Components Syllabus
Eureka Education . Relations with the curriculum in the form of another curriculum document is usually called a curriculum that is less than the curriculum guide. As stated by Mulyani Sumantri (1988: 97) that the curriculum only study areas or subjects covered, which must be informed in the course of a year or a semester. Usually at least Sautu curriculum following elements should include:
- The purpose of the topics that will be taught
- Sasaran - target persons
- skills needed to mengausai these issues either
- taught the order of topics
- activity and learning resources to support the success of teaching
- Various were used evaluation techniques
regarding detailed in the curriculum components proposal Nurhadi (04: 142) that the curriculum includes a description of the program: 1) taught subjects; 2) the level of school / madrasah, semester; 3) the classification of the basic competencies; 4) the subject; 5) indicators; 6) learning strategies 7) allocation of time; and 8) the material /alat/media.
The curriculum in 2013 corresponding Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 59 of 2014 on the curriculum 2013 high School / Madrasah Aliyah Article 8 "syllabus Article 1 (2) mentioned c is a lesson plan on a topic that covers the core competencies, basic skills, learning materials, learning activities, evaluation, allocation of time and resources Learn "
on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 59 of 2014 in relation to curriculum 2013 high School / Madrasah Aliyah Article 9 .:
(1) curriculum curriculum 2013 school Aliyah / Madrasah Aliyah classified on:
- curriculum common themes group A;
- curriculum of the general subjects Group B; and
- curriculum subjects specialization in the group C
(2) Syllabus General Subjects in group A referred to in paragraph (1) letter a developed by the government.
(3) Syllabus general topics of group B referred to in paragraph (1) letter b developed by the government and can be enriched with local content by local governments.
(4) Syllabus topics developed specialization in the group C, as described in paragraph (1) letter c referred by the government.
(5) Syllabus is used pursuant to paragraph (1) of educators as a reference in the creation of lesson plan.
(6) Syllabus High School / Madrasah Aliyah in accordance with paragraph (1) is contained in Annex II, which is an integral part of this Regulation.
Component Component curriculum Curriculum 2103 .:
a identity
written in any part of the identity of the subjects clearly the name of the subjects are, grades / madrasah, class and semester. With this information, the teacher will get clarity on the amount of penegtahuan prerequisite knowledge and karektersistik learners who are taught a lesson.
b. core competency
core competency is a translation or SKL operationalization in terms of quality education in the forming unit-specific or level of education, an overview of the most important skills that groups are for those who have completed (must have affective, cognitive and psychomotor) in aspects of the attitudes, knowledge and skills that students need to be learned in a school level, classes and subjects. Core competencies should describe the quality of the balance between the achievement of hard and soft skills.
core competencies to function as a member of the organization (organizational element) basic competence. As an organizer elements, core competence is a binder for the organization of vertical and horizontal organization of basic competence. Vertical organization is a link between the basic Competency Basic Competency contents of class or level of education degree / level, so that it complies with the principle of learning that there is a continuous accumulation of content is taught learners. horizontal organizations are the connections between the content-based competence of the themes with the content basic skills in various subjects of mutually reinforcing in the weekly meetings and the same class, such that a process.
competence of the core into four groups of related, ie in terms of religious attitudes (core competency 1), social attitudes (competency 2), knowledge (core competence 3) and application of knowledge (competency 4) designed. The fourth group was the reference of basic skills and should be developed in each case integrative learning. Competence to religious attitudes and social development related (indirect teaching) is indirect when the students have the knowledge (Competence Group 3) and the application of knowledge (skills Core Group 4) learn.
is the core competence not be taught, not stored, but are formed by a multi-stage learning process on a relevant topic, and as a guide for educators that these issues in the teaching there News of social and spiritual in the material. Each patient should be based on the realization and implementation of the core competencies that have been formulated.
c. competence standards
competence standards topics can be defined as "a statement of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that need to be addressed as well as the expected level of mastery in the work reaches a subject" (center for Civic Education, 1997). Competence standards is a framework that describes the basis for the development of a structured learning program. Competence standards issues as the ability of learners defined in:
1) do a task or a job in relation to specific issues
2) Organize measures to be able to work in certain subjects in the event of deviation from design all
4) Run might tasks
3) This the correct response to be implemented and related jobs situations on the subject in and under different conditions. set competence standards carefully and cautiously
should be done, because if each school / madrasah or group of schools / madrasah its own competence standards, irrespective of national standards to develop , the central government are the system lose the quality of school / madrasah to control. As a result, the quality of schools / madrasah will vary and are not comparable between the quality of schools / madrasah that the quality of school / madrasah other. Developers are translated from the basic skills competency standards. Developers curriculum it can take from content standards were from the central government (MONE)
d Competency
basic skills developed (Chamsiatin.: 08) is a must-have capability participant students in certain subjects. Competence dsar translated competence standards. Developers curriculum, each of the content standards retrieve bagitu created by the central government (kemediknas).
In Curriculum 2013 basic competence competence of each subject for each class of core competence. Basic competence is content and competence consists of attitudes, knowledge and skills are rooted in the core competencies that learners need to be mastered. develops competencies taking into account the characteristics of the learners, early ability as well as the characteristics of a subject. Topics as a source of content for the master competencies is open and not always organized discipline to highly oriented only on the philosophy of essentialism and perenialisme. Themes can be used as content organization that develops from different disciplines or disciplines that are progressive or humanism allowed by the philosophy of social reconstruction. As adopted in the curriculum philosophy is stated versatile as the basis of the philosophy of the names of topics and subject matter content of the curriculum that will be developed, but is not bound philosophy of essentialism and perenialisme to kaedah.
basic competence is formulated by the words of the operational work with, which is a verb, which is observed and measured, for example, compare to calculate, organize, , to produce.
e. Learning materials
Material Main are the subjects of learning materials to learn learners as a means to achieve kompeetnsi and Penialain compiled based the performance indicators of learning are measured with an instrument.
Identify appropriate learning materials to support the performance of KD. Identifying learning materials for learners should do some things to consider: (a) the potential of learners; (B) if there is any relevance to regional conditions; (C) the level of development of the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual at that time owned by learners; (D) the benefits for learners; (E) the structure of Science; (F) timeliness, depth and breadth of learning materials; (G) if there is any relevance to the needs of learners and the requirements of the environment; and (h) the distribution of the time provided / available available.
perform for an analysis of learning materials needed informsi correct and detailed information on all aspects. The order of presentation of learning materials in learning or teaching for determining the order. If some learning materials have a relationship to be a requirement is difficult to learn for learners
After Reigeluth (1987: 98). Promotes learning materials, there are four types, namely:
- Facts - the association between objects, events or symbols that exist or exist in the real environment or imagination can. Matrei Art fact is material in the form of place names, personal names, symbols, historical events, the names of the parts or components of an object, and so on
- Concept - A group of objects or events or symbols that have the same general have properties and identified with the same name as the concept of man days late, heaven and hell. To understand the material in the form of concepts, definitions, content type init
- principle -. The causal relationship between the terms. This type of material in the form of formulas, paradigms
- method -. A sequence of steps to reach a goal, memcahkan particular problems or to create something. Content types, such methods do sesutau steps in the order in which to call steps.
- The material to be identified, whether diararkan including facts, concepts, principles, methods, or a combination of more than one kind of material. By identifying the species studied Herus learners the teacher the facility have to do it. This is because, pembelajarn any type of material require strategies or methods to study media and evaluation system.
f. teaching and learning
Substance KBM Real is a learning experience of students. The learning experience (Chamistiatin: 08) has been developed to engage the process of mental and physical learners with colleagues, teachers and media sources and other learning environment for achieving the competency. to determine Utilization stratregi, approaches, models, methods, techniques and tactics very educational experience of learners. The things that need to be considered in the lecture can be reached rangakian learning activities sequentially basic competence to be hierarchical in the presentation of the theme, reflected in the activities of the learners.
Experience acquired learning performed by the holding intraksi between learners with learning resources both in the classroom and outside the classroom experiences in the classroom studying abroad. Forms of learning experiences in keals can be a study book, the results of the study, experiments in laboratory conducts, measuring the height of the objects using a kilometer practical work in the studio and so on.
The learning experience outside the classroom is done by visiting the object of study, which is outside of class. For example, carry out a wide observation of coastal plants compared with a variety of plants in the mountains for students who want to learn about the diversity of living things on the characteristics of habitats.
learning experiences, which must be written in the curriculum is an alternative activity or learning experience specifically to assist in the formulation of the description of the material, the learning, the mastery of basic skills was noted, is expected.
g review
reviews (Chansiatin: 08). If a range of activities for learners to acquire, analyze and interpret data, systematically and continuously, so that it is meaningful information in decision making. Types of bills can be used as follows:
1) Quiz
requests The shape of the filling short and the things that matter that principle. Usually this happens before the class starts, about 5-10 minutes. Quiz conducted Championship to determine learning on the learner. The level of thinking involved is the knowledge and understanding.
2) Questions Oral
The material in question is an understanding of the concepts, principles, or sentences. The level of thinking involved is the knowledge and understanding.
3) Deuteronomy Daily
Deuteronomy daily at regular intervals at the end performed a learning or two basic levels of competence involved thinking should understanding, application and analysis.
4) Deuteronomy block
Deuteronomy redundancy check is done by combining some basic skills at a time. The amount of the involved stopped from understanding to evaluation to think.
5) task individuals
task individuals may be added to the times, in particular in the form of creating excerpts, papers and the like. The level of thinking involved should an application analysis to synthesis and evaluation.
6) Task Group
The task of the group is used to assess the competence group work. Forms instruments used, of which a description of a free level high thinking is the application dapai evaluation.
7) The answer or Exam Practice
This form is used for items that are no events praktikumnya. Test can be carried out in response to the beginning of the training or after training. Trials conducted before practice aims willingness of learners perform laboratory practice or elsewhere to determine, during the test after training protocols to be done to improve the skills of the basic practices to determine that learners achieved.
8) Work Report Practice
is used this form for issues that are no events praktikumnya, students could be asked to observe a phenomenon and report it. Shape of the instrument can be namely and nontes categorized tests in two. Forms of test instruments include: multiple choice, objective description, description of the non-objective, short answer, matching, true-false performance (Performance) and the portfolio, while comprising shape nontes tools: interviews, inventories and observations. Teachers are expected to vary the instrument to use in order to obtain data about the performance of learners is accurate in all directions
Some devices tests that can be used, include:.
1) Multiple choice
may cover this form a lot article peskorannya goal, and can be easily corrected. The level of thinking involved, the knowledge level to the level of synthesis and analysis.
2) Description Target
Answer objective description is safe. Obejktif more appropriate description for the field of mathematics. Peskorannnya to be objective, it is necessary to scoring guidelines. The results of the assessment of a response sheet is the same, even if diperikasa by different people to be. The level of thinking, which can be up to a high degree is measured.
3) Description Nonobjektif / Description Free
Description bebeas characterized by their free answers. However, it should be clear criteria, to be made penailaiannya obektif. The level of thinking, which is measured can be high.
4) Short answer or filling brief
This form is used, the level of knowledge and understanding to determine learners. The test material could be many, but the level bepikir ceenderung measured low.
5) Matching
knowing these mold shape understanding of facts and concepts. Cover the material can be many, but the level of participating think its rather low.
6) power of
This form suitable for measuring the competence of the participants students in certain tasks, such as religious practices, the exercise or behavior in order to make others how to use the ability to phrase the image geometry.
7) Portfolio
, to determine the development of the learner performance, committed by the learners, a collection of works and evaluation of tasks. These works were selected and kemudain rated so that they can be seen the development of the ability of the learner.
h. time allocation
time here an estimate of how long the students to learn the material on the work the field or do in everyday life in the future, not the length of the learners was determined. Allocation of time must be considered in the development phase curriculum and lesson planning. it is the number of hours of face-to-value-to-face, is required.
The allocation of time on each basic competence is based on the number of weeks of the effective and time allocation of subjects per week based by the number of basic competence under consideration, width, depth, complexity and basic skill level of interest. a reference in the development of the curriculum is an annual program and the semester program.
i. Source / materials / Education
Source / materials is a reference, refernasi or literature used in the classroom. Resources learning is necessary to avoid the curriculum, kosnep to prepare error. Learning is defined as information that presented in various forms of media and stored, learners learn than can help the personification of the curriculum. Learning can reference books, object, subject, or the materials and tools for learning activities, print materials and electronics, speakers, events, environmental and other relevant.
include learning resources should be consistent with pembalajaran KD, indicators and targets.
to the source of the teaching and the choice of ingredients well, teachers must have the skills to analyze the contents of a book. These elements need to be analyzed, are two things pertma in terms of language and forms (readability, typography, display). Both convey regarding content or materials eg concept of truth, adequacy, timeliness, relevance to the competence and so on
a way to get the raw material to write namely by the to write the author's name, year of publication, book title (underlined or in italics), place of publication and the publisher's name. Material resources alphabetical order
List of source materials or libraries must be included as academic responsibility. What is written in the curriculum, is not an invention itself must be specified.
1. curriculum development approach
Chamsiatin (08) stated that, the development of the curriculum with the steps as follows done:
- pump Identification
- competence standards assessment
- assessment of competence Basic
- Identify Subject Matter
- develop a learning experience
- indicators formulating
- determining the type rating
- determining the timing
- Specifies source / material / equipment study
to formulate curriculum 2013 indicators set out in RPP (Pemabelajaran implementation plan).
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