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Eureka Education - Each learning activity has definitely reached the ultimate goal. While learning underway, many student activities that can be observed by the teacher and then given a vote against him. Depending on the intended instructor ratings are obtained. One of the things which can be assessed by a teacher in addition to the cognitive aspect, the aspect of the student's attitudes. Each individual has a variety of responses to learning activities that are followed. Reviews attitude is very important, this is related to the motivation and interests of learners in learning activities by ( definition of learning to the skilled worker ). A teacher can assess how, where the motivation and interest of the students by the attitude of learning he showed when instead of learning.

Coverage Rate Settings

Feedback attitude based curriculum in 2013 there are two types, namely, mental attitudes and social

  • mental attitude, the assessment of learners in terms of faith and taqwa
  • social settings, the assessment of the formation of attitudes of learners are noble, independent, democratic and responsible.

The SMP / MTs mental attitude on the assessment of AI is based - 1 of "respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion." The attitude of the social terms of the AI ​​- 2 of "respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual support), mannered, confident effectively interact with the social and natural environment at the touch of the association and its existence "[

from the above description can be concluded that the assessment of the attitude of students in SMP / MTs divided into two aspects, mental and social aspects. Rate mindset is aimed specifically at students aimed to appreciate and live the teachings agam entered. Rate conversations social goal setting (1) honest, (2) discipline, (3) responsibility, (4) tolerance, (5) the mutual cooperation, (6) customs and (7) to evaluate the confidence.

establishing indicators and examples of indicators

in the educational system, the assessment of student performance kompetensisi refers to the display. Therefore, indicators should be written in clear and structured. In connection with the attitude assessment indicators are signs of learners emerging and can be observed by the observer.
Examples of indicators in assessing the stance of the Directorate of PSMP, Kemdikbud 2013)
settings and understanding
example indicators
the attitude of the intellectual
respect for religious teachings espoused

· run before and after things pray.
· worship runtime. according to religious affiliation
· Giving at the beginning and end of the presentation to be welcomed allowed.
· Grateful for the favor and grace of God Almighty;
· Grateful for the human ability to control themselves
social settings

Provides trustworthy behavior in words, actions and work

· is not cheating on the test / quiz
[1945043dabei] · Not in the plagiarism (under / copying other people's work without crediting the source)
· expressed the feeling of what their
· send to the authorities of items found

is an act of fulfilling the behavior orderly and various laws and regulations shows.

· [1945059pünktlichkommen]
· obeying the order, or together / schools
· rule work / tasks after the specified time collecting
· according to rules of language writing is good and true

techniques and forms instrument

There are various techniques and forms the instrument, which can be used to assess the settings of the learners. Some include the techniques and forms of instruments that can be used:

observation technique

Observation is an evaluation method that uses the senses in their design and is sustainable. Observations can in two ways, namely direct and indirect observation are divided. Direct observation is that the data collection usually by the researchers involves directly the object studied. Direct observation is a data retrieval by a third party, such as colleagues or parents is taken.

The shape of the instruments shaped observation checklist generally or scale assessment. must make policies in general remarks included questions seen during the observation that lead to attitudes and behavior. The form of questions on the activities of the Centre, there are two types of questions. The positive and negative issues that are tailored for the translation of attitude on their core competencies and basic skills

range scale observations are often used in the observation is
  • always, often, sometimes, never
  • Very good, well, fairly well, not very good

Retrieving data observation techniques, should be obtained also equipped with a heading for the results directed and effective. Do some suggestions for observations to be effective and targeted, namely:
  • are with clear objectives and planned in advance. Planning includes observable indicators or aspects of a process.
  • By monitoring guidelines in a checklist or the scale.
  • The recording was made as soon as possible.
  • was made the conclusion after observing program completed.


self-assessment is to reveal an assessment technique over the ability of self-own learners and honest. The use of instruments and evaluation guide, which can be used by students is the opportunity students have to answer not to minimize in accordance with its capabilities.

The device can be used in data collection with observation, and instruments are used to assess the same setting. The scale is used in the self-assessment, is Linkert scale and semantic differential. Linkert scale used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of people in a kelompok.Skala semantic differential is a scale that can be used to measure settings. Semantic Differential scale interval form.

themselves form at least meet the production of assessing some of the following criteria;
  • Questions about opinions, reactions and attitudes, including the attitude of respondents against something.
  • use words that are simple and easily understood by the respondents.
  • the questions clearly and specifically
  • hold
  • to avoid the questions that have more than one meaning
  • avoid
  • Questions, the proposals [1945020enthalten]
  • , the question of should all respondents are

rate among learners

assessment of learners is a policy that students cross-assessment with other friends adapted to achieve asked in a class with skills assessment guidelines. Instruments that can be used in this test, is the checklist and the scale of valuation techniques based sociometry class.


Journal is a record that contains information in the classroom educators observations during learning. Aspects are examined in this paper is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of learners. Benefits that are judging in the magazine, is the event or events that displayed by the students is recorded immediately by the teacher. The disadvantage of this magazine is to assess the reliability is questionable, because the assessment is based on personal perception teacher. So sometimes a teacher through the emotional sense even in the skills of evaluation and adjustment of the students while in class. Moreover, a judgment in this journal is required, the characteristics of each individual learners have in class to better understand.

media have been considered in the preparation of the magazine Student evaluation into consideration are:
  • Notes to the observations should be
  • be target
  • observations on the competence of issues related to conducted written selective notes are
  • recording
should be the general guidelines of scoring journals:
  • scoring in the journal may be a Likert scale
  • to the aspects determined by the teacher to be
  • in every aspect identify teacher indicators were observed.
  • after every aspect of the indicators that are displayed on self-learners are given a score of 1, although that does not seem given a score of 0.
  • Add the values ​​in every aspect.
  • on every aspect obtained scores then direratakan
  • rating Very good (SB), Good (B), Fair (C) and less (K) with the calculation of the average score and compare the evaluation criteria
Below is an example in the development of instruments that may be able to do. The instrument should be based on the indicators relate to develop observed.

sample template writing instrument along with sections in the spiritual aspects of

( should review guidelines. Guidelines reviews contain clear instructions on how to fill assessment you created the assessment tool) with
this sheet by teachers filled evaluate learner mental attitude. "Put a check mark (v) in the score column corresponding spiritual attitudes of the students displayed with the following criteria:
4 = always when they always lead to a statement
3 = frequently, though often instigate appropriate steps and
sometimes do
2 = sometimes, though sometimes do and
1 = never, if ever do
(It is a name and the identity of the learner. The aim is to facilitate data collection and analysis)

Name of student : .............. ........
class : ......................
Observation : ..................... ..
topic : ..... ................ ..

aspects observations
(Contains taken a matter of the indicators that define the beginning and refers to KI and KD)
- Pray before and after something to do
- say gratitude for the gift of God

total points obtained

Tip scoring:
(it should be a manual evaluation)
endnote use a scale of 1 to 4.
to calculate the final score using the formula:

(gain scores) / (the maximum score) x4 = endnote
scores 14, the maximum score of 4 x 5 = 20 statement, then the end result: 14/20 𝑥 4 = 2.8 [1945008
Very Good : if a score them, notes are received]

in 2013. students Permendikbud No. 81A After 3.33
Good : if a score given: 2.33
please : if a score given: 1, 33
Less : score ≤ 1.33

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