principles for educational evaluation
Good judgment must be supported with the principles that there should be clear rules assessment for the development. In general, the evaluation, the following principles.
- to pursue the prosecution , which should be able to progress the student in accordance with the lesson plan and to Track set.
- checking up , which should be able to achieve the ability of the learner in the learning process.
- Finding check out should be this assessment of the situation, to seek and find and detect errors - errors that led to a weakness in the learning process.
- summary should be this assessment of the situation, to conclude whether the learning skills is set or not (Santoso in Basuki & Hariyanto, 2015) have achieved.
The principle of formation evaluation in Indonesia described in the National Education Minister Regulation No. 20 of 07 on the assessment standards of education. The principle is explained as follows.
1. Sahih means the rating is based on data that reflect the measured skills. Therefore, the instruments are used needs to be disposed by the method as described in the instructions, in order to have evidence of the validity and reliability.
2. Objectively means that the assessment of the procedures and criteria based clearly, without being affected by the subjectivity of the verifier will. Therefore, to enhance the objectivity of the evaluation, the teachers use a rubric or guidelines in an assessment of the students' answers on product description and test practice or performance.
3. Adil means that the rating is not conducive or detrimental to learners with special needs and different religious background, ethnicity, culture, customs, socioeconomic status and gender. These factors are not relevant for the assessment it can be avoided in order not to influence the results of the evaluation.
4. Integrated does assessment of educators is part of the learning activities. In this case, the results of the vote will actually serve as a basis to improve organizes the learning process of learners. If the assessment results show many students fail while the instrument used is high compatible, which means the learning process is not good. In such cases, educators should improve planning and implementation of learning.
5. Open means that the evaluation process, evaluation criteria, and basic decision-making can be seen by the parties. Therefore educators inform methods and evaluation criteria for students. In addition, interested parties can the process and criteria for the evaluation and valuation basis used to access.
6. Comprehensive and continuous, means the evaluation of all aspects of competencies covers appropriate valuation techniques, developing the ability of learners to be monitored. Therefore, the assessment is not only to assess learner achievements, but should cover all aspects of the learning outcomes for the purpose of mentoring and coaching.
7. systematically mean vote in a planned and phased done through the following basic steps. Therefore, the evaluation will be developed and demonstrated by carrying out the procedures and principles. In assessing the class, for example, a teacher of mathematics courses prepare an assessment plan in conjunction with a curriculum and lesson plans.
8. beracuan criteria means that the assessment of the magnitude of the power of competence is based. Therefore, the evaluation tools are incorporated by reference skills (L KI, KI and KD). Moreover, the decision was based on the attainment of predetermined criteria.
9. account mean ratings are taken into account, either in terms of the techniques, procedures, or the results. Therefore, the judgment is made by the following and the decision taken by the scientific principles in the assessment, to have the basic goal.
Changes of the curriculum in Indonesia affect the development of general principles. Hence the principle described provides a further assessment in the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 66 in 2013 on the evaluation standards of education. Assessment of learning outcomes of students in basic and secondary education based on the following principles.
1. assessing on the basis of standards means Objectively, and are not affected by the subjectivity of the appraiser.
2. integrated means evaluation of educators in a planned, integrated with learning activities carried out and continuously.
3. Economically, does assessment efficiently and effectively in the planning, execution and reporting.
4. Transparent, means that the evaluation process, evaluation criteria and basic decision accessible to all parties.
5. responsible means accountability ratings to the school on the aspect of techniques, processes internal and external years and results.
6. education, means to educate students and teachers and to motivate.
In addition, the principle of assessment is also supported by valuation method to use a reference evaluation criteria (PAK). PAK is an assessment of the competence performance to a minimum completeness criteria (KKM). KKM is the criteria for mastery learning minimum requirements of training units achieved taking into account the characteristics of the basic skills to become sustainability, and the characteristics of the learners.
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