Rate on psychomotor aspect in biology

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Rating on psychomotor aspect in biology

Eureka Education . Bambang Vali (2012: 0) argues, performance appraisal is an assessment that the skills aspects related to psychomotor concentrated, which can be demonstrated by the students. Moreover Nuryani Rustaman (05: 17) stated that in general, there are two ways to evaluate the learning outcomes that are psychomotor, the method of direct and indirect methods. In the direct method of measurement of learning outcomes is done directly by observing the students, showed the skills in learning outcomes. developed In the indirect method measured skills through a written test. Of course, a more precise method with this method, since the direct observation by the teacher can directly determine the level of mastering the skills of each student

prepare In the test work, teachers need to perform the steps as follows: (1 ). Determine the type to assess the abilities of the students; identify (2) indicators, which show that a student's skills are assessed dominated; (3) the nature of the laboratory activities that determine to demonstrate their skills students; (4) make the meter in the form of a "checklist" (checklist) or the evaluation scale (score) required teacher at the time of assessment; and (5) do to the scoring abilities of students

Then Bambang Vali (2012: 91-92). stated that more specific about the psychomotor aspect votes pskomototrik aspects psikomototrik basically divided in two aspects, namely procedure and products.

Evaluation of the method is done taking into account (1) there is no product that can be assessed, (2) method comprising the steps sequence and can be observed, (3) measures show the correct step of the process a success, or (4) an analysis of the process, to improve the quality of products. Assessment of the products is done taking into account: (1) is another method, different product (2) procedure was controlled, (3) the process can not be judged, (4) the method does not need (eg homework) or (5) the product has clarity are assessed evaluated aspects.
Penilaian pada Aspek Psikomotor dalam Biologi

1. The development of performance tests for the control of procedures
to develop a test procedure must make attention to the following:
a.Menyesuaikan with the type of power / performance, to be displayed. What is
fundamental movements, perceptual abilities, physical abilities, movement exercises or
movement, which only bring the communication to express.
b.Menyesuaikan with the chosen valuation techniques, namely:
1) Test to assess if a person's performance identification on the basis of signs or signals
if tests administered.
2) to measure test simulation performance in a situation similar to the current situation
3) Test quote ( work sample test ) to measure labor work in a real situation.

Then, in the definition of Section / guidelines for scoring, there are some things that need to be dependent on the shape of the device considered.

1) Test identification: a) will be identified the type of efficiencies determining b)
determines the amount of things / aspects are identified, and c) to provide a heading for
scoring complete with categories success identification.
2) Test Quote Work / simulation: a) to identify performance issues that diskorr, b) determine the model
used scale to menyekor, namely the evaluation scale (score) or a check register (check
list) create and c) scoring rubrics that are equipped with categorization successful performance.

2. Product Development for Mastery Test Performance Products
In order to develop the capacity to test samples in the form of control over the product , there is need to pay attention to the following:
a setting to the kinds of products are manufactured..
b. Noting used to the valuation method, namely:
1) Written exam (paper and pencil test), to evaluate the product
2) assignment of products that produce complex products ,
c. Develop a Header / scoring guidelines.

The preparation of the Section / scoring guidelines, there are some things that need to be considered depending on the shape of the instrument.
1) The test paper and pencil: a) determining the way a holistic or analytic scoring, b) determine aspects rated or keyword, c) determine the weight score and d) determining the rank classification Reviews.
2) assignment of the product: a) to determine the aspects of the product that is rated, b) determine the weight of the guests, c) to determine the ranking of the classification.
to evaluate examples of instruments psychomotor
For example, the teacher a balance with be to evaluate the performance capabilities, then the first step investasilah the steps that must be done if someone has a scale to weigh an object. After diinvestarisasi steps or stages, for example, obtained as follows:
are examples of aspects to the development of instruments evaluated to assess psychomotor:
For example, a teacher's performance capabilities with a microscope, the first step investasilah step judge -Step, to be used in dealing with the microscope, as follows:.
a Replace the eyepiece
b. Install macro meter
c. Turn the lens
d. Set the capacitor
e. Turn the mirror in the direction of
f. Put the preparation on the table object
g. turn the position just above target lengsa preparations
h. macro meters while
on these properties based, then the teacher made the observation guidelines, the performance of students in the use of microscopes to observe.
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