Thought Philosophy and Education John Dewey

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thought of philosophy and education John Dewey

Eureka Education . Dewey is known as a philosopher and observer of education. Dewey ideas put forward strongly influenced by his background in the United States, which is functionalist. Generally Dewey is his thoughts with a grounding experience in the development. In philosophy Dewey about the experience in the form of the theory of argues pragmatism is based on the understanding that things are right or truth that is true when it in human practical applications has life. Dewey reject that philosophy in purely metaphysical thinking terkukung need. By pragmatism insists Dewey that philosophy must be based on experience, and to investigate and critically processing experience. For Dewey, aims philosophy to improve human life and the environment. So is the task of philosophy is to provide the direction for the real actions.

develop now in education, including Dewey numbers that critical pedagogy. Similarly, the fields of philosophy, Dewey thought to education based on experience. Dewey introducing progressive education in the dynamics of creation. Progressive education comes as a form of resistance to traditional education. Education progressively developed by Dewey to rely on the experience of learning activities that should be experienced by learners. So Dewey ensure trouble that a child should learn learning activities. Non brings as in traditional training, the children in passive positions. So that children know is only based on only one source, namely teachers. Understanding has been increased, because what Dewey from watching what is learned in school is not mebekas in children. Dewey saw the gap between the children examined with the reality faced by a child. While essentially Education is not the case, binds education to the dynamics of the learner.
Some observers give Education developed an appreciation of the progressive formation of Dewey, as it is considered more humane. Students are actively involved in learning, so dikenalah understanding of learning by describing the learning activity in this progressive education. The experience developed in progressive education is the way scientists the object of research , they work to understand. At a certain age, students are introduced to find the problem, formulate the problem, proposed a hypothesis and testing. Thus, a child will learn actively in a systematic way. It is not found in traditional education, said at the time that his learning rely on the ability of the child alone to remember the course material.

After Dewey, Progressive Education berlandasakan on progressivity who think that education about the nature of people should be based as a social probably learn [1945012sein] when. under real conditions So it goes without saying that the elements which are the progressive formation makeup children centered and social centered .

children centered as an activity understood learning , which can allow learners its potential, good skills develop, attitude or personality and skills. Meanwhile Social centered , seek what is learned by the students, is inseparable from the dynamics of society. So the subjects of learning are always drives from the dynamics of society.
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