Overall Education in Curriculum Paradigm 2013
Eureka Education - An important component in the training is the assessment or review. National Education Regulation No. 20 found from 07 on the assessment standards of education that formation evaluation is the process of collecting and processing information to determine attainment which to learn the results of the students. Learning outcomes are described further in the Minister of Education and Culture No. 66 of 2013 to review standards of education, learning include: authentic assessment , the self-assessment, review of portfolio replication, daily tests, replicates the middle of the semester, the repetition end of the semester, the examination level of competence, test the quality of the level of competence, the national exam and the exam schools / madrasah.
to improve the aim of the quality of education
translation of the learning outcomes. This is consistent with the statement Mardapi (07: 12) also suggested that the efforts to improve the quality of education to improve, can be reached by improving the quality of learning and the evaluation system. These two things are linked together, the system will create a good learning good learning quality. The quality of learning can be seen from the results of the review. In addition, define the evaluation system, encourage teachers, good teaching strategies and motivate learners to learn better. Therefore, improving the quality of education is affected by an improved evaluation system
Mundilarto. (2012: 7) stated that the assessment of learning outcomes of physics can be grouped in the form of behavior in competence ( behavior target ) and competence is not the behavior ( non-behavioral goal ). Competence in kind behaviors specific behavior that must be presented by the students that there has been a learning process, both in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Competence is not the conduct in question in the form of Softskill . Soft skills refer to the ability of learners in the face of real problems in daily life. More Wagner (08) explains that there are six Softskill , to be developed in the face of the 21st century, namely: (1) communication skills ; (2) critical and creative thinking ; (3) request or reasoning skills ; (4) social skills ; (5) a multicultural or multilingual literacy ; and (6) Troubleshooting .
In addition, the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 in Indonesia requires assessment of learning outcomes in the competence of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and spiritual as in core competencies (KI) and basic competence sketched (KD) (Permendikbud No. 66 of 2013). Competence of knowledge are divided into four dimensions by Anderson & Krathwohl (01: 101), namely: (1) factual knowledge , the specific knowledge of the events and circumstances, factual knowledge can by experiments improved and some were given by experts (eg negatively charged electrons); (2) conceptual knowledge , a knowledge of physics concepts that serve understanding of factual knowledge and can be identified by the ability to explain and predict; (3) procedural knowledge , is the ability to apply factual and conceptual knowledge to solve problems and know how to apply what is known; (4) metacognition , this dimension is the highest ability mastery of knowledge, refers to the process of science and master the thinking process. Thus, should the process of learning physics working knowledge created that includes these four dimensions.
Based on the above, it can be concluded that the results of physics load things to learn complex. Competence of knowledge, skills, attitudes and spiritual needs to be integrated in the learning. Competence Knowledge should include four dimensions, namely the conceptual, factual, procedural and metacognitive. In addition, the learning skills needed to develop and evaluate, according to the 21st century.
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