The dynamics of Pondok Pesantren
Eureka Education - As the name suggests, the hut: the place of stay (dormitories) and a boarding school, where students sing means the religion of Islam. Thus, the boarding school where the students (called students) Koran and Islamic religion as well in that place garrisoned (Zuhairini, et al 1997 :. 212). The disampaiakan understanding, a basic understanding of the boarding school was originally located as religious educational institutions that are informally in public. Further, based on the development of the times, is the position of the boarding school is becoming widespread, as expressed by Tuanaya, A, et al (07: 206) that the schools as educational institutions and social institutions States, which gradually in line grew with the circumstances of the nation and developed in rural and urban areas. The definition has been confirmed by the statement (Dhofier, Zamakhasyari 1981. 81) in his dissertation tries not to understand "the internal development" and as Islamic tradition and Islamic traditional Javanese in the time of modern Indonesia, still shows its vitality as a force of social, cultural and religious Indonesia, the shape modern building helped. Thus, the boarding school is an educational institution that enables the delivery of immunization knowledge and culture with the Islamic religious approach. indirectly through boarding are the preservation and distribution of the values of Islam, which had long been part of the social and cultural life of society and the nation of Indonesia. is
is the existence of the boarding of the people in Indonesia generally known, because they in basically boarding a manifestation of the knowledge society needs religious values. So in his ability to understand the teachings of Islam as well as cultivation of religious values in children, the community has developed the concept of informal education in the form of a boarding school. "Cottage residence of students boarding, is not quite the same as the dormitory system, because the residents of the house are bound by ties deep connection with Kaplan, the absolute authority must regulate all behavior that is included in the classics ( (Dhofier, Zamakhasyari 1981 .: 85). "in the house or dormitory, the children will learn perceived the religion of Islam is to be more intense in the study of religious teachings.
in the process, since the beginning of the century 20 sciences in general has begun to be taught in schools, and since 1970, practice skills in various fields, such as :. sewing, carpentry, workshops, farms and so on providing such skills as a way to, to develop insight residents of orientation life aboard be unbearable balanced with secular life called (Tuanaya, a, et al 07 :. 206).
However, not all boarding schools are so because there are boarding schools, which is still the regularity of religious values in the original by studying the Qur'an, Sunnah Books hold and Arabic. Boarding schools, which have been implemented as the Salafi pesantren known (traditional). While boarding schools, the (modern) have known adapted for the development of Science public and skill as pesantren Khalafi.
Pondok Pesantren Khalafi have known called the national curriculum, although in the shade under the Ministry of Religious, but the system Evaluation of learning in this case, follow the rules of the cognitive aspects of national education are evaluated by midterms, final exams, school exams and national tests. However, it is not entirely devoted to the nature of the boarding school itself that. Still gain to the teachings of the Islamic religion on students can
One of the reasons for the adaptation boarding underlying against curriculum national education is for graduates of boarding schools resume Education to the level of higher education with a diploma which is equivalent to other formal educational institutions. So, in other words, the boarding attempt to appear as an educational institution, the learners in the form of religious values and also provide an opportunity in the development of science and technology to provide a solid foundation available.
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