A small path Silam Guru Indonesia

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A small path Silam Guru Indonesia

Eureka Education , Speaking of formal education, of course, is inseparable from the role of the teacher. Teachers understood as the front line in formal education. This is a consequence of the changes experienced by the community. As in the past, the people believe education to families and neighborhoods. So that education in the past seen as the legacy of values ​​that you want to preserve the values ​​accepted by the Company. It has an impact on the missing meters between the values ​​that have made the community and educational outcomes as its own.

However, in its development, there are things that can be through education in the family and society in general, as the religious teachings of certain foreign consecutive coloring makes life easier. So people began mempercayakkan education at a community leader or teacher (with a variety of names), religious education and general science teaches.

The education system in the kingdom hindu -budha, already know their teachers. During the Hindu religion, the caste system, caste Brahmins teachers recognize known as Guru. In this case, the teacher caste lower level than the king. Therefore have Begawan certain rights, and tend to be glorified by the public because it is regarded as an incarnation of the spiritual life of truth. At this time, in the knowledge of the holy book conveyor (Veda), the students live in the house Begawan and serve with dedication and commitment.

Things are not much different also occur when the Buddhist influence the archipelago. The traces of Buddhist teachings in the future, it can be seen through the days of the kingdom of Srivijaya. The main purpose of the training is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautamma based that everyone Buddhists perfect people to be educated beings Nirwana come / the sky. One of the famous teacher is Darmapala. Teaching system, the format of the school dormitory and residence of students and teachers. "Learning a new ethos to be their lives. This is proven by the shape of one of the statues at Borobudur. Dhyani to be Buddhas Dharma Chakra Mudra, both hands pointing to his chest that must learn human life (PGRI, 08: 3). "

This type of training Hindu Buddhist period, there are effects on the Islamic education system. The entry of Islam into groundwater influence societal perspective, which requires a deepening of the religious teachings of Islam. Therefore dikenalah board system. In the process of learning, schools contain shades of Hindu Buddhist teachings. entrusted pesantren education to a teacher who called the chaplain. At the beginning of the broken in broken or the courtyard of the mosque carried out learning. However, as do the number of students in private chaplain to learn more. Then be able to maximize the understanding of the teachings of the Islamic religion and then go into the hostel system. So that students or students living on the teacher side by side. It will then take effect for the development of schools, so that schools become more important.

In addition to its function as a means of learning, schools have been trusted by the public as the heritage of values ​​to complement the values ​​that are transmitted in the family. Enhancing the role of schools, eventually led to the logical consequence of the requirements of livelihood for the students and teachers who live in boarding schools. Finally, schools teach to manage nature, so that schools in meeting the needs of daily life to be to seek independent. When you view the capacity of schools in inheritance values, can not be separated from the role of leader of the pesantren kiai. Because usually, a pesantren stand for the idea of ​​a teacher of Islam, which has mempuni scientific field, so it is necessary to carry on his knowledge to the next generation.

Furthermore, in the Dutch colonial period its own color was added to the academic development of Indonesia. Dutch colonial introduce the school, which follows the development of science and technology basically. "Means school in the early cultivation in Greece, the free time. This is done by the parents working, so do not have time classes to provide their children. So that the people entrusted to children who have more knowledge in the school be considered Finally, the school places was for children to collect on a theme for science (Topatimasang, 2013: 5-6). to study related ".

The development of schools in different countries appeared, including the Netherlands, which in turn the school system is also applicable in Indonesia. However, the school system is introduced by colonialists against the people of Indonesia intended for the Netherlands itself and nobility.

The existence of schools in the colonial period and are not intended to educate the nation, as the essence of education. However, the School of the public was present to start the alignment of work and wages. "In 1617 the Dutch colonial government, the first school was in Batavia (Jakarta). This school learning phase for five years. The main objective of this school, the administration is able to generate power, the government can be used later, the administration and the Church. the teaching language is Dutch. In 1648, to make together with the start of the complexity of the mechanism for the formation of management, the first time the Dutch government a law school, which was the precursor of a school system that is known at this time. It contained, among other things:

a.Sekolah must be set up with permission from the Dutch government be
b.Jam school at 8:00 and 11:00 to 14:00 to 17:00 started
c.Pelajaran mix of boys and girls is forbidden
d.Hari holidays and school controlled by the government charges
e.Sekolah school should 2 times a year (PGRI be monitored, 08: 7) "

Meanwhile, for ordinary indigenous peoples not provided by the colonial school. So that the training of the people found in areas that are independently managed by local communities.

So to influence through the school system, which has been declared by the colonial, and teachers. Teachers initially raised arbitrarily, because qualification is only just able to read, write and count, and a teacher can teach dozens or even hundreds of students. Finally established in April 1852 in Surakarta Kweekschool, which is the school's first teacher. This being the teacher in a new profession in the community. Teachers who are committed to the teaching of certain conditions, especially school teachers must be graduates of Dutch manufactured in schools. However, the policy does not make the teacher forgot his skin because it seeks to take pencerdasan in Nation on the role of teachers.

The rise of the founded in fact Dutch school inspired some heroes of this nation establish similar schools to participate. As in other sources state that the purpose of the Netherlands has established a school in the archipelago not only to operate a profitable Dutch politics. But it is the intention to give a positive traces of the colonial system, to be able to develop their future through education. However, will always agree that human resource development through education. At the end of roll has a history of the nationalist movement in the country, a figure of the teacher recorded not only as teachers but also as a fighter at the top to establish educational institutions.

characters who develop such educational institutions, organization Budi Utomo line of Dr.Wahidin Sudiro Husodo; Muhammadiyah initiated by Ahmad Dahlan; K.H Hasyim Ashari, who founded the organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), which is to develop the culture of the nation and promote; and Ki Hajar Dewantara (Suryadi Suryaningrat) who founded Taman Siswa University with three current motto of a brother coined Kartini, Sasro Kartono who consciously to the results of his mind based pronounced that as a teacher should be in the front, in the middle and back. Many other fighters such numbers R. A Kartini, Dewi Sartika and Rohana Kudus were also established educational institutions with the specificity of each. The formation of the organization in real tersebutlah Indonesian martial.

And what about the state of the teacher at this time? Teacher at the time was already working better managed. Due to the availability of various teachers, but still in control of the colonial. So teachers are nested compartmentalized, there is a school teacher, dedicated to teach the Dutch, the school teacher training and teachers of the nobility of ordinary people. These conditions make the lack of educational equivalency. However, one interesting thing that has happened at this time, the teacher is a role model for society. Teachers have also exert ideals in his profession, namely the nation.

The position of the teacher during the liberation movement can be explored by sophomore Park, which also provides school teachers. The system of education was Indonesia because Indonesia is based on the culture and the interests of the Community. "Intellectualism should be avoided and practiced among systems that support the natural nature of children so it is not with the command force, but with the requirement that the development of life physically and mentally from nature alone (PGRI., 08: 24). "

teacher in the Park students eliminate counterweight" employer-employee ". Because teachers are not paid, but a living, earn the cost of living is calculated, depending on the needs of real life. So actually the teacher be at this time the vanguard of the nation in the fight, which was highly appreciated existence

References .:
Dhofier, Zamakhsyari. 1981 Pesantren Tradition: A Study of the role in maintaining Kiyai
and developing traditional Islamic ideology. Prism magazine, February 2, 1981
PGRI.08.Seratus year struggle Guru Indonesia. Jakarta. PGRI and the Ministry of Education
Topatimasang, Roem. 2013 school was opium. Yogyakarta: Insist Press
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