function and role of parents for education children
Eureka Education . Education is the currency that is valid in every era and every place. It is said that Palin used gtepat the function and describe the role of education. This phrase can also mean that the formation of large capital tends to be possessed by each individual who lives in order to survive the era.
is Every single emerge from parents. Each parent has the sosk his first training in order to give their children. In this era of almost pragmatic, most people menfasirkan that education is related only by the material. The quality of education is the education that cost expensive to study at the University and fancy school. will bring this opinion Krug that the role of parents in their child's education is all the facilities to provide adequate and cost.
The role of parents in the education of children is a good education for children to provide not be restricted but also to educate children. Providing knowledge and provide insights into some of the values at the center of education in schools is rarely the duty of parents to their children. In the world of education is pepetah "Money is not everything", even if money everything costs.
Pendidkan tends a process of multi-dimensional that not only impart knowledge, but to teach a lot of value is used teah in implementing science obtained. The type of training that can be achieved anywhere suggests that a child's education and the parents as active participants concerning children in education. Parents can be the first motivator for a child to determine the meaning of his life. Were the impulses certainly a bond has would be better than the encouragement that comes from outside.
Education Worth and normalized
As mentioned earlier, education does not focus on the science that is wanted (cognitive) but the pitcher amelibatkan conversations below a children character set would helpful. Parents can mengajrkan standards do not apply hany asebatas standards in the home prevalent, but nearly all the norms in the communities prevailing standards friendship, religious norms, social norms, even if the parents the image need to feed a child to legal norms in force ,
gains idapatkan mendidika parents in children is the first opportunity menmberikan overview of the values and norms to the children. Opportunity can be described staining white paper is much easier than looking for a part puitih on paper which has been dyed. Parents are the first to have the opportunity to form the character of the child. Sehiangga role of parents is very important for the development of a child's education. By karenya children the opportunity not to be missed only develop because of busy parents.
Lately error terapat almost generally accepted in Indonesia. Errors, keep the child's intelligence is everything. So many parents who put their children in school reading, counting, use of foreign languages at an early age. Bright child cognitive thinking would help him after the next.
The results of the study of the behavior of a psychology show person around 50% kapabilitaas intelligence of adults occurred when the children aged 4 years, 8 0% has there has been a rapid development of brain tissue, if the child is eight years old and culminated when the child was 18 years old, and then even if repairs diet do not affect cognitive development.
by Byrnes, is early childhood education prepares children give future periods to provide, near a period the school is facing. "Currently, some kindergarten children are already asking students who want to enroll there are already able to read and count. In the TK social skills and problem solving already had taught to be started. Because the skills that are detected at an early age should "Byrnes said.
The role of second parents.
The integrity of the parents is also a one of them to support the education of a child, because they will make a child feel the attention and affection from their parents, but it is possible for a child, the parents not have that can get parents of their remains are still forming, it all depends on the each individual.
Many children from families that parents who intact, asset and parental education were high, but never the guidance and direction of the received since acquisition parents so that they become children affection from their parents and their actions lack not controlled and uncontrolled and therefore the role of parents in the family belonged or is prominently as responsible for their members, including the formation of education then the child will be able to say what is good , and the fear of a kemungkaran is bad.
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