nature of knowledge and science in the philosophy of science Overview
Eureka Education . " Ketahuailah what you know and know what you do not know ", as this quote the words of a philosopher, when asked by someone how to know the truth. As we have understood, people were basically with curiosity whatsoever. Curiosity is not only does not affect humans, but curiosity is the first step for a man become to know the truth. Due to the complexity that exist in this universe makes people always want to find out the truth.
matters on actual human curiosity in connection has been studied from different disciplines. The judgment is attractive because it can be the basis for the development of science. Studies related to human curiosity, along with the truth that is to be expected from people who are generally discussed in the introduction to the philosophy of science. Philosophy science. The basis for understanding the essence of human curiosity and truth Because often times to know something related, and the truth is confused with terminology finalized understand overlapping confusion in the interpretation of a thing. Often in the know and understand the truth so terkacaukan related knowledge difference between knowledge and science; as indicators truth. So in principle it should be understood in order to avoid errors, it is theoretically in the development.
understanding of the related knowledge, science, the limits of science form the basis for the identification and classification of knowledge and science itself. Because synonymous as academics with science are rightly the most basic thing about science is basically understood as a reference in the scientific developments. Especially for academics under the auspices of higher education, basic things to understand the basis for the development of appropriate scientific disciplines that occupied. Thus the repertoire of related scientific literature is no longer a theory, it is the preservation of the reforms, which are tailored to the dynamics of life. On this basis, the article is to discuss the nature of knowledge, science, the limits of science and the nature of truth in the view of science.
A. nature of knowledge
biologically people are classified in the kingdom Animalia, due to their similarities with animal [1]. However, the man is said to have the advantage, particularly in the intelligence. Since only humans are able to interpret the universe and interactions within it by curiosity. Many scientists have tried to identify the human kemamapuan subject to "know" this, for example, through a review of the human brain. This man has a large brain and the brain of perfect skin tumbuhnnya and curvy-likunya. This means that it is "thinking animal" one, it opens up possibilities for the power of thought on that recall power, awareness and conviction language perfectly even learning and the power to use [2] , By translating the brain, scientists are trying to conclude that human curiosity can exist enter because a support from them by the physiology of the cells of the human brain. But as far as I know, there is no science that can explain more information about the possibilities and mechanisms of the human brain that could think, to know, to analyze, to remember and reverie. At least have tried to explain the biology of the human brain, can provide in connection with human curiosity the have the curiosity about the people people to create knowledge. Etymologically, knowledge of the word in the English language knowledge. While the terminology in the Great Dictionary of Indonesian knowledge is all that is known; everything is known in this regard (volunteers). In another statement, the knowledge is to know the result of the process of human endeavor [3]. Through two terms above, it can easily be understood that the knowledge that man is to know everything as a result of the process out. Knowledge is an extraordinary thing in human civilization because developed by pengetahuanlah aspects of human civilization, which then completely distinguishable based ontology, epistemology and aksiologinya [4].
To simplify understanding of this knowledge, the authors analogize with the following: a new student at a university, then you want to know the University Library. Therefore you ask someone who then supplied with the information to know you finally, and for the University Library. Information you before eventually ask helps you find the University Library. Information about the new university library sooner you get, this is the new knowledge for you.
Human knowledge not only to survive, but have certain goals. In the past, people are looking to learn, typically use simple ways, namely through its activities with nature. He would find a way to live in harmony with nature. To the stages of knowledge, generally understand Auguste Comte (1798-1857) [5] divides three levels of development of human knowledge in the phase of religious, metaphysical and positive. The steps are likely to exist also in the civilization of Indonesia. In the first stage, which is used as a principle religilah scientific postulates that science is a deduction or elaboration of religious teachings. The second stage, people began to speculate about metaphysics (material) equivalent of the object of the study is that is free from religious dogmas and develop the system of knowledge based on the metaphysical postulates. During the third stage of stage of scientific knowledge, (knowledge) used in those testing positive for the principles in the examination process, the objective [6].
Based on the steps of the knowledge that has been developed by Auguste Comte , it stands to reason that human knowledge was originally formed with a passive attitude towards the universe , What adoring won a match with the universe in a way that goodness kebaikanlah from nature. It can be seen through some of the habits of our society that still maintain a certain ritual as a form of homage to nature. In a simple society the immediate area looks full of natural resources that can be used, then the knowledge of the system is stating that it is a gift something that does not appear. Finally complexity that exist in the Universe made man in ancient times to try to interpret the universe with form and connect to the human traits. Then termanifestasikanlah to the gods in the form of [7]. Because basically every ethnic group has a mythical story that is the result of people's minds in general. Myth contain symbolic elements, the meaning and the message of social relationships and the community daily lives.
Indonesian society has derived its own myth of assimilation animism with Hinduism in religious act understand Javanese, eventually giving birth shapes of the gods. He can be analogous to the development of human knowledge by Auguste Comte like this, people, such as agriculture, by opting to live on nature. For example, believe that the Java community that the abundance of plants in Java grow as a gift of the Almighty, which was obtained by the sacrifice of a goddess Dewi Sri [8]. By understanding how the figure of Dewi Sri, the Community of abundant plant holds a gift that requires good treatment. This enables plants to keep still grow rapidly and produce an abundant harvest, the community held a ritual "please" and the goddess honor. It is generally held in the form of ceremonies in the cultivation of rice to harvest from sowing even with crop failures.
So if suddenly planted at a time rice become dry and did not yield closed satisfactorily, that human nature has for less glorified angry at him was, then glorify start again certain rituals Nature by [9]. It is a manifestation of human knowledge, that there are forces outside of man which can not be controlled by people, then people have such power memulikan that human life can be guaranteed. After that sets human knowledge to grow, so that it looked phenomenon plant that unproductive turns suddenly happens regularly, that is, at a certain time [10]. Through these experiences, the people concluded finally that nature was not alone annoyed when the plants do not produce, but it is done because of something that is not tangible in nature, but have an impact on plant growth, as the seasons. Finally, based on the human experience, include knowledge that when a particular season (dry) rice will produce results not planted. So in this second stage is the realization of the human being to interpret the nature has a cycle of the seasons and the types of plants that can be grown in a particular season. Started However, people can not do much because to know only the drier season. Then they begin to anticipate the availability of water through irrigation systems are simple.
Furthermore, in the final phase on science based human nature to interpret, as it is today. People try to interpret why the dry season can and it happened in these days, are unpredictable, as a rule. So they should be able to harvest the crops, but sometimes failed harvests due to drought that hit. At a later stage is that the people began to recognize the knowledge, natural phenomena to interpret are not the unpredictable human begin checking them more objective or based on the state of nature itself.
B. Nature of Science
Many people interpret knowledge and science are the same, it is not entirely wrong, but must follow the rules of science to understand the truth are evaluated. As an analogy, which was presented, is that the science of the stage or the knowledge. So it can be understood that the findings of science is different. More specifically, the science is a part of knowledge. The word science is a translation of the word "science" which etymologically from the Latin word "scinre ", ie, " know "is derived. However, the definition of science is often misinterpreted and reduced to pure physics related, but it is not so. In Big Indonesian Dictionary, science is the knowledge of a field that is arranged by applying certain methods that can be used, certain symptoms in the area of (knowledge), to explain it. Another opinion says that science knowledge is with full responsibility and sincerity [11] to develop and implement the rules of the game. Through this opinion, that science to understand, is a development of the knowledge that certain rules and verifiably does, how it relates to the interpretation of a thing that generally applies in general. Science is the system of knowledge of man on nature, society and thought. It reflects the world in concepts, categories and law, the accuracy and truth of be the checked by practical experience [12]
This statement Afanasyef a Marxist thinker Russian nationality. By translating that has been said, it can be understood that the scientific knowledge about a certain thing is (object / field), which is the unity and systematic explanation of systematic, by showing the causes of things or events, the [13] may be justified.
Based on the understanding that has been described, the science shows the progress of human knowledge that each is arranged in a structured and auditable. At the end of the universe can be transmitted to humans using methods that are better suited to the dynamics of nature as it is. Based on existing studies, the authors concluded that the science part of science has characteristics that set it by other knowledge, namely: logical, systematic, universal and empirically. Show Logis that science can be achieved by human reason and accepted. can be observed due to its nature by human senses or to reach through the tools that can help the human senses in the interpretation of natural phenomena. Systematic showed a trace of things have to understand a clear phases. Universal, holistic, which means that knowledge in general. While empirically show that every science may experience or that science to develop.
The history of the rice harvest we suddenly had no unpredictable dried, can ultimately be explained in more scientific. The phenomenon can be explained by biology, for example, because rice is prematurely dried up suddenly to be warmer due to the existence of global warming phenomenon that the seasons are unpredictable and rising temperature of the earth, caused by the destruction of ozone [14]. It may be one of the causes more scientific and applicable in general to explain the causes of the phenomenon of our rice. to have
understood that the cause of the drought to develop global warming, science, and the solutions for agriculture. The progress in the field of molecular and cell biology [15] makes biologists plant varieties with specific benefits may develop. Biologists can achieve superior rice plants with plant production times shorter and a good result. One example of rice of BATAN made or agricultural facilities. Since rice produced to have proven benefits, such as shorter harvest time, resistant to pests, resistant to extreme heat conditions. So the solution to the problem of crop failures from last season, not be solved by simple irrigation system, but can with her rice varieties to be expected with superior.
Science is the result of human civilization, which serve merely to make help the work of man. In this case, the work of man is not only a practical aspect alone, but managed to get the science of the universe generally applicable definition. This means that every natural phenomena simultaneously understand and this knowledge can be used by anyone without restriction. not Prophet Mercy is not as convenient as a tiger, but the path is clear and credible timetable Definitely blessed revelation or large: Then at the end of the discussion of the nature of this science, we can cite the following statement, "Science is like a city bus. Artists assemble inspiring, but the vehicle of ordinary people like us "[16].
Science in its development has generated in the human civilization a lot of things. Even if it is known that living organisms can not be seen with the naked eye, can be identified as a result of the development of science using a microscope. Even more impressive, because the microscopic organisms play a role in human life. As the history of rice drought earlier. After the man was able to identify the cause of the drought, the people of possibilities began to think, to produce better rice that can withstand the conditions of low water availability. Finally, by a branch of biology that genetic engineering can human genes combine the rice to ordinary rice gene using bacterial plasmids as is resipennya superior. When the gene expression yielding rice had then, the high-yield rice comes with new types and can more benefit be developed therefrom. It is certainly beneficial for the improvement of agricultural products. So rhythm science always berdinamika in the dynamics of human life.
Science has helped people interpret the universe, and even help people in the prediction of an event, based on the patterns are visible. However, there are many that science argue produce not always positive effects, but there are also negative effects. As rice has been genetically modified to reduce rated rice varieties. So the rice Excel is not will die, because they will not be developed. Therefore, it is necessary to understand fashion that science is a tool that can be used according to its purpose. Wise quote about science appears as a cover in the discussion about the limits of this science, the rejection of the presence of science with small we mean a blind eye to make all the advances of today, useful in the almost all aspects of modern life is through the influenced product of science and technology. Unlike the laud Science, shows that here again we fail to understand the true nature of science to get. They are really well informed are those who know the advantages and disadvantages of science, on the basis that they accept the science as it is, love wisely, and to make him a part of the personality and life. Together more knowledge and complementarity and the happiness of our lives fill [18].
Basically, the truth has a study thought for a long time. Plato (427-347) and Aristotle (384-322) have tried to formulate this truth. Theory of truth proposed by Plato and Aristotle, the theory of coherence. Coherence theory assumes that a thing is said to be true based on previous statements. So if there is a statement "all mammals go into the class of mammals" is a true statement. So that the statement of the Pope he is breastfeeding and in the class of mammals, "is a true statement because statements that linked together and to show the truth. Although we know the whale is a fish, but because he nursed it does not fit into the class fish but mammals. in addition, the truth of the theory developed by Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) with a coherence theory. Based on the theory of coherence, a case is considered correct if it with the suitability may be tested on existing objects. for example, if there is a statement of "chicken breed by laying eggs." Then said the statement because factually correct, in fact, chicken breeding eggs and chicken eggs were to put even found. Thus, the theory of
coherence and correspondence useful to understand truth, which is generally used.
theories in a matter as motivated in the scientific method. So that the truth is a scientific truth in the field of science, which by the scientific method migrated. The scientific method as the right way recognized is to understand something because it is based on the characteristics of science, namely rational, empirical and systematically.
When developing many experts are still trying that truth to formulate, then spawned numerous streams such as empiricism, idealism, existentialism and pragmatism. These theories will try to discuss the following:
1. The flow of Philosophy Empiricism
A case is considered true according to this theory, if such a thing of each can be seen, or the existence of an authentic proof which. on the data of a general nature River Empeirisme put science and truth to objects attached care who saw. This findings done only by experience, experiment or an act to get aware of an answer. This experience helped by the senses. So knowledge is obtained only when the center of sense something along experience
. For example: The fire is hot. It can be seen by everyone, because if his hands burned, he felt the heat. So hot that fire was right, because anyone can hot flashes occur when the skin is exposed to the sense of touch to shoot, no matter how big the body's ability sesesorang the heat withstand, but the amount of heat can be made to the subjectivity of heat be removed. The figures from the flow of empiricism is John Locke.
2. The flow of philosophy idealism
Immanuel Kant was a prominent figure in this theory. Idealism is often referred to as the romantic stream. Kant in his system provides information on the ability of the mind to acquire knowledge: it says, where the ability to promote it. With bright Emanual Kant describes the pure minds of people may not know what lay beyond the experience, because the knowledge of the spirit that always begin with the experience: pure metaphysics impossible [19] !. Can be understood, only that the idealism with the human mind to something other true if the unthinkable of people associated. This current will be too subjective and romantic every person is different for the favor. Activities diterankan Emanuel Kant in this river Subjectivity is not tend to be self-centered, but judgment is good and right about a case may not necessarily be obtained by experience.
. 3 Existentialist philosophy Flow
The existence of deployment and bersosok amorphous to be able to exist. By eksistensia seats may be in place. Mango tree can tertatanam to grow, evolve. Tiger, the jungle live and reign. Man can live, work, worship, and a group with a different people together. While still bereksistensia, everything can exist, live, perform, present. However, if left eksistensia, everything to be there, no, not alive, not shown, are not present. Chair disappeared. Mango mango trees in wood. Tigers to a cadaver. People die. Thus, the role of eksistensia. Everything can be him really there, live, perform, play a role. Without them, everything is real, let alone life and play a role [20] Thus, it can be understood from the truth of existence, that if something exists, exists, although he was not really in a place where we exist thought.
4. The flow of philosophy pragmatism
John Dewey is a figure. On this theory Pragmatism assume that something is true if it has a practical function. For example: learning at local wisdom-based methods is to study the correct method to biology. Because the students are better able by this method, the biology teaching material and obtaining learn large to understand because it is based on local wisdom in the vicinity. So in pragmatism, the method is considered to be true because it has a function to learn better results biology students.
view of pragmatism is likely to be directed to kemoersialisme that on the profits irrespective focused profits like material, experience or knowledge, but John Dewey believes that the development of philosophy based on idealism rationalism mixed only based an error is generated that dangerous development of supporters out to radicals.
Based on the understanding that has been described, the science shows the progress of human knowledge that each is arranged in a structured and auditable. At the end of the universe can be transmitted to humans using methods that are better suited to the dynamics of nature as it is. Based on existing studies, the authors concluded that the science part of science has characteristics that set it by other knowledge, namely: logical, systematic, universal and empirically. Show Logis that science can be achieved by human reason and accepted. can be observed due to its nature by human senses or to reach through the tools that can help the human senses in the interpretation of natural phenomena. Systematic showed a trace of things have to understand a clear phases. Universal, holistic, which means that knowledge in general. While empirically show that every science may experience or that science to develop.
The history of the rice harvest we suddenly had no unpredictable dried, can ultimately be explained in more scientific. The phenomenon can be explained by biology, for example, because rice is prematurely dried up suddenly to be warmer due to the existence of global warming phenomenon that the seasons are unpredictable and rising temperature of the earth, caused by the destruction of ozone [14]. It may be one of the causes more scientific and applicable in general to explain the causes of the phenomenon of our rice. to have
understood that the cause of the drought to develop global warming, science, and the solutions for agriculture. The progress in the field of molecular and cell biology [15] makes biologists plant varieties with specific benefits may develop. Biologists can achieve superior rice plants with plant production times shorter and a good result. One example of rice of BATAN made or agricultural facilities. Since rice produced to have proven benefits, such as shorter harvest time, resistant to pests, resistant to extreme heat conditions. So the solution to the problem of crop failures from last season, not be solved by simple irrigation system, but can with her rice varieties to be expected with superior.
Science is the result of human civilization, which serve merely to make help the work of man. In this case, the work of man is not only a practical aspect alone, but managed to get the science of the universe generally applicable definition. This means that every natural phenomena simultaneously understand and this knowledge can be used by anyone without restriction. not Prophet Mercy is not as convenient as a tiger, but the path is clear and credible timetable Definitely blessed revelation or large: Then at the end of the discussion of the nature of this science, we can cite the following statement, "Science is like a city bus. Artists assemble inspiring, but the vehicle of ordinary people like us "[16].
C. Limitation of Sciences
had knowledge ontology, epistemology and axiology, then did everything that happens in people to be able to be explained by science? It turns out, the answer is no. Because science has limits, such a simple answer. However, whether the limits of science that ?. Ontologically us confine science to the study of objects that are within the scope of human experience [17]. The collective knowledge of science with the aim of issues of everyday life of people encounter, and used to offer convenience to people's lives. Through them that science on everything that experienced by humans can be understood limited, because of the knowledge that has experienced by people attempting described by other knowledge, such as religion not for example.Science in its development has generated in the human civilization a lot of things. Even if it is known that living organisms can not be seen with the naked eye, can be identified as a result of the development of science using a microscope. Even more impressive, because the microscopic organisms play a role in human life. As the history of rice drought earlier. After the man was able to identify the cause of the drought, the people of possibilities began to think, to produce better rice that can withstand the conditions of low water availability. Finally, by a branch of biology that genetic engineering can human genes combine the rice to ordinary rice gene using bacterial plasmids as is resipennya superior. When the gene expression yielding rice had then, the high-yield rice comes with new types and can more benefit be developed therefrom. It is certainly beneficial for the improvement of agricultural products. So rhythm science always berdinamika in the dynamics of human life.
Science has helped people interpret the universe, and even help people in the prediction of an event, based on the patterns are visible. However, there are many that science argue produce not always positive effects, but there are also negative effects. As rice has been genetically modified to reduce rated rice varieties. So the rice Excel is not will die, because they will not be developed. Therefore, it is necessary to understand fashion that science is a tool that can be used according to its purpose. Wise quote about science appears as a cover in the discussion about the limits of this science, the rejection of the presence of science with small we mean a blind eye to make all the advances of today, useful in the almost all aspects of modern life is through the influenced product of science and technology. Unlike the laud Science, shows that here again we fail to understand the true nature of science to get. They are really well informed are those who know the advantages and disadvantages of science, on the basis that they accept the science as it is, love wisely, and to make him a part of the personality and life. Together more knowledge and complementarity and the happiness of our lives fill [18].
Basically science to explain D. Scientific truth of all with regard to the search for truth. Truth in Science has different views ultimately produce different schools of thought. Streams are derived from the ideas of the experts who are trying to understand the real intention of the science.
Basically, the truth has a study thought for a long time. Plato (427-347) and Aristotle (384-322) have tried to formulate this truth. Theory of truth proposed by Plato and Aristotle, the theory of coherence. Coherence theory assumes that a thing is said to be true based on previous statements. So if there is a statement "all mammals go into the class of mammals" is a true statement. So that the statement of the Pope he is breastfeeding and in the class of mammals, "is a true statement because statements that linked together and to show the truth. Although we know the whale is a fish, but because he nursed it does not fit into the class fish but mammals. in addition, the truth of the theory developed by Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) with a coherence theory. Based on the theory of coherence, a case is considered correct if it with the suitability may be tested on existing objects. for example, if there is a statement of "chicken breed by laying eggs." Then said the statement because factually correct, in fact, chicken breeding eggs and chicken eggs were to put even found. Thus, the theory of
coherence and correspondence useful to understand truth, which is generally used.
theories in a matter as motivated in the scientific method. So that the truth is a scientific truth in the field of science, which by the scientific method migrated. The scientific method as the right way recognized is to understand something because it is based on the characteristics of science, namely rational, empirical and systematically.
When developing many experts are still trying that truth to formulate, then spawned numerous streams such as empiricism, idealism, existentialism and pragmatism. These theories will try to discuss the following:
1. The flow of Philosophy Empiricism
A case is considered true according to this theory, if such a thing of each can be seen, or the existence of an authentic proof which. on the data of a general nature River Empeirisme put science and truth to objects attached care who saw. This findings done only by experience, experiment or an act to get aware of an answer. This experience helped by the senses. So knowledge is obtained only when the center of sense something along experience
. For example: The fire is hot. It can be seen by everyone, because if his hands burned, he felt the heat. So hot that fire was right, because anyone can hot flashes occur when the skin is exposed to the sense of touch to shoot, no matter how big the body's ability sesesorang the heat withstand, but the amount of heat can be made to the subjectivity of heat be removed. The figures from the flow of empiricism is John Locke.
2. The flow of philosophy idealism
Immanuel Kant was a prominent figure in this theory. Idealism is often referred to as the romantic stream. Kant in his system provides information on the ability of the mind to acquire knowledge: it says, where the ability to promote it. With bright Emanual Kant describes the pure minds of people may not know what lay beyond the experience, because the knowledge of the spirit that always begin with the experience: pure metaphysics impossible [19] !. Can be understood, only that the idealism with the human mind to something other true if the unthinkable of people associated. This current will be too subjective and romantic every person is different for the favor. Activities diterankan Emanuel Kant in this river Subjectivity is not tend to be self-centered, but judgment is good and right about a case may not necessarily be obtained by experience.
. 3 Existentialist philosophy Flow
The existence of deployment and bersosok amorphous to be able to exist. By eksistensia seats may be in place. Mango tree can tertatanam to grow, evolve. Tiger, the jungle live and reign. Man can live, work, worship, and a group with a different people together. While still bereksistensia, everything can exist, live, perform, present. However, if left eksistensia, everything to be there, no, not alive, not shown, are not present. Chair disappeared. Mango mango trees in wood. Tigers to a cadaver. People die. Thus, the role of eksistensia. Everything can be him really there, live, perform, play a role. Without them, everything is real, let alone life and play a role [20] Thus, it can be understood from the truth of existence, that if something exists, exists, although he was not really in a place where we exist thought.
4. The flow of philosophy pragmatism
John Dewey is a figure. On this theory Pragmatism assume that something is true if it has a practical function. For example: learning at local wisdom-based methods is to study the correct method to biology. Because the students are better able by this method, the biology teaching material and obtaining learn large to understand because it is based on local wisdom in the vicinity. So in pragmatism, the method is considered to be true because it has a function to learn better results biology students.
view of pragmatism is likely to be directed to kemoersialisme that on the profits irrespective focused profits like material, experience or knowledge, but John Dewey believes that the development of philosophy based on idealism rationalism mixed only based an error is generated that dangerous development of supporters out to radicals.
[1] organisms live in biology is divided into five kingdoms , Biologically, men in the kingdom animalia for multicellular, specialized cells, eukaryotic, heterotrophic, require oxygen in respirainya, sexual reproduction.
[2] K. F. Vaas, Darwinism and Teaching Evolution (Jakarta: PT Pustaka Rakyat, 1956), p. 117.
[3] Burhanuddin Greetings, Introduction to Philosophy. (Jakarta: Earth Alphabet, 03), hlm.5
[4] "Knowledge is essentially everything we know about a particular object, is it a science, so science is a part of for humans in addition to various other know how art and religion known knowledge. knowledge is the repertoire of spiritual wealth, which directly enriched our lives. it is hard, as human life, imagine if there is no knowledge, because knowledge a source of answers to questions that arise in life. Any kind of knowledge are the characteristics of what (ontology), how (epistemology) and for what (axiology) "Jujun Suriasumantri, philosophy of science as an introduction to the popular ( Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 09), p. 104-105.
[5] known as a philosopher Auguste Comte France introduce flow for the field of sociology and positivism. Positivism influenced his opinion. Positivism is derived from the positive, this philosophy comes from what is already known, factual, positive. Positivism only membetasi on, it seemed, all the symptoms. (Http://
[6] Jujun, ibid., P. 25.
[7] tried our ancestors in the past to build knowledge based on their experiences, to understand the conditions of the universe.
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