stages of moral development
Eureka Education . Development moral is expressed, the size of the high and low moral person based on the development of moral reasoning as of Lawrence Kohlberg. This theory holds that moral reasoning, which is the foundation of ethical behavior, has six stages of development can be identified. He followed the development of moral judgment about the age originally Piaget examined the claims that logic and morality develop through constructive stages. Kohlberg expand it based on the determination that the process of moral development was concerned with justice and development primarily continues throughout life, although there is a dialogue of philosophical implications of his research.
Kolhlberrg the stages of moral development into three levels categorize: pre -konvensional, conventional and post-conventional. Following the proposed requirements for a Piaget's theory of cognitive development, is very rare setback in these phases. Yet there is no function that is in the stages of all-time highs. Also, it is not possible to skip steps; Each level has a new and necessary perspective and comprehensive, diverse and integrated than ever before. The phases are:.
a pre-conventional level
Pre-conventional level of moral reasoning is common in children, although adults can prove the argument at this stage. assess a person in pre-conventional level of morality of an action by its direct consequences. Pre-conventional level consists of two initial stages of moral development and pure self in self-centered manner.
In the first phase, people focused on the direct consequences of their actions for themselves. For example, as an act morally wrong if the person who has punished. The harsher the punishment is provided, the more considered his actions. He also did not know that other people vary the positions of their own view. This phase can be seen as a kind of authoritarianism.
based in the second phase of the attention to other people on loyalty or berifat intrinsic factor. Disadvantages perspective of society in pre-conventional level, in contrast to the social contract (level five), because all actions to serve their own needs done. For stage two, world perspectives relative terms as morally.
b. Conventional level
The conventional level of reasoning is typical of adolescents and adults. The man at the judge the morality of an action by making it comparable to the Company's beliefs and expectations. The conventional level consists of the third and fourth stages of moral development.
In the third stage, one arrives in the community and social roles. Individuals would receive approval or rejection of the other, because it reflects public approval of the perception of the role. You try to be a good son to meet these expectations, it is learned no sense. Level three reasons, the morality of an action to assess its consequences in terms of the interpersonal relationships of the review, which began to include things like respect, gratitude, and the golden rule. keep craving rules and there is authority to give away the stereotypical social roles. The intentions of actions play a more important role in reasoning at this stage they mean well.
In stage four, it is important to comply with the law, court and social conventions to be useful in maintaining a functioning society. Moral reasoning in stage four is more than just the need for individual approval in the third stage; Society must go to individual needs. The main idealism often determine what and what is right and wrong, as in the case of fundamentalism. If a person violates the law, perhaps everyone would - thus comply with any obligation or duty, laws and regulations. When someone breaking the law, then it is morally wrong, guilt is therefore an essential factor in this stage, since it is the poorly separated from the good.
c. Post-Conventional
postconventional level, which is also known as a principled level, consists of stages five and six of moral development. The fact that individuals become separate entities from the public and more clearly. A perspective should be viewed against the Company. As a result of the nature of the self before the others made postconventional level is confused with pre-conventional behaviors often.
In stage five, individuals are viewed as having opinions and values -value different, and it is important that they be respected and honored impartially. Problems that are not considered life as a relative and the choice should not be denied or blocked. In fact, with the law in line is seen as a social contract rather than rigid dictums. The rules do not lead to social assistance needs to be changed, if necessary, the greatest good for the greatest number of people to meet. This is achieved by a majority vote and compromise. In this case, a democratic government is ostensibly based on stage five reasoning.
In stage six, moral reasoning based on abstract thinking universal ethical principles. Laws are valid only when grounded in justice and a commitment to justice also includes an obligation unjust laws to obey. Rights do not need a social contract and is not essential for deontic moral action. The choices are categorically conditioned in an absolute way rather than hypothetical. This can be done by imagining what it would be doing in another person, who also thought about what to do when like-minded. The action is the result of consensus. In this way the action is never a means but always a result of acts, because it is right, and not because it's personal, as expected, law or previously agreed. While Kohlberg that the stage was there, he found it hard to find someone to use it consistently. It seems that it would be hard to reach this stage.
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