Measurement, assessment and evaluation in BIOLOGY LEARNING

Admin 15.09
measurement, assessment and evaluation in BIOLOGY LEARNING

Eureka Education - Education today to one of the aspects that receive the most attention. This is to enhance the efforts in connection with the quality of Indonesian human resources in a time of global-based science and technology. One of the training efforts made pengkualitasan through the development of the curriculum. Curriculum basically understood as a series of plans and arrangements in relation to the objectives, content and materials as well as the learning means used to carry out the implementation of learning activities specific educational tujuab reach. It is understandable that the curriculum be a reference in the learning process because the training program includes a variety of things that need to be taken into account in the study.

On the upper level secondary school, in this case, the high school, there are subjects of biology, the study on the head of one of the topics was. Fundamental biology study of living things and the environment. Living beings and the environment, it turns out, save different complexity surrounding, make the scientists to gain knowledge of the study is interested in studying and working. have understood and analyzed, it turns out, be able to find the facts about living things and the environment in the context, the nature surrounding life, apply biologists certain way. The way scientists to study the facts to sentient beings is akin known by scientific or by the scientific method. In a simple scientific methods understood as an objective and systematic way a fact in the review. So when biology is linked to learning studied biology at the high school level is understood that learning is to provide a basic understanding and familiarity with the student disposal expected to be capable of functioning by scientists something to promote in the study.


More specifically, lays out the curriculum of the various foundation for learning biology. One is the learning objectives of biology that is listed in Permendiknas 20 06, when understood, obtained by the regulation by understanding that the purpose of the students studying biology growing number of thinking skills, scientific attitudes and skills. Then the purpose of a general nature are particularly translated back through standards and basic skills that are tailored examined on the material by the learner. Because of the expertise that is the goal of learning, then the learning process requires an evaluation. The evaluation is carried out to achieve information on the achievement of the objectives that were set.

As already mentioned, an evaluation with regard to the process to obtain information on the achievement of a target is used, and then would the information policy or the basis for decision influence. In education, the evaluation is usually divided into two, namely the review of macro and micro analysis. Review of Macro generally the evaluation of educational programs applicable to a large extent, as the scope of the educational program of the school connected. While the micro-analysis for processing of the learning process together, that is performed in the class. to obtain evaluation of micro efforts related information relating to the learning outcomes in the classroom, or in other words, to get to the review with regard to the achievement of the learning outcomes of students. Assessment of learning outcomes has benefits for students and teachers. Learners as subjects of study are to obtain information on the level of achievement of the learning process that has dilakusanakan. As for teachers, evaluation helpful information on the effectiveness of the learning process has been implemented to obtain. To improve So by this evaluation will be able to get some information such efforts the learning process.

are connected to the current review with the assessment and measurement conducting. Review or assessment as the different methods are understood to obtain information about the individual learner. In this review of implementation requires the measurement. In principle the measurement is understood as quantification of an object or phenomenon, or in other words, relates to the measurement for the determination of the numbers on an object in a systematic manner. Basically, this measurement is derived is developed in the form of the use of test devices and non-test in order to elicit information about the learner. Then, the measurement results will have no meaning if it does not. Through the assessment because the assessment and interpretation of the results is to be understood, which leads to the evaluation to information Thus, it may, that in the implementation of necessary evaluation and measurement ratings are understood. If you are connected to the biology of learning, evaluating the biology of learning also requires penialian and measurements are used in an attempt to obtain information about the implementation of the learning process in the context and to achieve the objectives of biology to study biology.

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