Product forms Multiple Choice ( multiple choice )
Eureka Education . This item is in the form of a statement that is not yet completed (known as root) is to be completed by the choice between several alternatives / options that have been made available. Alternative correct answer the call key, and that one or less correctly called Humbug ( distractor ). In addition to a statement that has not been completed, the master can also be a pertanyaan.Ada in the form of the question, and it begins with a description of the case or in the form of a graph.
- Article by indicators
- There is only one key or measurement purposes
- The content in accordance with the purpose of the measurement
- ingredients in accordance with the level, type of school and grades
b. Construction aspects of
- main question (stem) clearly stated
- The formulation of the problem and the choice of explicitly formulated
- option really works if the selection is the result of the calculations, the fraudster can be obtained for each formula / miscount
- , the cost of matter give no instructions / to select the correct answer redirect
- contains the main question no negative statements doubled
- When forced to use negative words, it should be emphasized
- options reply homogeneous
- avoid the possible answers "all the answers to the above are true" or "not the above answers right "and the like
- , the length of the alternative / choice answers are relatively equal, not over a very short
- option answers in the form of numbers in descending
- discourse, images or graphics actually work
- grain Independent, between the grains from each other does not depend
References .:
Mardapi, Djemari , 08. measurement, assessment and evaluation of training . Yogyakarta. Nuha Litera
Vali, Bambang. 2012. principles of assessment and evaluation of learning . Yogyakarta: UNY Press.
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