Book Review: The New Paradigm of Education

Admin 11.42

new paradigm of National Education

Prof. HAR Tilaar, M.Sc.Ed.
. Publisher: rineka Cipta, Jakarta, in 04, 240 S.

Eureka Education . H.A.R Tilaar is not a new figure in the world of education. He has written several books about criticism or ideas to the national education reform related. In addition to this book, the author tries the reader about the old paradigm of education in pre-order and the new order to inform that the essence of education has been injured. On the other hand, the main theme is offered by the authors in this book, a new horizon, which will open the reader's understanding of national education.

In the first part, the author tries to give a basic knowledge related to the crisis that the Indonesian people's life in pre-order meet and the new order, including the national education crisis. Education was knocked out of the culture and it has only one tool of an economic order or instrument group the ruler his ideals are not always realized in accordance with the requirements of the company (6). According to this reality, then in the reform era input requires the preparation of a new paradigm of education is based on the realization of the Indonesian Civil Society (p.27-31). The civil society that respects the values ​​of human rights and all that can be realized by a new paradigm of national education, begin the process of repositioning and updating of education (p.52-61).

If the authors at the beginning to check the problems that occurred in the pre-order and the new order in general. Then, in the second part the author gives details of the evaluation of education in the era of new as well as an overview of the national education. Concrete form of the new paradigm of national education, represented throughout the national education reform involving local communities, regional universities, local authorities and educational institutions (p.103-108). It is based on the understanding that education is a process of culture and acculturation, then the public should have an important role in the organization and responsible for the quality of training, which is integrated with the needs and possibilities of the region.

In the third part, the author presents the theme, university repositioning. It is associated with the development of community-based training, which has put the University in the area as a center that has the ability and the position in the field autonomously, so it can be for each province, the center of a network of cooperation and can also be used as a partner towing trainer training reform in the region (p.108). The authors emphasize the development of higher education on the basis of the local dimension and global dimensions (p.110-114). This can be achieved by re-examining college curriculum to print the professionals who are not only at the top of an ivory tower, but to cooperate human qualities Indonesia that have graduated from college and able to compete with other nations , in addition, it must be able to provide answers, to improve the quality of human Indonesia as a nation that the crises of life (p.134-145) tries to cope.

Then, in part four, the author presents the interesting things along the Community in the fields of education participation. This section presented the role of Islamic education and Christian education, the earlier education grows should have implemented and developed to meet the needs of the community (p.146-186) is based. In (p.146-163), started the potential of Islamic educational information, in this case, the Islamic schools that can identify the man who was a devout and productive Indonesia. It also helped by the Christian education divided also have the potential to build moral strength of the Indonesian people, to appreciate the diversity of the nation (p.180-181). With the potential that exists, the author tries to identify strengths and weaknesses, Muslim and Christian education, which is then used as a reference for pengkualitasan-pengkualitasan needs to be done to an active role loaded in the reform era with global (to play p.152-163, 172 -179, 182-186) challenges.
In the five unbiased reviews of all the topics that describes a new paradigm basically that seeks built a national education is community-based training. This community-based education viscous to do with culture. Thus, the authors reaffirmed the close relationship between the national education and culture. To strengthen this understanding, the author cites the theory of anthropologist Ralph Linton and Geertz, who discover the role of culture in personality and maturity, and the results of the training in the form of culture (p.10-191) to make. In this section, the author also describes the things that practices for the integration of education and culture, including educational institutions and the things which so that the national education needs to be re-done, along with the culture, a new Indonesian society to provide civil society (p 0.210 to 226). together

The end of this book concludes with an epilogue that comes to education reform to the conclusion that a mobilization of thinkers in many areas requires, in fact, caregivers, community leaders on local -Same to formulate with local governments education policies that correspond with the needs of the region and also to design the role of higher education institutions and the highest state legislation and have new training that will be a new national education philosophy or words generally formulation other decentralized training (S.228).

The contents of this book it is usually related writers in the form of ideas on education reform. In the first part of this book H.A.R Tilaar has been suggested that the ideas can not be accepted in this book and implemented immediately. But through this book invites the author to consider the direction of national education in the new era the reader. The reader will be taken by the authors to understand the state of the national education. In addition, the reader will be confronted to think and investigate, promoted the direction of national education in accordance with the nature of the training itself and the challenges of the time. Unlike the previous Tilaar H.A.R work, this book presents the interesting things in the theory related and process steps in a national education reform to formulate.

But in this book unfortunate thing is Tilaar also caught in the normative conditions, without in-depth critical analysis of the core of the problem of national education. suitable Tilaar view of decentralization in education or provide training area community-managed has not been for the application in the national educational structure, but Tilaar able to objectively describe the different conditions of the various regions in Indonesia are more specific. Because decentralization of education or efforts to restore education basically by community are managed and implemented on the basis of regional requiring critical analysis of the potential of the region and also the human resources as the development and implementation of a program. This means not to seek the potential of local communities, in the development and education system implementation, but just when the spirit of the decentralization of education forward, but on the potential of the area to identify only based on no other factors which actually have a direct impact on the adoption of a Directive.

Basically, decentralization of education is understood as granting authority to the regions to manage education to the potential and needs of the region accordingly. The decentralization has been carried out in some countries, but that must be in the depth of diperlu Tilaar, decentralization implemented by some countries education should be considered, not just rely on the criticism or inequality against the centralization of education. Centralized education as outlined in fact cause turmoil as deadly potential of local people have to develop, due to lack of effective and efficient, their other interests creep into the national education system that hinder the development of the region. It seemed, however, that some countries implement the decentralization of education, because it is based on socio-political situation in the country. So viewed by desentralisasilah can again stable condition.

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