Definition and aspects of the science process skills on learning SCIENCE
Eureka Education . A science learning has developed a system information on the phenomena that occur in nature. The easiest way to study nature by modeling events that bring to observe a natural event in a laboratory. The process process requires more skill science process that can be drawn about the phenomenon the right conclusions, investigated.
Some experts expressed understanding of the process of education and science process skills. Robin Millar (1989) states that the term process of science (Science) processes are very widespread in the UK is used this term to the process approach relates (process approach) by the teacher, the of the discussion matter (content), which refers to the process. Func, James. H. (1979) proposed limitations to process skills (Science processes skill) of the researchers in their study and examination (examination) are performed as things. Semiawan After et al (Nasution, 07) found that the ability of the process to be connected to physical and mental abilities with basic skills that are owned, controlled, and in a scientific activity, so scientists managed to find something new. American Association for the Advancement of Science (1970) basic processes and capabilities integrated process skills classified.
As we all know that science is not just the collection of knowledge or a large number of facts to be memorized, it is also the science of activity or process in the study of natural phenomena, the mind actively uses that have not disclosed. Scientific education experts argued that science was seen as a process and product. But the fact the field, only give the concept just learning the learner science or materials, do not pay attention to the development process in self-learners. If only to convey only one concept, then not will be a product of science learning of the birth, which has an attitude like the scientists. For self-learners in your personal life and society
could be useful on the basis of the description of these two dimensions should saisn on learning to develop that science as a process covering skills and attitudes possessed by scientists the to achieve product of science. In other words, the process of skill development can such attitudes of scientists (scientific attitude) held promote to achieve the product of science. If science-based products and processes, the students in the teaching not only products of science provide alone, but teachers should students about the scientific activities train, containing a variety of basic skills in aspects of science include process skills.
developed through such acquisition of skills obtained from a process will be learners able to discover their own facts and concepts and to develop and grow and develop settings and values required. Thus, the skills with wheels are to be provided the prime mover and also a good base in a process of discovery and development of attitudes carried out by the learners, as the scientists do.
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comprehension skills process Integrated science
skills Science process is an approach that is based on the assumption that science was formed and evolve through a scientific process. When learning science scientific process should be developed on the learner as a meaningful experience. However, understanding of science concepts not only prioritizes the results (product), but the process to get the concept, is also very important to establish in the knowledge of the learner. Scientific knowledge and attitude plays an important role in concepts of science to find. Learners can build new ideas, when they interact with a symptom. The formation of ideas and knowledge, students are not only dependent on the properties of the object, but also how students understand the object or process the information so acquired and built a new idea.
Three very important scientific dimension into the teaching of science. The first is the content of the basic concept of science and scientific knowledge. The first scientific dimension of this is that most people think. Two other important scientific dimensions in addition to the scientific knowledge is a scientific process and scientific attitude. Scientific process is how the scientists in the process always conduct the science, while the scientific attitude is how scientists behave when in science always carrying out the process. Science is learning bother formulate problems and answers to questions can be natural phenomena. Therefore, the same roses are skills such as scientists, we must have in solving various problems of everyday life. If the teaching process to give benefit to the learners in the process skills to understand the science, they teach us. Also the skills that they use in the future in all areas of their lives
skills classified scientific process in the process skills and capabilities integrated process, the American Society for the Advancement of Science (1970), classified process competence in skills basic processes and
capabilities integrated process. Process Competence basic pay, observation (observation) clasifying (classify) communication (Communication) Fairs (measurement) conclusion (completed) forecast (predicted). While the capabilities of the integrated process includes variables, data interpretation, to control the formulation of hypotheses, variables define operationally design experiments.
components of skills process Integrated Science
capabilities integrated process controlling contains variables, data interpretation, the wording of hypotheses, variables operationally defining, designing experiments.
. 1 Identifying variables
variable is a qualitative or quantitative scale unit which varies or may be modified in certain situations. Position a variable in the study of the results of a study, is very influential. Qualitative magnitude is an amount which is not expressed in a particular fixed measurement. Magnitude kuantiatif is an amount which is expressed in a standard measurement tertentu.D kind of an experiment, there are three types of variables, namely: variable manipulation, variable response and control variables. But for the amount of primary school these skills have not been introduced.
2. Data Interpretation
data interpretation skills usually starts with data collection, data analysis and descriptive data. The method of representing data to describe data in a form that is easily dSainshami. For example, in the form of tables, graphs of numbers that were determined by the average value. Data that was analyzed, then diimpretasikan a conclusion in the form of a declaration to be. The data should that form patterns or trends are interpreted.
3. hypothesis
hypothesis is usually made on a planning study, a paper on the effect of which are of variable manipulation variable reaction occur. After (Only, 1996) hypothesis in the form of a declaration does not formulate a question, the question is usually used in merusumkan problems to be studied. The hypothesis formulated inductively and deductively. The formulation is based on the observation data while inductive deductive formulation by
4. Variable Definition In Operations
define operationally significant variable indicates as a variable is measured. Devinisi operations of a variable is the definition that describes how to measure a variable. This definition should specify, be carried out on the action and what is recorded observing an experiment. This ability is a skill that most difficult process to be formed, because it must be repeated. Example:. Students to experiment the effect of temperature on the solubility of sugar
5. Experiments
experiments have the detailed activities are defined to generate map data to answer a question or test a hypothesis. An experiment will be successful, if the manipulated variable and the type of reaction is clearly identified in a hypothesis, the determination of the conditions are controlled sudat right. For the success of this experiment, any attempt and then tested to be interpreted. Melatihkan the experiment no intention should be in the form of elaborate research, but the concepts in the curriculum related to test hypotheses adequately trained.
process approach skills in science learning
learning biology can be performed through various approaches, including approaches investigation, process skills, constructivist and science community technology. All of these approaches aims the ability to think, work and communicate scientific attitude and one of the most important aspects of life to promote skills. Therefore, the provision of learning experiences, to emphasize the use and development of process skills and scientific attitude. The development of skills of the learners can be trained by a learning activity that uses process skills approach. Process Competence approach is a learning process, which is designed so that students can find facts, build concepts and theories to the intellectual capacity and scientific attitude of learners. Learners have the opportunity to directly in the scientific activities, as defined by the scientists, but the approach process capabilities not intend to be every student to be involved done to make a scientist.
skills means the ability to apply spirit, reason and act efficiently and effectively a particular outcome, including the creativity to achieve. Thus, the process is skills approach the treatment in the formation of learning used that emphasizes the skills to acquire knowledge and then communicate the acquisition. Skills gained knowledge can use the ability, if thought (mental) or the ability if the act (physical).
American Association for the Advancement of Science (1970), classified process competence in basic process skills and integrated process skills.
process competence basic pay, observation (observation), classification (classify), communication (communication), measurement (measurement), inference (conclusion), prediction (predicted). While the capabilities of the integrated process includes variables, data interpretation, hypothesis formulation, operationally define variables, the design to control experiments. Assessment skills is carried out in the process during the learning process (review process) of indicators and word operations:
- visit: see, hear, feel, fingering, mambaur, taste, taste, hear, fairs, reading
- characterize (classified): Search .. equality, balance, distinguish, compare, contrast, look for the basic classification
- Interpretation (Interpretation): interpreting estimate, to give a sense, positioning, looking for relationships, space-time to determine the pattern to draw conclusions, generalizing
- predicting the (expected): .. mengantisSainssi based on the trends, patterns or relationships among data or information
- application / use (information, conclusions, concepts, laws, theories, attitudes, values and skills in situation): compute, determine which variables , control variables, link concepts, formulate concepts, questions, hypotheses, so that module.
- to the research planning. to determine the problem / object determining research objectives are examined, the scope of the study, to determine the origin of the data, determine the tools, materials and literature sources to determine how the research
- determine communication: discussions, reciting, staging, ponder, meragakan, mengugkapkan, report (orally, in writing, movement or appearance)
review in the process of doing it, to use the skills learning tests and nontes . Assessment tests can be carried out by a written examination and worksheets. During tests actions can be done through observation and tests deeds. However, the specific evaluation is determined by the learning objectives as well as the creativity and ability of teachers.
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