Understanding and definition of the cognitive abilities Intellectual

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The understanding and definition of cognitive status

Eureka Education . The term intellect comes from the English spirit, after Chaplin (1981) is defined as:
  1. cognitive processes, the process of thinking, connect the power, the ability to assess, and the ability to examine;
  2. mental ability or intelligence.
by Mahfudin Shalahudin (1989) noted that "intellect" is the intellect or intelligence means the ability to set the relation of the thought process. Moreover, it is said that people are intelligent one is, can solve the problems in a shorter time, to understand the problem more quickly and accurately and to be able to act quickly.

, the term intelligence, originally from the intelligere link derived Latin word meaning or association with another (Ben Waalgito, 1981). According to William Stern, one of the pioneers in research intelligence, intelligence said is the ability to appropriate use of aids and spirit to the new requirements (adjust Kartini Kartono 1984 make). While Leis Hedison Terman believes that intelligence is the ability, in the summary (Patty F, 1981) to learn. Here Terman concrete ability between the ability of dealing with the things to distinguish, are the concrete abstract ability, ability to abstract. People say intelligence, according to Terman, if the person who is able abstract thinking well.

Based on the above it can be concluded that the concept of the spirit with the understanding, intelligence is no different: the ability to abstract, and logical and quickly so that it can move and adapt to new situations.

Jean Piaget defined intellect reason based on aspects of cognitive, especially the higher thought processes (Bybee and Sund, 1982). While intelligence or intelligence by Jean Piaget synonymous with intelligence, the complex mental abilities such as thinking adaptively to think and act to check the entire ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate and resolve the issue. Jean Piaget said that intelligence is the whole possibility of coordination that give structure to the behavior of an organism as a mental adaptation to new situations. In the strict sense, intelligence operations, including the stages, since the time sensorimotoris to formal operational.
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