understanding Da'wah In Islamic view, the culture and the Koran
Eureka Pendidika n. The spread etymologically derived from the Arabic word دعا-يدعو to form meaningful دعوة masdar call, call or call. Exclamation used in Da'wah aims to encourage someone to do something good in the activities or in changing the patterns and habits of life. From the word cry, Dawa has many meanings that can be widely used not only in religion, where the word is often used Da'wah, but given call can be interpreted in terms of positive and negative.
The use of the word Da'wa refers prompt or call delivered to turn to the person towards the more the better. The spread of the origin of the word comes from Arabic and also by the Arabs by making da'wah word itself has undergone a shift in meaning. A shift in the significance propagation by just one person in the teachings of Islam executed reputation be rejuvenated. In everyday life, Dawa said two meaning of the negative and positive has that can be easily interpreted
- Propagation: delivery of some
- preacher: the man who fell the charge
- defendant: the person who was on the charged
- preaching: event Religion truth
- to convey indict: activity process of reading the charges against the penalty imposed or punishment
- Mendakwai: Teach someone directly the truth
Some said the defendants, that none of the above also has a meaning and a different position has , Da'wah someone can be convicted as an object and also the one who could be punished.
The use of the word in Da'wah Koran.
The use of the word alone Da'wa in the Qur'an has a different function and role. Propagation words in the Quran are used as much as 198 times and Da'wa itself does not refer to a single meaning, but to a certain sense of the word designate. the word in the Koran preaches in the form used:
1. Propagating as a call
Propagation word on it is calling one does for others to follow desired. Invitation can be delivered ready through lectures and individual advice for someone to do what was required of preachers. In this case, whether good or bad depends on the contents of the propagation of the sender or the people who preach. In suarat An-Nahl verse 125 says that they call to be with regard to quality wise and learned.
2. as prayer preaching
The Prophet is a Prophet Nuh berdakwa pray through a path to God. The purpose of Benediction delivered Noah so that his people can return to the right path, so that God does not punish his people in the form of a giant flood. can preaching the word to be interpreted as an attempt for someone prayers presented God S.W.T made grants. Studies in connotative language bribes were addressed to the Creator.
3. multiplication as an indictment
imposition of punishment for a person who is the prosecution, so in terms of the representation of the word propagation charges used. In Indonesia, the defendant would refer to those convicted or status is known to be a level higher than the suspect.
Except the word described by the above three words in the Koran as a form of propaganda:
- complaints or call someone complains and to convey kesahnya. have
- request or a meaning, but that is almost the same with prayer the approach more generic words.
- referral or appeal is invitation invite someone to attend the event.
- to the incident reference where Israfil that people in Padang Masyhar invites to gather
- degree and a designation used to call someone
- to the children respect which mean not the child bubble itself.
understanding propagation in terminology.
in the sense terminologies are more likely to be interpreted by a preacher as an attempt to return to the right path. In this discussion, the applicant refers to a preacher or speaker expressed multiplication *. The use of the word propaganda on the invitation relate mediated only by the speaker of the Islamic religion because gorg Arabic are linked very closely developed as the origin and place of Islam.
say from the opinions of experts, just like Salahuddin Sanusi, East Djaelani, Thoha Yahya Omar, and Abdul Karim Hasymi, the word spread in another editor, but the intention meaning is a call in the form of delivery and the commandments of God religious prohibition to prevent someone from any action that could generate Sin. In a study dawkah in this case, multiplication can also be used in communicating the threat posed when someone do something not good in the eyes of religion.
In Books Dustur Da'wah, A. Hasmy the notion of propaganda by Al koran explain than call someone to believe and practice aqidah and enforce Islamic Sharia invites. The call is in the form of oral and deeds are like used for the process, different types can be. Sheikh Ali Mahfud explained that Da'wah is to do well, a process to give motivation to the subject of propaganda in relation to the people in accordance with the instructions. to do the call in the same propaganda material and to prevent, rather than kemungkaran. to achieve The purpose of this implementation happiness in this world and the hereafter.
way of da'wa
Fihud Da'wah means a process to understand the issues and procedures that the context of propaganda, this goal is to provide a newspaper or call the proper way to avoid actions fasiq. Calls propaganda correspond to the truth of Islam in providing Risalah al Islamiyah deliver.
Propagation fardiah
Propagation fardiah a method of propaganda is oriented in small groups of people and delivered on a limited basis. Da'wah Fardiah delivered without planned, so that the delivery process is not well structured in terms of discipline. Methods such propaganda may be other advice when making mistakes directly in the form of strikes, suggestions and examples for things to do. be categorized to visit Also in this case as a sick person, congratulate or congratulation events such as birth or tasmiyah.
Propagation Ammah
Propagation Ammah preaches something orally conveying keapad masses. the purpose of Da'wa Amma is to convey an ideology that the people who heard the speech delivered affected. Examples of Da'wah Amma can in the form of lectures or in the more formal is the sermon, because it has a column that must be implemented.
Da'wah bil-spoken
Da'wah bil-spoken almost similar delivered orally with da'wah Amma, the type of presentation. Spoken word refers to the word speech or communication, use the tongue or language. The spread of this type are effective if in respect of a day of worship as Eid, Eid al-Adha, or on Friday.
Da'wah bil-Haal delivered
Da'wah bil al-case is a method of propaganda by deed and by example ririskiky a straight. Da'wah bil It is intended that people follow in the footsteps of the preacher or Dai. Several studies of psychology, the most influential preached Bil-Haal, because it shows something that can be done and more easily make others believe in deed than by word of mouth.
Da'wa bit tadwin
da'wa bit tadwin is a method of propaganda is made by writing. This propaganda by a statement of the complaint would be submitted in writing methods presented. The call can be written in a variety of popular media materials used, it is easy to read, how to write in a book, social media, blogs and the like. The Prophet Muhammad once said that "the actual ink on scientists better than the blood of martyrs."
Da'wah bil wisdom
Da'wah bil wisdom urgent appeals addressed wisely and discreetly. An opportunity for the audience to make their own decisions and not by force, so that the actor can actually do for God. Delivering a persuasive and make propaganda for themselves realized. Methods of propaganda this is a method of propaganda of the most difficult, but most meaningful, usually to those who have converted to Islam.
* Call to do good, the corresponding ordered by religion.
** connotations under the conditions of the criminal act.
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