Multiple choice test instrument form

Admin 18.00

Product forms Multiple Choice ( multiple choice )

Eureka Education . This item is in the form of a statement that is not yet completed (known as root) is to be completed by the choice between several alternatives / options that have been made available. Alternative correct answer the call key, and that one or less correctly called Humbug ( distractor ). In addition to a statement that has not been completed, the master can also be a pertanyaan.Ada in the form of the question, and it begins with a description of the case or in the form of a graph.


There are things in preparing multiple- Choice elements considered. Material aspects

  1. Article by indicators
  2. There is only one key or measurement purposes
  3. The content in accordance with the purpose of the measurement
  4. ingredients in accordance with the level, type of school and grades

b. Construction aspects of

  1. main question (stem) clearly stated
  2. The formulation of the problem and the choice of explicitly formulated
  3. option really works if the selection is the result of the calculations, the fraudster can be obtained for each formula / miscount
  4. , the cost of matter give no instructions / to select the correct answer redirect
  5. contains the main question no negative statements doubled
  6. When forced to use negative words, it should be emphasized
  7. options reply homogeneous
  8. avoid the possible answers "all the answers to the above are true" or "not the above answers right "and the like
  9. , the length of the alternative / choice answers are relatively equal, not over a very short
  10. option answers in the form of numbers in descending
  11. discourse, images or graphics actually work
  12. grain Independent, between the grains from each other does not depend

References .:
Mardapi, Djemari , 08. measurement, assessment and evaluation of training . Yogyakarta. Nuha Litera

Vali, Bambang. 2012. principles of assessment and evaluation of learning . Yogyakarta: UNY Press.
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