Science Process Skills
Eureka Education . Process Competence is a great concept and is defined as devices that use complex skills of scientists in the investigation. Science Process Skills (IPA) can be interpreted as possessed by the scientists IPA in acquiring knowledge skills and acquiring communicate. The ability is the ability the mind to use reason, and act efficiently and effectively to achieve certain results, including creativity. Thus, the process skills include the ability if the thinking and the ability if the act.
Details of the capabilities process Science
a. Skills process science After Abruscato
Abruscato (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 32) classifies science process skills in two parts, namely basic process skills (basic processes) and integrated process capabilities (integrated processes). Skills basic process consists of: (1) observation, (2) the use of numbers, (3) the classification, (4) measurement, (5) In the Communication, (6) forecasting, (7) Penginferensial. While the built-in capabilities consist of: (1) control variables, (2) the use of numbers, (3) formulation of a hypothesis, (4) Pendefenisian surgically (5) conducting the experiment. To have these skills for students, it has to be trained to carry out activities in order in this capacity connection.
b. Skills process science After Competency Based Curriculum (KBK)
experience a learning provision is directly in science learning through the use and highlighted the development of process skills and scientific attitude to understand the concepts and be able to solve the problem. Science process skills in elementary school used (SD) and Islamic Elementary School (MI) in the CBC, among others: Watch
- Classification [1945022Messen]
- Using the tool
- communication
- interpret
- prediction
- Experimenting
process skills in the junior high school (SMP) and MTs (MTs) in CBC among others used Science:
- Watch
- classify or classify
- fairs
- Using the tool
- communicating the results
- interpret
- prediction
- analysis
- Synthesize
- Experimenting
skills Science process in high school used (SMU) and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) in CBC among others:
- Watch
- fairs
- classify
- questions
- Develop a hypothesis
- Plan your experiment
- identifying variables
- Specifies the job step
- Experimenting
- creation and interpretation of information / chart
- application concept
- Summed
- 1Mengkomunikasikan both verbally and nonverbally
3. Science Process Skills
Science Process Skills are skills that students learned when they conduct scientific inquiri. At the moment they are actively involved in scientific research, they use a wide range of process capabilities, no single scientific method. Science process skills are developed along with the facts, concepts and principles of science. After Only (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 34) capabilities, such a method is the observation (observation), classification, penginferensian, forecasting, communication, trade fairs, the use of numbers, with the interpretation of the data, conducting experiments, the controlled variable, hypothesis formulation and pendefenisian in operation.
1. Observations
observation is the use of one's own senses. Someone observed with vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Some behaviors are performed, students are at the time of observation: (a) the use of the senses, not only the eyes; (B) Organisation of the objects according to the specific properties; (C) identification of many of the properties; (D) the identification of changes in an object; (E) conduct observations quantitatively, for example: '5 kilograms' instead of "mass" (f) qualitative observations are shared, for example: "it smells like sour milk" instead of "odorless"
observations to a particular standard measurement unit called qualitative observations without reference, only the senses whereas the observations made using a measuring device, which relates called quantitative observations to a particular standard measurement unit. The size of this hack received observations quantitatively.
observations qualitatively as the observations of some or made all senses defined, that is, by describing what they see, what feels like what what dibau hear what is observed the taste of the object. Observations that use only one sense, can not a complete description of the observed object delivery (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 35).
By observing the students are to discuss the world. They observe objects and natural phenomena through the senses. The information and data obtained promotes the seriousness of learning, raise questions, foster skills of interpretation or understanding of the environment and to motivate to do the next study. Skills Watch science and essential for the development of process skills, such skills to complete a skill basic processes of learning, communication skills, skills measurement and skill classifications (Suderajat Day, 04: 76).
Carin (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 36) argues that there are seven components scientific observations are to perform well, that is:
- plan (plan). Make a plan for keeping the observation that not missing things that are important, or so that no unnecessary duplication.
- meaning (sense). * Use when necessary use tools in gathering information to support all the senses properly, can clearly feel.
- question (question). Keep with curiosity for watching, note the differences and pertanyakanlah everything to gain new information and new observations.
- measurement (measurement). Make measurements of variables important to supplement the qualitative observations.
- Similarities and differences (similarities and differences). Identify the similarities and differences between the observed object with other objects that can be compared.
- changes (changes). Observe the changes that will occur naturally to an object or system examined. If necessary changes to make and to observe the changes that occur as a result.
- communication (communication). Report your observations are clearly suitable descriptions, illustrations, drawings and other methods.
2. Using numbers
The use numbers include the Order counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers. Some behaviors are done with a number of students at the time were: (a) the calculation; (B) Order; (C) Preparation of the numbers in the correct patterns; (D) use appropriate math skills.
3. Classification
The classification is the grouping of objects according to certain properties. Some of the behavior of the pupils is: (a) the identification of a general nature, for example: do not resemble mineral similar to metals and minerals, the metal; (B) Sorting milahkan by using two or more properties, such as: which has a gap which can scratch the glass; and minerals without gaps and minerals that will not scratch the glass (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 36).
on the ability of research to classify dependent skills. Through research, students learn the similarities and differences in the objects around us (Suderajat Day, 04: 79) can be seen.
4. Measurement
measurement is discovering the size of an object, which is an object, how much space is occupied by an object. The object is compared with a measurement unit such as a paper clip or a standard unit centimeters. This method is used to make quantitative observations. Some of the children's behavior is: (a) measurements of length, volume, mass, temperature and time in the appropriate unit; (B) select the tool and the appropriate device for the specific measurement tasks (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 37). Students skills in measurement is a practical and manipulative skills in mastering the science process skills (Suderajat Day, 04: 82).
5. Communication
The communication is to tell what you know with opening speeches, writings, drawings, demonstrations or graphics. So it is important statements or writing data significantly. The teacher can help with an agent such as to provide many ways to practice to communicate and help them to evaluate what they say or write the students. Some behaviors are performed, students at the time of communication is: (a) exposure monitoring or with the appropriate vocabulary; (B) present the development of graphics or pictures observations and modeling data; to present (C) posters or charts design observations (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 37). A person's ability to communicate with others, is the basis of what the person is doing. Effective communication must be clear, precise and not vague (Only M, 1998: 81).
6. Forecasting
Forecasting is the presentation of the results that may be generated from an experiment. The forecasts are based on prior observations and-fault disturbances. Divination is a statement of observations, what can be encountered in the future, during the final sought to give reasons why an observation occurred. Some behaviors that worked on the student: (a) the use of appropriate data and observations; (B) on the interpretation of generalizations about patterns; (C) according to test the accuracy of the predictions.
7. Penginferensial
Penginferensial is to use what you observe, to explain something that has happened. Penginferensial progress and possibility to interpret an observation what was observed. For example: You see a patch of dead grass. One conclusion that can be raised is that the earthworms, leading the grass to die. Some of the behavior of the pupils is: (a) associate the observations with previous experience or knowledge; (B) propose explanations for the observations (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 38).
8. Identify and control variables
, the variable is a quantity that varies in a given situation or modified buffer. In scientific research, there are three (3) types of important variables, namely the manipulation of variables, response variables and control variables. Variables were changed variable called manipulation targeted. Variables that will change as a result of manipulation of the manipulation variable called the response variable. Suppose conducted experiments that lead to the conclusion that "Where a lot of lamps connected in series, and it is always soft lighting". The variables are investigated in the experiment, a lot of light and light. This experiment was intentionally changed the amount of light that initially only one lamp lights then added another in series with the first lamp. Therefore, a lot of light is variable manipulation. Another variable, namely the flame is the response variable, since the light change as a result of manipulation of the manipulation of variables.
In addition to the manipulation of variables, there are many factors that can influence the outcome of an experiment or experiments. In one experiment, it can be said that the manipulation variable is the only variable which affects the response variable. Therefore, we must be sure that the other factors that controlled an effect may be to no effect. So this variable called the control variable. Experiments can be carried out by controlling such variables a real experimental procedure are mentioned. It means the variable to control, to ensure that all in one experiment are the same except for a factor. Suppose that at the time of the experiment to test the hypothesis "If many lights are connected in series, and it becomes increasingly dim light". We first create a simple circuit, the batteries are charged a light, it turns on the light. Then we have to add another lamp in series with the first, the lights are dimmed switched. When we add these lamps, we do not change four variables, namely the battery type, the type of patch cords, battery-socket type, and the type of bulb holder. In this experiment, we keep the four variables that influence the results of the experiment. Four variables are called control variables. So we can say that the only variable that (the response variable) affects the dimming of the flame because it is an additional one lamp in series (variable manipulation).
Some student behavior in the controlled variable is:
(a) the identification of variables that affect the result; (B) altered identification of the variables in the experiment; (C) in an experiment of controlled variables identified (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 40).
9. Data Interpretation
The interpretation of the data is to explain the significance of the information collected. Some of the behavior of the pupils is: (a) the identification of variables that affect the result; (B) altered identification of the variables in the experiment; (C) identified in an experiment of controlled variables.
10. formulation of the hypothesis
The formulation of the hypothesis is plausible conjecture formulation, which can be tested, how or why something happens is. Hypotheses are often whether and then expressed as a statement. For example: "With the heating time of 1 minute, if the larger volume of tap water, the water temperature less taps to be". It can tell from this formula that the hypothesis is an educated guess about what the effect will be given variable manipulation of the response variables. Therefore, in the formulation of prevailing hypotheses manipulation of variables and the response variable. The hypothesis formulated in the form of a statement, not a question.
hypothesis based on the theory by deduction with inductive reasoning based on observation data or formulated formulated. Inductive reasoning is an argument that is based on data or case drawn to a statement of the general conclusions, the hypothesis or theory, while can be formed. Deductive reasoning reasoning on the theory to the preliminary conclusion from that statement is specific. Some of the students who have worked on the student's behavior in formulating hypotheses: (a) the formulation of hypotheses based on the observation and inference; (B) to test devise ways hypotheses; (C) revise the hypothesis when the data do not support the hypothesis (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 41).
11 Pendefenisian variables in Operations (PVSO)
PVSO formulated a definition that is based on what you do or what observed. A definition of operational tell how something acts or events have occurred and not whether the act or fact.
define operationally variable means setting the measures taken and the observation of what is recorded. For example, the hypothesis "With the heating time of 1 minute, if the larger volume of tap water, the water temperature less taps to be". taken for the variable manipulation, the action is to pour water into the cup to 20 ml, 40 ml, 60 ml; while observations noteworthy is the volume of water taps, which is 20 ml, 40 ml and 60 ml. taken for the variable response action candlelight, while the recorded observations, the temperature of the water taps. It is noteworthy that each researcher can make the definition of operating variables on their own, which means that the same can be variable definitions of operations vary on the amount of each depending researchers.
Therefore, most of the experimental design in preparation for data collection has been completed. That the remaining set of control variables. Some of the behavior of pupils is defining operation variables; (A) describe the experiences using concrete objects, (b) what those objects is carried out, (c) an explanation of the changes or measurements during an event.
12 Experimenting
do the experiment testing the hypothesis or prediction. In one experiment, all variables except one, namely the manipulation of variables must be the same, are held. In other words, experiments or tests can be defined as a systematic attempt has planned data, to produce, to answer a question or test the hypothesis formulation. If the way how a variable is manipulated, and the type of response is clearly identified in the form of operational definition. Some behaviors that worked on the student, during the experiment to do, are: (a) formulate and propose to test predictions about events, (b) and hypothesis testing, (c) identify and control variables, (d) evaluate the projections and assumptions based on the results study (Khaeruddin and Sujiono Eko Hadi, 05: 42).
4. Process Competence approach
process skills approach is a learning approach that a number of developing higher capacity on students to develop physical and mental abilities as a basis. Physical skills and mental heard basically by students, although still modest and diransang need to show his true identity. Through the acquisition of skills for developing process, the child will be able to discover their own facts and concepts as well as the growth and development of attitudes and values and develop.
The definition indicates that the skills of the student attempts to explore the concept in the teachings of material and develop. Concepts that have been developed, it is useful to support the development of other functions. to develop the interaction between the skills and concepts through the learning process, the settings and values for students, such as creativity, critical, accuracy and the ability to problem (Hamalik Oemar, 03: 149) to solve
by only teaching and learning with the skills approach is a learning process, which is designed so that students facts, concepts and theories with scientific process skills and attitudes of the students can find themselves. Students have the opportunity to exercise directly into activities or experiences a "scientific" is no different from what was experienced by scientists. (Only M, 1998: 3)
The process approach in teaching science based on an assessment of what scientists do. The processes have been an assessment of the derivative, do what researchers and the scientific process called capabilities. Some are included in the process skills: observation, measurement, inference, manipulated variables, formulate hypotheses, pendefenisian operationally and conduct experiments.
to impart skills to handle the students, it is necessary that students do observation really, measurement, manipulation of variables and so on. In summary, it is as a scientist. Therefore, this approach attractive students with concrete objects, ie active students do. The process approach provides students with a valid understanding of the nature of science. Students can appreciate the fun of science and be able to better understand the facts and concepts.
The special feature of the teaching of science through the process approach is that this approach gives students a "a touch of flavor" of science. For example, it is easy to the students that water boils at 100 ° C or freeze at 0 ° C to say, but it would be helpful if there students how teaches the temperature to measure a science process skills. Students are able to "see" their own boiling point and freezing point of water. He will get a "feel" about the science.
The development of science process skills in students is a useful business. Science process skills can be transferred to the topic and other subjects and not easily forgotten. Science process skills make the students feel the nature of science and allows students to "do" science. And by "do" science, students learn facts and scientific concepts. So, the skills in the teaching of science with students learning "process" and "product" of science. (Only M, 1998: 21)
Source: Journal of Makassar State University
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