Euraka Education . study is a process. As process needs to be processed (input or input), and it is also a result of such processing (output or output). Each output or output condition of learning outcomes of each student is a matter of assessment for teachers and students acquired as a measure of student's abilities and commonly referred to as the learning performance known. After the great dictionary Indonesian (07: 895): "Success is the results that have been achieved (is done it is done, and so on)"
Poerwanto in Ghullam (2011: 83) rapot gives the feeling that "power to learn the results of a person reaches in an attempt, as expressed in to learn". The statement of angle in Ghullam (2011: 83) has been strengthened, says that "student achievement, a testament to the success of learning or ability of students in learning activities in accordance with the weight that he reached". The learning achieving this goal is the level of success of the students after participating in the learning process achieved to determine. Big Indonesian Dictionary (07: 895) describes "performance learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills developed through subjects, usually by the teacher" assigned specified
by the value of letters or numbers
generally student performance can be seen in the form of numbers and by the teachers as a material evaluation success of the students in the learning process. After Muhibbinsyah (2010: 139) "the evaluation is to assess the success rate of students to achieve the objectives in a program". The above evaluation of the assessment of Tardif in Muhibbinsyah's (2010: 139). This means
academic performance "of the evaluation process to describe the performance of students in accordance with the established criteria" can be achieved by students after the holding of the learning process, then the student can master the skills learned knowledge. The interpretation of student learning will be seen from the attitude and motor skills.
After Djamarah in Annur (2011: 12), "learning performance, the result in the form of impressions is obtained, which resulted in a change of behavior in humans as a result of learning activities ". The learning performance can be obtained by conducting learning activities of students, learning performance in the form of quantitative or numbers usually expressed, are preparing for the evaluation of the evidence.
on the description of the opinion, based in above, it can be concluded that the benefits of learn is a result of learning activities in the form of values in numeric form. The achievement is an important component in the process of learning because. As a measure of the ability of students to the execution of learning [1945008verwendetwird]
Source: Thesis Yunita Wulansari (. Biology Univ Indraprastha PGRI Jakarta)
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