Social relationships and impact on youth comprehension

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definition of social relations and the impact on juvenile

definition of social relations

Eureka Education . Individual social relationships develop because of the promotion of curiosity about everything that exists around him in the world. Social relationships is defined as "the way people react to the people around him and how that relationship influences on him" (Anna Alisyahbana, et al., 1984). This social relationship is also concerned that the adaptation to the environment, such as food and drink himself, dress them to obey rules, mutual commitment in a group or organization, and to build the like. Social relationships initially started from the house itself, which then spread to the school environment and developed for more environmental, more broadly, that is a meeting of peers.

, the development of social relations means the acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance with social demands. As a person who is able to establish (sozialed), requires three processes. Where each process separately and is very different, but interrelated, so that lowering a failure in a process levels of individual socialization. After Hurlock (1996) three processes of social development are as follows:

1. Behave socially acceptable - Each group has standards for its members about acceptable behavior. To socialize, people need to know not only the behavior that is acceptable, but you have to adapt his behavior so that he could be sebagain society or the social environment accepts.
2.. A role played in their social environment, -. Each group has a habit pattern that is required, have been carefully determined by its members, and each member in order to be able to meet the needs of a particular group
3. a positive attitude towards its social groups, with - well to make contacts, you have to love people in groups and social activities. If someone does groove, he succeeded in the social adjustment and as a member of a social group accepted if they are connected.

, the effect of social relationships to conduct
, the social relations of men began individually in the home with his family. Then the child relationship was born with the people around him, especially the mother. Profound social relations. By the touch of mother to child, especially if breastfeeding In the second, the baby began to recognize the faces to the dam as feelings of joy began to smile. Around the sixth month babies start people around him to recognize and distinguish unfamiliar with the people him. After seven months, babies start to actively get in touch with others, that is the simple, for example, showing his hand raises by the ability to be picked up. In the tenth month babies start with his mother in a easy to talk funny, menmyenangkan although it is unclear.

to grow social development of children when the child began to enter the pre-school age to guess -kira age of 18 months. At this age, self-esteem and self-reliance will be increased. In this age began with discipline problems connected to emerge, so that children faced with people who begin to interfere with some and his desire. During this period until the end of the school year marked by widespread social environment. Widespread social environment of the child, the child caused influence outside the supervision of their parents to win. Mind teenagers often influenced by the ideas of the theories that led to a critical attitude towards the situation and others. Seen effect of egocentric often at the thought of young people, namely:
  1. ideal and idealism good, too much stress the spirit Only without thought of. as a result of far kesuliatn and practical difficulties
  2. , the ability to think in my own opinion, was not accompanied by the other the opinions. Mirroring selfishness in the face of other people can lead opinion about the nature of the ego is smaller, which is better and more mature in a change of behavior.

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