Cognitive dimensions

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Cognitive Dimensions

Eureka Education . Basically, there are two dimensions to the world of Education ie the dimension of knowledge and cognitive processes. According to Anderson & Krathwohl (Suwarto 2010), dimensions of knowledge consists of; (1) the factual knowledge, (2) conceptual knowledge, (3) procedural knowledge, (4) knowledge of metacognitive .. factual knowledge are the basic elements that use experts provide, understand and manage their scientific disciplines. Conceptual knowledge consists of systems, models and theories that show the explicit and implicit knowledge of a person, one can say that used the knowledge to solve the problem. Procedural knowledge about the skills, algorithms, techniques and methods that are specific topic or specific disciplines. Knowledge is metacognitive awareness of the personal, laid focusing on students, more aware and responsible for their own thinking.

interest Education is to develop storage and transmission process of science, because the transfer process is an indicator of the success of a learning process. The ability for a student transfer point is the ability to use what he has gained in the classroom to answer the questions that the students encounter in everyday life. According to Anderson & Krathwohl (Suwarto, 2010), described educational goals in six categories of processes, namely: recall (memory); understanding (comprehension), implementation (fee), analysis (analysis), evaluated (evaluate), create (create).

1. Given (Reminder)
To the develop memory of the studied in the same molding material when the material is taught, then the cognitive processes relevant category is given (we must remember). Cognitive processes with the category given linked realized (recoqnizing) and recall (recalls).

a.Menyadari (recoqnizing) is an interesting activity back relevant information from long-term memory of students and this information compare with other information that is presented.

b. Note (recalling) is an interesting activity back related information from students on the long-term memory when pressed. bring In this process, students find information in memory long term and to do this information into the memory of the students for the processing of professional experience.

2. Understand (understand)
A student is said to understand if the student can not take the meaning of the message they faced while learning. Students can understand one thing when they join the new knowledge with prior knowledge they learn already have .. Cognitive processes are included in the area of ​​understanding, completes the process (interpretation) to interpret, an example (example), classifying is (classification ), summarizes (collectively), suspicious (infer) compares (comparison), explain (explain).

  • Mengiterpretasikan (interpretation), which means students will be able to modify the presentation of information from one form to another presentation ,
  • As an example of (example), which means to give students concrete examples of the materials, the basic principles, or the general concept.
  • classification (classifying), a student recognizes sense that something (can be a state, or an example) included in a category of concept or principle.
  • summarized (collectively), which means students handed a statement that represents the information that was previously presented, or a student summarizes a common theme of a study on. can
  • suspects (infer) students means a concept or a general principle based on expected his assigned cases. can recognize
  • comparison (comparison), students means the similarities and differences between two or more objects, events problems, situations and other.
  • can
  • be Explained (Declaration), which means that students are able to construct a causal modeling of a system and the modeling using .. modeling a general theory (as often happens on the field Science nature) or based on the results of a study or experience.

3. applying (Apply)
Category cognitive processes include the use of certain procedures or, to solve such a problem. Students know procedures or practices that should be used. Thus, students will develop an approach that in the given task routine. This category consists of two cognitive processes, namely: (1). Process of implementation (execution) and (2) the process of implementation, that is, when a specific task in the form of a problem

a. Implementation (Executing)
If the task given in the form of exercise. In the process of implementation, lead a student routinely a method at the time they faced a task that was familiar to the students. The process of implementing more is often used in conjunction with the use of certain skills or the use of a particular algorithm and instead use the method a tau specific techniques.

b.Mengimplementasikan (Implementation)
implemented process occurs when a student selects and uses a special process to fulfill a task that at the student is not so familiar. Therefore, the process, create this record of compliance with the other categories of cognitive processes, such as groups of understanding and. Since students are facing problems, the billions for them not fa, they can not directly determine which method the selection procedures to be used.

4. Analyze (Analyze)
is an attempt to parse a matter into its component parts and analyze the relationship between sections and the relationship with the material to determine part as a whole between the part. Category cognitive processes are processes -the process (differentiation) to the process of organizing (organization), and the process of linking (attribute).

a distinction. Differentiation (differentiation)
distinguishes this method the process of distinguishing components of a whole thing. This distinction is based on the level of relevance and the degree of importance of these parts. This distinguishes the process occurs when a student is able to separate relevant from irrelevant information, or have to pay important from the unimportant and the attention in a position or focus on information that is relevant or important.

b. The organization (Organizingi)
What is meant by the process of organization, should the elements of a form of communication or the situation and to see how terseebut the relationship between the elements so that these elements only in an coherent structure can be assembled to identify. In this process, a student build a systematic and coherent relationship of pieces -potongan Yag provided information. The assembly process is generally carried out simultaneously with the process of differentiation (differentiation).

c. The link (attributes)
in the process occurs when a student is able, position deviations to assert values ​​or purpose of a form of communication. What involved in this process, the process is unraveling and deconstruction. students the author's intention diberikankan material Darin determine the students.

5. Evaluation (Evaluate)
Category Rating is based defines untum judgments according to specific criteria and standards. The criterion most frequently used in the review is the quality, efficiency and consistency, where this category may be determined by the students or teachers. Evaluate the category includes a series of processes cognitive , namely the inspection (inspection) and criticize (critiquing).

a. Inspection (inspection)
The review process is to test the process, an internal consistency or internal errors that occur in an operation or produksi check .Proses occurs when the student verifying whether the data support the hypothesis. Besides, it also tests whether the material presented containing parts are interrelated or contradict each other. This review process is also the process -the process that determine the success of the work plan.

b. Criticize (critiquing)
criticized the method of the process is an operation or a product of assessment based on external criteria and standards. In this method, a student must acquire the properties of the positive and negative of a product and an opinion on the nature of the process is based criticize make contains criticize activities and provide solutions.

6.Menciptakan (Create)
Creating collected a number of specific elements into a coherent and functional kestuan a process. This process mempu students mengajarakan a new product to provide a way that is based on a structure to organize a series of elements that never existed or has predicted. These cognitive processes are tuned usually with a learning experience that was students owned. Although this creates a category requires creative thinking of students, the mentality creat if it is specified by the requirements of -tuntutan or restrictions in a statement not entirely free.

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