence to each other and offer (Nasution. 1998).

teaching to develop conditions or regulate the environment in such a way so that the interaction between pupils with the environment, including teachers, tool learning, and so in the pursuit of general teacher called learning process in order to achieve the learning objectives which have been determined (Nasution, 1998).

the process of teaching and learning in an education, especially in schools is a core activity at the touch of a educational purposes. Meanwhile, according Sahabuddin (02), the learning process is an event that involves two parties teachers and students with the same goal to increase student performance, but with a different attitude.

underlying after Sudjana (1987) Nature of learning and teaching are (a) the learning event occurs yamg provided to when the students concerned actively with a learning environment to interact, which is determined by the teacher, (b) the learning process more effective strategies and methods / technology requires appropriate training, (c) teaching and learning program developed and implemented as a system, (d) the process and the product of learning needs attention compensated , (e) requires the establishment of specialized expertise integrating function between theory and, as well as the materials and methods menyampaiannya, (f) the establishment of expertise practice field experience require gradually starting from the experience of the terrain, training is limited to the implementation and full carrying out the tasks of education, a demonstration of the mastery of skills, (h) the material presentation delivery system ever developed.

Abdurrahman 04 management tenet , Southern Stars, Makassar.
Nasution, N, 1998 Educational Psychology , Directorate-General of Institutional religion of Islam and the Open University, Jakarta

Sahabuddin 02 teaching and learning , Dissertation, Makassar , Makassar State University.

Sudjana, N, 1987, Basis of Learning Teaching Sinar Baru Algesindo, Bandung.
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