Even scientific approach or approaches Saintifics

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kind of scientific approach or approaches Saintifics

Eureka Education . Scientific approach is an approach used in the learning process. This approach was developed by scientific method ( scientific method ), which was originally used in the learning of science or the science of nature. At present, the scientific approach is developed in almost all subjects for use, in particular the 2013 curriculum first applied scientific approach to the issues
in science subjects, but is now grown in other subjects, also with thematic integrative learning. Bernard in Keyes (2010: 21) states that
"A scientific method is based on three assumptions: (a) that the reality" out there to be discovered "; (B) that direct observation is the way to discover it; and (c) that the substantive explanations for observable phenomena are always sufficient, and that the metaphysical explanations are never used "
that is, [ scientific method based on 3 assumption (a) reality "out there" to be known, (b) the direct observation is a way to know, (c) a statement the things on observable events are always insufficient and metaphysical explanations were never needed. So basically scientific method exposes students a variety of learning experiences carried out by observation and to explain their observations.

The scientific method has "to do science," the characteristics of. method In this way, teachers or curriculum developers to improve the learning process, by the process in steps or stages to break in detail, the instructions for the students includes conduct learning activities (Varela & Ford, 08: 31) ,

use in curriculum scientific approach in 2013

in standard operation of the learning process, as specified in the curriculum a scientific approach, 2013. The scientific method in the discussion on the basis of curriculum development in 2013 in Indonesia (Atsnan & Gazali, 2013: 54). Scientific approach or a more general, said the scientific approach is an approach in the curriculum of 2013, in practice there is a scientific approach, or method. However, the characteristics of the scientific approach is no different from the scientific (scientific method). In accordance with the standard of competence, learning objectives are the development of the range of attitudes, knowledge and skills that will be developed for each training unit. observe scientific approach to learning said cover, to question, to reason, to try to form a network for all subjects.

Jurnal Pendidikan Mengenai Pendidikan Karakter

training on curriculum implementation in 2013 is expected to be directed so that students in are able to formulate a problem (with many questions), not only to solve the problem just by answering. The learning process is expected (learn learners as they make decisions) to practice to be directed analytical thinking think not mechanistically (routine by simply listening and memorization alone). Scientific approach (scientific approach) in learning has, inter alia, steps include the examination, ask, try, processing, presentation finished, and create. Abdul Majid (2014: 211).
After Sudarman (Creative Curriculum Implementation Teacher Training 2013: 205) shows that in reach by the projection on the dimension of observation, thinking, discovery, validation, and a statement of a truth scientific approach. Thus, the learning process with out the values, principles should be carried out, or scientific criteria. The scientific criteria as follows
  1. learning materials based on facts or phenomena that can be explained by the specific logic or reasoning. on, about, imagination, legends or tales limited.
  2. Declaration of teachers, the reaction of learners and educational interaction devoid of reasoning, which deviate from the flow of logical thinking. encourage
  3. participants and inspire students critically, to analyze and identify exactly understand, solve problems and apply the object.
  4. to encourage and inspire learners to understand, implement, and develop a way of thinking that is rational and objective response to the material learning.
  5. Based on the concept, theory and empirical facts that can be justified.

Curriculum 2013 mandates the nature of a scientific approach to learning. The scientific approach is believed that the golden point and the development of attitudes, skills and knowledge of learners to be. In a scientific approach stresses inductive rather than deductive. Inductive reasoning phenomena or the specific situation and then draw conclusions as a whole.

lesson with scientific approach

The process of implementation in 2013 to the curriculum learning for all levels with a scientific approach (scientific approach). The learning process must touch three domains, namely the attitude, knowledge and skills. Curriculum 2013 emphasizes on modern educational dimension of learning, a scientific approach. The scientific approach (scientific approach) in the learning of all issues shall be observed, to question, to reason, to try and communicate among other trench.

1. Display
method observe meaningfulness of the learning process priority (meaningfull learning). Display is the meaning of the students had to see with an object. A method of observing very useful for fulfilling the curiosity of learners. So that the learning process is of great importance. During the learning process, students can make observations with two-way engagement itself, namely:
  1. Observation / structured observations. In structured observation to prosespembelajaran, the phenomenon of the subject, object, situation, what they want to be observed by the students was systematically planned under the guidance of teachers.
  2. observations unstructured. In unstructured observation in the learning process, specified by default or rijid about what learners diobservasioleh. In this context, students make summaries, notes, records, or remember things that have been observed

Based Training Material Master Implementation Curriculum (2013: 215). Does it mean that the activity in the observed learning is calculated by carrying out the following steps: ..
  1. Determine which objects are to be observed
  2. Creating policies for monitoring in accordance with the scope of the object to be observed
  3. clearly Specifies the data, which must be respected, either primary or secondary.
  4. Specifies where the location of the object observed. the data will be carried out to collect
  5. precisely determine how observation run easily and smoothly.
  6. Specifies using the way and records of the results of observations, such as a notebook, tape recorder, camera and tools tulislainnya.

[19450112] ask
effective teachers can inspire students to improve and develop the range of attitudes, skills and knowledge. At the time, the teacher asked, at the same time a guiding teacher or guide learners. ask with activities, it is expected that the students:
  1. arouse curiosity, interest and attention of the learners on a subject / learning materials
  2. encourage participants and to inspire , Students actively learn and develop and questions for themselves.
  3. generate skills of learners in a presentation, ask questions and give answers logically, systematically, using language that is good and true.
  4. to the participation of learners promote discussion to develop the argument, thinking skills and draw conclusions.
  5. to give an attitude of openness in building opinions or ideas and receive to enrich vocabulary, and to develop social tolerance in friendly company.

3. argument
The term argument in the curriculum of 2013 is the logical and systematic thinking on empirical facts that in the final form can be observed from knowledge. Pressure point in the activities of this argument is to be active learners rather than teachers.
to make the course meaning the students: ..
  1. Doing the analysis, comparison and data relationships define
  2. to reproach
  3. , the results of the analysis

4. tried
[1945011toobtain] In summary, a genuine and authentic learning, must learners or experiment to try, especially for material or substance accordingly. In the natural sciences, for example, learners need to understand the concepts of science and its relationship to daily life. Learners must process skills have to develop knowledge of the environment, as well as be able to use scientific methods and scientific attitude to problems in daily life.
Based Training Material Master Implementation Curriculum (2013 encountered to solve: 215), that the implementation of the activities of the "attempt", among other things should also be done to run, .:
  1. teachers should the purpose of the experiment formulate students performed [1945025OrtundZeit] [1945024used] teachers and students preparing equipment.
  2. Considering.
  3. Master steps as a guide sees in the implementation.
  4. teachers discuss the problems is to be used as an experiment.
  5. tells the teacher, the working paper to the students.
  6. perform students with the guidance of a teacher experiments or tests.
  7. the teacher collects the work of students and evaluate, and discussed in the classic performed by three steps, namely the learning activities will "try" with experimental approach or

: ..
a production
  1. Specifies experimental purposes.
  2. Prepare tools and materials.
  3. is adjusted
  4. Preparation of the test area on the number of learners and the available tools or materials. Here teachers must learners menimbangapakah the experiment will conduct or attempt simultaneously or divided into several groups in parallel or sequence.
  5. Taking into account the issues of safety and health, to reduce or arise to reduce the risk.
  6. provide an explanation of what is aware of the steps that must be carried out by the learners, including things that are forbidden or dangerous.
b. implementation
  1. During the experiment or attempt teachers participated guide and monitor the testing process. Here the teacher must encourage and support the difficulties that have successfully faced these activities learners.
  2. During the experiment, or try, teachers should pay attention to the overall situation, tackle termasukmembantu and solve problems that would interfere with the learning activities.
c. Follow-Up
  1. learners collect reports experimental results to the teacher. Check
  2. teacher the results ekesperimen learners.
  3. Teacher feedback to learners on the experimental results.
  4. teachers and students to discuss issues or new things are discovered during the experiments at the end of the activities.
  5. investigate teachers and students and all things material and tools to restore.
5. communicate communication
ie, learners are expected that the results of the work to communicate, which has been prepared in good groups together or separately of the conclusions that have been made jointly. In this activity, the teacher communicates provide clarification so that the students really know if the answer is correct or have not repaired to be done. Communicate the activities can be aligned to confirm activity. Moreover, there is at this stage are also close and current activities, the conclusion to make together in a single group, or it could also only be carried out after the results of the process to hear, while information can present are presented in a written report. Written reports can be used as an ingredient for the portfolio groups and or individuals, and although the task is carried out in groups, the result of recording by each individual, in order to file Portfolio learners are input are performed.

Based on the above discussion that the scientific approach of observation, there is usually reason to question, to try and communicate. These measures are the main scenario in the learning process of the curriculum in 2013, this approach makes the students directly to the material interact, they learn.
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