Aspects of learning motivation

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aspects of learning motivation

Eureka Education . Everyone has the desire to do something. A strong desire is the driving force to run for a person in a specific activity, in order to achieve the expected objectives. The urge to perform in a person an activity produced by stimulation from ourselves or from the outside or the environment. The impulse which commonly arises as a motivation. As stated by Judge expressed (01: 26) is that the motivation a pulse will cause a person to achieve an action to specific goals

In the course of learning , so that learning performance to do. increased student needs to be a driving motivation that the child is more active in learning. In accordance with the opinion of Ibrahim and Syaodih (1996: 28), that the motivation an important role in the efforts have to learn. Without motivation is almost impossible to student learning activities. Students who are always objectives of the study are achieved learning, so that he gets the motivation or encouragement activities to direct done to achieve the planned objectives. He agreed with the words of Sardiman (05: 72).: Offer, that the motivation arose because awakened with other elements or reinforced, in this case is of interest

After Sadirman (75 05) motivation a student means students want to do one or to move, to do something. To increase the motivation of students, teachers should explain the subject in a systematic way, simple and easy to understand the language students. A student learning activities with joy when the material submitted by the teachers attention and interest and to win on the needs of students, for example, to achieve a good performance.

Aspek-aspek dalam Motivasi Belajar mengajar

student motivation, students can be seen in the implementation of teaching and learning activities shown by the setting. After Sudjana (1994: 61) to see the motivation of the students in terms of:

  1. The interest and attention of the students in the classroom
  2. The spirit of students perform the tasks of learning
  3. learn the responsibility of the student to fulfill the tasks
  4. joy the teacher's job in doing
  5. showed the reaction students to the stimulus by the teacher asked

aspects -aspek motivation to learn, among others are available: a

. The interest and attention of the students in the classroom
After Slameto (1995: 57) Interest is a trend which remains to notice some of the activities and remember. seserorang Interesting activities, accompanied tone, the joy. Meanwhile, according Pasaribu and Simanjuntak (1986: 47) interest in the psychiatric-related nature of the subject to the object symptoms. Based on the above opinion the conclusion can be drawn that the interest of a feeling of love for a person to an object, so that the feeling of love that leads without a positive Activities told.

activity learning would be more effective if the student has an interest and attention to the teaching. Students who have an interest in the subject is actively involved in teaching and learning. Djamarah and Zain (1996: 167) states that in the teaching and learning activities in class there are students who often asked permission to go with a made-up reasons. Although actually get lazy if student teaching. This indicates that the student has a low interest and attention to the teaching. Students are to be lazy and boring usually to follow the teacher's teaching, or to accept, so they are looking for reasons not to be active when teaching and learning takes place.

b. carry out the tasks of learning the spirit of students
Each student is expected to have the spirit to learn both at home and at school, because the spirit of student learning plays an important role in learning , In accordance with the opinion of the soul and Ahmadi (1995: 11), one of the functions of the motivation is to encourage learners and allow to stay interested in learning. Students who a spirit of learning have shown in a variety of positive activities. After Dimyati and Mudjiono (1999: 51) students who have the spirit of learning to ask the teacher or other students active, if they do not understand the problems that it faces. If the teacher to provide educational material, sometimes students can not immediately understand the teacher what. Similarly, if the teacher does not understand about their duties an assignment to the students and the students. Students who have a high learning spirit immediately ask the teacher or a friend who is more understanding of the subject matter described by teachers. This is true even if the students understand, do not feel fully assigned by the teacher assignments. If the students have a high learning spirit, usually during the tasks, he would immediately ask the teacher or fellow students the task.

c. carry out the tasks of learning student responsibility
student responsibility the tasks of learning are also important in teaching and learning activities, because without their responsibility to do learning objectives, will not be optimally achieved. In the process of teaching teachers to act as mentors and guides students to learn. One way that can be carried out by the teachers to develop responsibility is to give assignments for students. The assignment of teachers is one way to assess student learning. The emergence of the responsibility because it According to the opinion of Dimyati and Mudjiono a willingness to achieve the learning objectives

(1999: 0). That to achieve an act of will learning objectives. Students are said responsibility for their learning tasks have given when the task to work on the problems of teachers to copy the student's own work tasks without his work. After Djamarah (00: 76), when the teacher gives the students the task, the task to work directly. This indicates that these students have assigned a high responsibility for the tasks of teachers, because students feel the task is an obligation that must be corrected immediately.

d. Pleasure doing the job of the teacher
share students , the teacher's job is sometimes an unpleasant thing. This can occur because the task is too much or difficult for students, so that students feel reluctant to do it. One of the efforts of the teacher student motivation at work at the assignment the teacher should make the matter in accordance with the ability of students and the allocation of interest or a new thing for the students, so that the resulting sense of excitement increase in students tasks assigned by the teacher assignments.

by Dimyati and Mudjiono (1999: 28) joy of the students assigned to the task of the teacher, can be implemented in the drafting of the task by participating. If teachers are the students in a study group immediately joined in the study group and work of teachers on the assignment. In the study, groups of students can not rely on others. This is consistent with the opinion of Djamarah (00: 162). The states that all members of the group should have the opportunity to participate, to contribute his thoughts

e Reactions students. can occur provided the process of interaction between teachers and students in teaching and learning available to the stimulus by the teacher
: for the teachers to encourage the students to respond to the stimulus provided by the teacher. After Rohani and Ahmadi (1995: 11) to give new impetus, for example, by the questions to the students is a way to motivate. Sudjana (1992: 61) argues that the interaction between teachers and students can be held by the teacher in the classroom and learning

Similarly, according Haryanto (1997: 259) performed in the question-and-answer . to see meeting, that an active interaction with the teacher can be seen when teachers teach the class, students and teachers ask to answer. From both these opinions can that the reactions of the teachers made available to the attraction of students to be closed is to see when the teacher asked the students, then gave students answer questions from the teacher to answer, and asked the teacher, if there is one thing that is not yet understood.


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Ibrahim and Syaodih, N. 1996. Teaching Planning. Jakarta :. Rineka Option
Pasaribu and Simanjuntak. 1986 Didactic and methodical. Bandung. Tarsito
Rohani, A., and Ahmadi, A. 1995. Teaching Management. Jakarta :. Rineka Option
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