Formation evaluation method

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Procedure Overall Education

By: Fikroturrafiah Kelvin Princess and Ahmad Dahlan

Eureka Education , A review process is a process of justification of an object examined. In the world of education, all of which must be responsible, a justification must be based on data and have a purpose. would provide justification without educational value not consistent with the objectives of the training in accordance, as a review process should be significantly better than the grouping students based on their abilities. Based on the role of a process for the review in accordance performed with some rules.

In an evaluation process, there are several steps that must be taken to provide an assessment that is more meaningful and authentic. It is very necessary that the results of evaluation in education and in relation to the object to be evaluated by many involved parties are used.

1. start doing assessment Determination of Interest Rate

a review process of the purpose of should. Assessment in education would more meaning than to give only categories for students in the form of justification. Procedure should the formation of the provision on the target based on the participants much more than just making measurements. Educational purposes of the evaluation process should be used in the development of learners in the context of students, teachers and education policy making. After the training objectives have been met, developed to evaluate an assessment one aspect to be evaluated. A review process without educational value not more than a measurement process and provide categories based on the measurement results.

2. Preparation Grid

Rosiana (2013) states that the grid assessment an integral part of the planning of learning activities in form of curriculum and lesson plan (RPP) is. A review process must be adapted to the given process during the learning process, although there is much more value are represented by the learners after the learning process, but without assessing the actual purpose of the learning process produce research that bias.

steps taken in an effort to adapt the learning objectives and appraisal process is to arrange the grid. Grating arranged to show a card, showing an indicator in every aspect of the learning process is sung. What should be noted, the balance in the selection of indicators, such as the representatives of the aspects to be impartial. The width of the grid depends on the variables that exist in the learning objectives. Preparation of the grating, the rationalization of the execution time of the data collection in this case be adapted to the measurement. The more indicators, the more also is the time needed to determine ACKnowlege display on the object of learners.

penilaian, pendiidikan, evaluasi

3. performance indicators formulation

indicators performance of educators by KD subjects with attention designed to the following:.
a formulation indicator uses the word operational work.
b. Each KD developed two or more indicators
c. Each indicator can be made of more than one element instrument.
d. have indicators positive aspects or related to the everyday life.

4. Preparedness Instrument

The instruments are used in the assessment include tests and nontes. Steps Preparation of the technical features and the shape of the grains instrument adapted instruments.

a The preparation of written tests

step - step .. preparing written tests are
  1. as follows notice preparation of written exams, both from the material / content / concepts, structure and language;
  2. refers to the performance indicators;
  3. to choose the form of granules by indicators such as mold filling, descriptions, multiple choice or ;.
  4. create an answer key and / or guidelines for the vote

b. creating policies Monitoring

step - step develop guidelines for the observation is as follows
  1. refers to the performance indicators ;
  2. [
  3. identified behavior or operational activities are respected;
  4. is determined using the scale model to register the evaluation scale (score) or a check (checklist);
  5. create a rubric or scoring guidelines.

c. The preparation of the interview

guidelines develop steps for the interview are as follows.
  1. Formulate the purpose of the interview
  2. manufacturing grid - .. grid and interview guidelines
  3. Prepare questions in accordance with the necessary data and forms desired pernyaan, it is necessary to note the word - the word is used as if to ask, and do not make the learners finally to be.
  4. Melakukian study for melihhat weakness -. prepared Kelemhan questions, so that it can be improved
  5. conducting interviews in situasu truth.

d The preparation of assignments (Assignment Home / Projects)

1) referred to the performance indicators.
2) refers are carried out on the type of object;
3) prepared Header / scoring guidelines.

5. evaluation tool

assessment tools that have been developed should be examined first before testing. The study instruments in the form of written, oral and the deed is done qualitatively and quantitatively.

a. Overall Qualitative instruments

Analysis Instruments is qualitative by the examination or verification of instruments assessment that has been made. At this time, the instrument through content validity by experts judment performed. Qualitative study covers the essential aspects, aspects of construction and aspects of the language. Mardapi (07: 137) states that the substantive aspects contained in the substance of knowledge and level of thinking in the device used. Aspects related to the construction technique of writing instruments in the form of objective and non-objective. Aspects related to the level of communicative language or the clarity of the instrument in question.

Reviewer these aspects are experts who have knowledge about the production of a good instrument. In addition, based on the review of the review of unfavorable grain instrument. The revised every grain instruments will be used for testing.

b. Quantitative evaluation tool

quantitative analysis instrument determines proof of the validity and reliability of the instrument to search. In this analysis, the difficulty level and different performance elements calculated. In the context of a reference evaluation criteria, analysis targets are based on the analysis of the absorption of learners and sensitivity of cereals preferably for the learning process. Checkpoints, which are classified as criteria beracuan specimens elements that may occur prior to the learning process, but worked successfully learners after the learning process. Sensitivity Index can be calculated by finding the difference between the number of students who correctly answered the last test (after the learning process) and the number of students who answered correctly in the first test and then divided by the total number of test takers.

6. review

Reviews for IPA theme is carried out through daily tests, midterm replay, repeat the end of the semester, assignment and observations through appropriate instruments to KI and KD. Reviews by repetition can be performed in the form of a written test and / or practical tests depending on the characteristics of the subjects. The review should be carried out under certain circumstances, limiting the ability to demonstrate the learner optimal. To this end, the review of the principles of assessment must be carried out by. The teachers are to be able to judge responsible group of subjects, the affective aspects of learners, both relate to the character and personality. The results of an assessment of the moral learners are taken into account when the subject teacher of religious education students moral values ​​define announce book study report or report card. be considered in a similar manner during the civic education subject teachers, the value of the personality of learners to education in a book report or report card reports to determine the results of an assessment of the personality of the learner also. In order to assess the character of the students, teachers of subjects observed behavior of learners, both within and outside the classroom, which refer, inter alia, discipline, honesty, responsibility, manners and social relations. To assess the personality of the learner, teacher observations of the behavior of learners, both within and outside the classroom. This observation is to assess the behavior of the learners that reflect the personality as self-confidence, self-esteem, self-motivation, competition, mutual respect and cooperation.

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