Characteristics and factors affecting the social development of youth

Admin 14.08

characteristics and factors affecting the social development of youth

Eureka Education, - youth at the level of development of children, the level before adulthood achieved. In this level, the needs of young people have been quite complex, the horizon of social interaction and relationship teens have been quite extensive. In the adaptation to the environment, and the young people have begun to recognize the different social norms that previously different from the norm in the family. Teens are faced with a variety of environments, not only mix with different age groups. So youth begin to understand the norms of interaction with youth groups, children's groups, adult groups and groups of parents. Association with other young people of the opposite sex is felt to choose the most important but quite difficult because in addition to compliance with the promiscuity among teenagers, also tucked into thinking their future needs a life partner.

  • In adolescence, children begin the various social norms to notice and recognize. Promiscuity among friends of the opposite sex feels very important, but it is quite difficult, because in addition to compliance with the promiscuity among teenagers think also in hiding their future needs to choose a life partner.
  • The social life of young people is characterized by the importance of the mental and emotional functions. Youth often experience social relationships attitude regarding his problems closed.
  • By "Erick Erison" The adolescence there is a crisis, a time of self. He argues that the discovery of one's own identity is driven by socio-cultural. Meanwhile, according to Freud, the social life of a teenager driven by and based on sexual interest.
  • Pergaulan many young people in the form can be realized by groups, both for large groups and small groups.

factors that influenced the social development
social development of human beings by various factors :. the family, the maturity of the child, family economic status, level of education and intellectual abilities, especially the emotions and intelligence

1 Family
the family is the first environmental impact on the various aspects of child development to enter, including social development. The conditions and procedures for family life is a favorable environment for the socialization of children. In the family, the norms of family life and thus are basically family to manipulate the behavior of the child's cultural life.

The process of formation in the development of the child's personality is aimed more determined by the family. Social patterns and how they can sit down to determine the standards of the wider area and managed by the family.

2. The maturity of the child
Socializing physical and psychological maturity. To take account of the social processes, giving and taking the opinion of others requires intellectual and emotional maturity. In addition, the language skills were crucial. In order to be able to establish both the necessary physical maturity, so that each person their functions is capable of physically execute properly.

3. Socioeconomic Status
The social life is greatly affected by the condition or status of the family of social life in the Community , The public will look at the child, not as an independent child, but they are in the context intact to see in the boy's family. "He is a child." Indirectly there is social interaction with children, the community and their colleagues and taking into account the standards in the family. Of the children themselves, their behavior will be much attention to the normative state which was instilled by his family. In connection with that the child continues to "keep" the social life of social and economic status of their families. In particular, the intention to "keep the family social status", the socially unacceptable resulted in the placement itself. This could lead to further that children from the group to be "isolated". Another consequence they will form an elite group with their own standards.

4. Pedidikan
Education is aligned a socialization process of children. Type of training as a normative science operations under way, the color of the social life of the child care in society and their lives in the future. Education in the broadest sense must that children understand that development is influenced by the lives of families, communities and institutions. Planting norms of behavior that was given to the students understand who study in educational establishments (schools). The students are introduced not only to the environmental standards in the area, but the standard of the nation (national) and introduced the norm of life between nations. Ethics shape social behavior and state of social life.

5. Capacity mental, emotional and Integensi
The ability to use many things to think about, much affect, such as the ability to learn problem solving, and language. Children capable will be high intellectual ability to speak well. Therefore, high intellectual ability, good language skills and emotional control and to determine the success in the social development of children in a balanced way. Mutual understanding and the ability to understand other people, is the main asset in the social life and it is easily capable of a teenager is intellectually.
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